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You know, I struggle with accepting the Mormon faith. Im not sure if it's true, so I carry on searching. But... I don't know. Maybe Im obsessing. But I feel drawn to it. I've been feeling drawn to it for 7 years since I first heard about it.

What's up with that?

I figure though if it is of God, he gave me the first meeting with the Missionaries when they gave me the Book of Mormon, so i ask God to make something like that happen again, a chance random meeting. But it doesn't happen!

Oh well.

By the way, I don't know whether this is a good thing or bad, but sometimes I meet people who are struggling themselves with a religion. I give them my perspective, and someone has even borrowed my Book of Mormon!



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I used to think God didn't want me to be a Mormon because the missionaries had never called at my home, so I can understand where you're coming from. I learned though that telling God what I want him to do is just not His way. There's a church a couple of miles from where I live and they have notice boards outside with catchy little quotes or sayings on them. I like the current one which says "Many people are more than willing to serve God - in an advisory capacity."

I also think that if he's given us the information once he is then waiting for us to act upon it. It took a while for that to dawn on me too.

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It's just so difficult for me. I want to be sure.

Either I go through all my questions and get some great theological answers or risk rubbing people up the wrong way, or I ask God to confirm.

The way I see it, is that even the best of things can be done for evil motives. So the main question, is the Mormon church for me, the right thing or the wrong thing. It stems from the question of whether the Book of Mormon is inspired of the Devil or of God.

So I ask, just show me something of a similar magnitude to receiving the Book of Mormon and I'll know.

Interesting when you talk about somehow hoping for the Missionaries to turn up in proof. That's what Im like. I keep thinking, keep asking, one sign, one little sign that I can recognise. A poster, two missionaries in Tesco's, something that has never happened before.

For me, the Book of Mormon is great by itself. But I just need to be sure.

Its quite frustrating you know.



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You know, I struggle with accepting the Mormon faith. Im not sure if it's true, so I carry on searching. But... I don't know. Maybe Im obsessing. But I feel drawn to it. I've been feeling drawn to it for 7 years since I first heard about it.

What's up with that?

I figure though if it is of God, he gave me the first meeting with the Missionaries when they gave me the Book of Mormon, so i ask God to make something like that happen again, a chance random meeting. But it doesn't happen!

Oh well.

By the way, I don't know whether this is a good thing or bad, but sometimes I meet people who are struggling themselves with a religion. I give them my perspective, and someone has even borrowed my Book of Mormon!



just wondering why you are drawn to it?
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just wondering why you are drawn to it?

It's a good question. I figure it's either obsession, or I am definitely being guided to it.

I presume everybody else just gets this relaxed, chilled, awesome peace, serenity, happiness and confidence whenever they think about their faith?

This is where I prove myself to be a fruitcake right? I keep hearing about burning of the bosom and wondering what that means. All I know is sometimes when I think about the Mormon faith, I get these feelings.

Im gonna go now quick.

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I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but your case is not a special one. We're all human and we all struggle with many of the same