To Rebuild America After The Cleansing


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By Skousen


There will be a gigantic task to perform after America has been cleansed of her wickedness but the wreckage and ruin of a whole civilization has been left behind.


The first group will be the righteous saints whom the Lord has preserved. All these will have been disciplined in Priesthood principles and will have studied God’s law so they will know’ what to do. In very short order, the other groups will lean upon this first group for guidance.


The second group will be made up of the members of God’s kingdom from all over the world . After America is cleansed and the clouds of the second dictatorship are beginning to replace the first dictatorship the Saints will be anxious to rally when the Priesthood leaders sound the trumpet and call them to gather to America. The Lord says:

"Yea, the work shall commence among all the dispersed of my people, with the Father, to prepare the way whereby they may come unto me, that they may call on the Father in my name. Yea, and. then shall the work commence, with the Father, among all nations, in preparing the way whereby his people may be gathered home to the land of their inheritance."

And of course for the members of The Church, that’s America! The Lord speaks of these gathering Saints from all over the world in a modern revelation:

"And it shall come to pass that the righteous shall be gathered out from among ALL NATIONS, and shall come to Zion, singing with songs of everlasting joy." 53


The third group to help reconstruct the western hemisphere will be the righteous gentiles who survive the cleansing. This is an interesting group of people. They are of many faiths. They love the Lord, they bow the knee in contemplation of his coming. They admire his Church and love the Saints. But they don’t join the Church. Nevertheless, they want to live under God’s Law and be part of God’s kingdom. The amazing part is that God extends an invitation to the righteous gentiles to be part of the political kingdom of God.

Brigham Young knew that a lot of the Saints would expect the kingdom of God to be only members of the church, but President Young said that is not the way the Lord planned it. Here are his words:

"The Kingdom of God [Those living under God’s Law] consists in correct principles; and it mattereth not what a man’s religious faith is; whether he be a Presbyterian, or a Methodist, or a Baptist, or a Latter—day Saint or ‘Mormon,’ or a Catholic or Episcopalian, or Mohammedan, or even pagan, or anything else, if he WILL BOW THE KNEE AND WITH HIS tongue CONFESS THAT JESUS IS THE CHRIST, and will support good and wholesome laws for the regulation of society, we hail him as a brother, and will stand by him while he stands by us in these things; for every man’s religious faith is a matter between his own soul and his God alone." 54


Finally, there is the fourth group will help restore the western hemisphere. These are the peacemakers . They are people in other parts of the world who see they are about to be drafted into Prince Gog’s vast, second dictatorship.

They may have even heard that he has ambitions to set up an army of 200,000,000. So all of these are allowed to flee to America. The Lord says:

"And it shall come to pass among the wicked, that every man that will not take up his sword against his neighbor must needs flee unto Zion for safety."

How grateful these peace—loving families will be after Prince Gog gets going with the second dictatorship. The scripture says:

"And there shall be gathered unto it out of every nation under heaven; and it shall be THE ONLY PEOPLE THAT SHALL NOT BE AT WAR ONE WITH ANOTHER."


Once all of these choice groups of people are in place they will set about building the New Jerusalem and setting up ideal Zion cities from one end of the American continent to the other. To accomplish this, the whole structure of government and economics will be changed as well as the adoption of a highly elevated society. Here are the highlights:

1. The people will be organized by families into tens, fifties, hundreds and thousands. The unit of around one hundred families will be called a secular, non—denominational "ward" similar to the Anglo Saxons and ancient Israel.

2. The judges or captains over each unit of ten, fifty, hundred and thousand families, etc. shall be elected each year and will be selectively nominated by the supreme councils and their officers as described in Exodus, chapter 1. This procedure eliminates the need for political parties.

3. The people will be governed by the original inspired Constitution as revealed to the Founding Fathers and endorsed by the Lord in 1834 .

4. Civil and criminal law are to be administered according to the law revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai as set forth principle by principle in chapters three to nine inclusive in the author’s text, The Majesty of God’s Law, Ensign Publishing Company,1996, pp.3

It gives me so much HOPE for the future!

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Desolation of Boston and New York



D&C 84:114-115

114 Nevertheless, let the bishop go unto the city of New York, also to the city of Albany, and also to the city of Boston, and warn the people of those cities with the sound of the gospel, with a loud voice, of the desolation and utter abolishment which await them if they do reject these things.

115 For if they do reject these things the hour of their judgment is nigh, and their house shall be left unto them desolate.



While you stand in the towers of the Temple and your eyes survey this glorious valley filled with cities and villages, occupied by tens and thousands of Latter-day Saints, you will then call to mind this visitation of President Young and his company. You will say: That was in the days when Presidents Benson and Maughan presided over us; that was before New York was destroyed by an earthquake. It was before Boston was swept into the sea, by the sea heaving itself beyond its bounds; it was before Albany was destroyed by fire; yea at that time you will remember the scenes of this day. Treasure them up and forget them not. President Young followed and said: 'What Brother Woodruff has said is revelation and will be fulfilled'.


I was thinking to-day of a time many years ago, when President Young and several brethren of the Twelve, were in Logan; it was a time when a railroad up to this region was not even dreamed of, the time when Brothers Ezra T. Benson and Peter Maughan presided here; when at a meeting President Young called upon me to talk to the people assembled. The night before, however, we had been met by a long line of children and young people, from three up to twenty years of age; they had come out to meet the prophet, and presented a fine sight. While talking to the people I felt led to speak to the children and young people; and I told them that I wanted them to remember the visit which the president was making them because the day would come when they were grown up, when they would talk to one another and say, that on such a day President Young and party visited us, and we were told then that we should see the day when a temple should be built in this place, from the top of which we would be able to survey the country around which would be occupied by ten thousand of our people; and you will say that this was told to us when brother Benson and Brother Maughan presided here.

JD, B YOUNG 8:123

Do you think there is calamity abroad now among the people? Not much. All we have yet heard and experienced is scarcely a preface to the sermon that is going to be preached. When the testimony of the Elders ceases to be given, and the Lord says to them, "Come home; I will now preach my own sermons to the nations of the earth," all you now know can scarcely be called a preface to the sermon that will be preached with fire and sword, tempests, earthquakes, hail, rain, thunders and lightnings, and fearful destruction. "What matters the destruction of a few railway cars? You will hear of magnificent cities, now idolized by the people, sinking in the earth, entombing the inhabitants. The sea will heave itself beyond its bounds, engulfing mighty cities. Famine will spread over the nations, and nation will rise up against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and states against states, in our own country and in foreign lands.

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This is a vision John Taylor saw of events that are still to come. From the journal of Wilford Woodruff (Dec 16, 1877).

This is a vision John Taylor saw of events that are still to come. From the journal of Wilford Woodruff (Dec 16, 1877).

I went to bed as usual at about 7:30PM. I had been read*ing a revela*tion in the French lan*guage. My mind was calm, more so than usual if possible, so I composed myself for sleep, but could not. I felt a strange feeling come over me and apparently be*came partially uncon*scious. Still I was not asleep, nor ex*actly awake, with dreary feeling. The first thing that I recognized was that I was in the tabernacle of Ogden, Utah. I was sit*ting in the back part of the build*ing for fear they would call on me to preach, which however they did, for after sing*ing the second time they called me to the stand.

I arose to speak and said that I did*n't know that I had anything es*pecially to say, ex*cept to bear my tes*timony of the Latter-day work, when all at once it seemed as if I was lifted out of myself and I said, "Yes, I have something to say and that is this: Some of my brethren have been ask*ing, "What is be*coming of us? What is the wind blowing?" I will answer you right here what is coming very shortly."

I was then in a dream, im*mediately in the city of Salt Lake, and wandering around in the streets and in all parts of the city, and on the doors of the houses I found badges of mourn*ing and I could not find a house but was in mourning. I passed my own house and found the same sign there, and I asked the ques*tion, "Is that me that is dead?" Someone gave me the an*swer, "No, you will get through it all."

It seemed strange to me that I saw no person in the streets in all my wan*dering around the coun*try. I seemed to be in their houses with the sick, but saw no funeral proces*sion, nor anything of the kind, but the city looking still and as though the people were praying. And it seemed that they had controlled the dis*ease, but what the dis*ease was I did not learn; it was not made known to me. I then looked over the country, north, east, south, and west, and the same mourning was in every land and in every place.

The next thing I knew I was just this side of Omaha. It seemed though I was above the earth, and look*ing down upon it. As I passed along upon my way east I saw the road full of people, mostly women, with just what they could carry in bundles on their backs, trav*eling to the moun*tains on foot. I won*dered how they would get through with such a small pack on their backs. It was re*markable to us[?] that there were so few men among them. It didn't seem to me as though the cars were run*ning, the rails looked rusty and the roads aban*doned; and I have no con*ception of how I traveled as I looked down upon the peo*ple.

I continued east by the way of Omaha and Council Bluffs, which were full of disease. There were women every*where. The state of Illinois and Mis*souri were in a tumult, men killing one an*other, women joining the fight*ing, fam*ily against family in the most horrid manner.

I imagined next that I was in Wash*ington and I found desola*tion there. The White House was empty and the Halls of Congress the same, and everything in ru*ins. The people seemed to have left the city and left it to take care of itself.

I was in Baltimore. In the square where the Monument of 1812 stands in front of the Char*les Hotel. I saw dead piled up so as to fill the street square. I saw mothers cutting the throats of their own children for their blood. I saw them suck it from their throats to quench their own thirst and then lie down and die. The water of Che*sapeake Bay was stagnant, and the stench arising from it on ac*count of their throw*ing their bod*ies into it so terrible, that the very smell carried death with it. I saw no man ex*cept they were dead or dying in the streets and very few women. Those I saw were crazy and in an ugly condi*tion. Everywhere I went I beheld the same sights all over the city; it was terrible be*yond description to look upon.

I thought this must be the end; but no, I was seemingly in an instant in the city of Philadel*phia. There eve*rything was still. No living soul was there to greet me. It seemed the whole city was with*out any inhabi*tants. In the south of Chestnut Street and in fact everywhere I went, the putrefaction of the dead caused such a stench that it was impos*sible for any living thing to breathe, nor did I see any living thing in the city.

Next I found myself in Broadway, in the city of New York, and there it seemed the people had done the best they could to overcome the disease, but in wandering down Broad*way I saw the bodies of beautiful women lying, some dead and oth*ers in a dy*ing condition, on the sidewalks. I saw men come out of cellars and ravish the per*sons of some that were yet alive and then kill them and rob their bodies of all the valu*ables they had upon them. Then before they could get back to the cellar they would roll over a time or two and die in ag*ony. In some of the back streets I saw them kill some of their own offspring and eat their raw flesh, and in a few minutes die them*selves. Every*where I went I saw the same scene of horror and de*struction and death and rap*ine.

No car*riages, buggies, or cars were running; but death and de*struc*tion were every*where. Then I saw fire start and just at that moment a mighty East wind sprang up and car*ried the flames over the city and it burned until there was not a sin*gle building left standing there, even down to the waters edge. Wharves and shipping all seemed to burn and follow in common destruction where the "great city" was a short time ago. The stench from the bodies that were burn*ing was so great that it was carried a long dis*tance cross the Hudson Bay and carried death and destruction wherever it pene*trated. I cannot paint in words the horror that seemed to compass me about; it was beyond description of man.

I sup*posed this was the end; but it was not. I was given to understand the same horror was being en*acted all over the coun*try, east, west, north, and south. Few were left alive, still there were some.

Immediately after I seemed to be standing on the left bank of the Mis*souri River, opposite e the City of In*de*pendence, but there was no city. I saw the whole state of Missouri and Illi*nois and all of Iowa, a complete desert with no living being there. A short dis*tance from the river how*ever, I saw twelve men dressed in temple robes, stand*ing in a square or nearly so (and I under*stood it repre*sented the Twelve Gates of the New Jerusa*lem.) Their hands were uplifted in consecration of the ground and lay*ing the corner stone of the tem*ple. I saw myraids of an*gels hovering over them, and saw also an immense pil*lar of clouds over them and heard the angels singing the most heav*enly music. The words were "Now is estab*lished the King*dom of God and his Christ, which shall never more be thrown down."

I saw people com*ing from the river and from the desert places a long way off to help build the temple and it seemed that hosts of an*gels all helped to get material to build with and I saw some of them who wore temple clothes come and build the tem*ple and the city, and all the time I saw the great pillar of clouds hovering over the place.

Instantly, however, I found my*self again in the taber*nacle at Ogden. And yet, I could still see the building go on and I got quite animated in call*ing on the people in the tabernacle to listen to the beautiful music, for the an*gels were singing the same music I had heard be*fore. "Now is estab*lished the King*dom of God and his Christ, which shall never more be thrown down."

At this I seemed to stagger back from the pulpit and Brother Francis D. Richards and some others caught my arm and prevented me from falling. Then I fin*ished so abruptly. Still even then I had not fainted, but was simply ex*hausted.

They I rolled over in bed and awoke just as the city clock was strik*ing twelve

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By Skousen

You need to be a bit more clear here. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you are not posting anything from Royal Skousen the professor of linguistics at BYU, and not Cleon Skousen the author of The Naked Communist. The stuff you've posted is from their fringe survivalist fallout-shelter-advocate 9/11-truther relation Joel Skousen - right?


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Guest User-Removed

This is a slightly interesting read. However, it is the opinion and conclusion of a man. This is not an official LDS publication.

Xhenli....W. Cleon Skousen was an author of some reknown in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. In addition to be published almost exclusively by Deseret Books and Bookcraft, he was also a full professor at BYU. Having said that, while his writings don't qualify as "Doctrine" in the pure doctrinal sense, many of his writings carry the imprimatur of the Prophet, Seer and Revelator by virtue of the fact that he chairs Correlation and EVERYTHING published by Deseret and Bookcraft go through correlation.

Cleon was a dear, dear friend of mine. I spent many a happy hour in his company, both here in the States and in Israel. I have nothing but fond memories of Cleon.

Skousen rnaks up there with Bruce R. McConkie, Hugh Nibley, Ivan Barrett and many others who over the years brought us keen insights into the views of the Restoration.

Tell me...would you dismiss the writings of Bruce R. McConkie with the same sneer you seemingly have dismissed Cleon?

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What you have posted Mullenite was not a revelation from John Taylor. The author of the work is unknown who wrote that specific entry of what was recorded in Wilford Woodruff's journal. Wilford found the work curious and recorded it in his journal. I would not take anything written in it as doctrine.

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Wilford Woodruff wrote down in his journal a dream that John Taylor dictated to him, of some detail of the terrible, destruction, disease, and famine of this great war, specifically in the US which was one of the countries most affected by this war. Note that President Taylor sees much death and disease in the Rocky Mountains, which he says the Saints have under control by Faith and Prayer, but does not mention seeing much destruction or devastation. However in the rest of the country the destruction, death, disease, and starvation are almost complete, and are complete in some areas. After he witnesses the death and destruction in America, he then sees in vision the building of the city of Zion.

JOURNAL OF WILFORD WOODRUFF, DEC. 16 1877, pp. 179-183, (pioneer Press)

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This is a vision John Taylor saw of events that are still to come. From the journal of Wilford Woodruff (Dec 16, 1877).

This is a vision John Taylor saw of events that are still to come. From the journal of Wilford Woodruff (Dec 16, 1877).

I went to bed as usual at about 7:30PM. I had been read*ing a revela*tion in the French lan*guage. My mind was calm, more so than usual if possible, so I composed myself for sleep, but could not. I felt a strange feeling come over me and apparently be*came partially uncon*scious. Still I was not asleep, nor ex*actly awake, with dreary feeling. The first thing that I recognized was that I was in the tabernacle of Ogden, Utah. I was sit*ting in the back part of the build*ing for fear they would call on me to preach, which however they did, for after sing*ing the second time they called me to the stand.

I arose to speak and said that I did*n't know that I had anything es*pecially to say, ex*cept to bear my tes*timony of the Latter-day work, when all at once it seemed as if I was lifted out of myself and I said, "Yes, I have something to say and that is this: Some of my brethren have been ask*ing, "What is be*coming of us? What is the wind blowing?" I will answer you right here what is coming very shortly."

I was then in a dream, im*mediately in the city of Salt Lake, and wandering around in the streets and in all parts of the city, and on the doors of the houses I found badges of mourn*ing and I could not find a house but was in mourning. I passed my own house and found the same sign there, and I asked the ques*tion, "Is that me that is dead?" Someone gave me the an*swer, "No, you will get through it all."

It seemed strange to me that I saw no person in the streets in all my wan*dering around the coun*try. I seemed to be in their houses with the sick, but saw no funeral proces*sion, nor anything of the kind, but the city looking still and as though the people were praying. And it seemed that they had controlled the dis*ease, but what the dis*ease was I did not learn; it was not made known to me. I then looked over the country, north, east, south, and west, and the same mourning was in every land and in every place.

The next thing I knew I was just this side of Omaha. It seemed though I was above the earth, and look*ing down upon it. As I passed along upon my way east I saw the road full of people, mostly women, with just what they could carry in bundles on their backs, trav*eling to the moun*tains on foot. I won*dered how they would get through with such a small pack on their backs. It was re*markable to us[?] that there were so few men among them. It didn't seem to me as though the cars were run*ning, the rails looked rusty and the roads aban*doned; and I have no con*ception of how I traveled as I looked down upon the peo*ple.

I continued east by the way of Omaha and Council Bluffs, which were full of disease. There were women every*where. The state of Illinois and Mis*souri were in a tumult, men killing one an*other, women joining the fight*ing, fam*ily against family in the most horrid manner.

I imagined next that I was in Wash*ington and I found desola*tion there. The White House was empty and the Halls of Congress the same, and everything in ru*ins. The people seemed to have left the city and left it to take care of itself.

I was in Baltimore. In the square where the Monument of 1812 stands in front of the Char*les Hotel. I saw dead piled up so as to fill the street square. I saw mothers cutting the throats of their own children for their blood. I saw them suck it from their throats to quench their own thirst and then lie down and die. The water of Che*sapeake Bay was stagnant, and the stench arising from it on ac*count of their throw*ing their bod*ies into it so terrible, that the very smell carried death with it. I saw no man ex*cept they were dead or dying in the streets and very few women. Those I saw were crazy and in an ugly condi*tion. Everywhere I went I beheld the same sights all over the city; it was terrible be*yond description to look upon.

I thought this must be the end; but no, I was seemingly in an instant in the city of Philadel*phia. There eve*rything was still. No living soul was there to greet me. It seemed the whole city was with*out any inhabi*tants. In the south of Chestnut Street and in fact everywhere I went, the putrefaction of the dead caused such a stench that it was impos*sible for any living thing to breathe, nor did I see any living thing in the city.

Next I found myself in Broadway, in the city of New York, and there it seemed the people had done the best they could to overcome the disease, but in wandering down Broad*way I saw the bodies of beautiful women lying, some dead and oth*ers in a dy*ing condition, on the sidewalks. I saw men come out of cellars and ravish the per*sons of some that were yet alive and then kill them and rob their bodies of all the valu*ables they had upon them. Then before they could get back to the cellar they would roll over a time or two and die in ag*ony. In some of the back streets I saw them kill some of their own offspring and eat their raw flesh, and in a few minutes die them*selves. Every*where I went I saw the same scene of horror and de*struction and death and rap*ine.

No car*riages, buggies, or cars were running; but death and de*struc*tion were every*where. Then I saw fire start and just at that moment a mighty East wind sprang up and car*ried the flames over the city and it burned until there was not a sin*gle building left standing there, even down to the waters edge. Wharves and shipping all seemed to burn and follow in common destruction where the "great city" was a short time ago. The stench from the bodies that were burn*ing was so great that it was carried a long dis*tance cross the Hudson Bay and carried death and destruction wherever it pene*trated. I cannot paint in words the horror that seemed to compass me about; it was beyond description of man.

I sup*posed this was the end; but it was not. I was given to understand the same horror was being en*acted all over the coun*try, east, west, north, and south. Few were left alive, still there were some.

Immediately after I seemed to be standing on the left bank of the Mis*souri River, opposite e the City of In*de*pendence, but there was no city. I saw the whole state of Missouri and Illi*nois and all of Iowa, a complete desert with no living being there. A short dis*tance from the river how*ever, I saw twelve men dressed in temple robes, stand*ing in a square or nearly so (and I under*stood it repre*sented the Twelve Gates of the New Jerusa*lem.) Their hands were uplifted in consecration of the ground and lay*ing the corner stone of the tem*ple. I saw myraids of an*gels hovering over them, and saw also an immense pil*lar of clouds over them and heard the angels singing the most heav*enly music. The words were "Now is estab*lished the King*dom of God and his Christ, which shall never more be thrown down."

I saw people com*ing from the river and from the desert places a long way off to help build the temple and it seemed that hosts of an*gels all helped to get material to build with and I saw some of them who wore temple clothes come and build the tem*ple and the city, and all the time I saw the great pillar of clouds hovering over the place.

Instantly, however, I found my*self again in the taber*nacle at Ogden. And yet, I could still see the building go on and I got quite animated in call*ing on the people in the tabernacle to listen to the beautiful music, for the an*gels were singing the same music I had heard be*fore. "Now is estab*lished the King*dom of God and his Christ, which shall never more be thrown down."

At this I seemed to stagger back from the pulpit and Brother Francis D. Richards and some others caught my arm and prevented me from falling. Then I fin*ished so abruptly. Still even then I had not fainted, but was simply ex*hausted.

They I rolled over in bed and awoke just as the city clock was strik*ing twelve

According Elder Ludlow, President Woodruff had that vision and not President Taylor. See his June 15, 1878 entry, as he wrote about Isaiah 4:1.

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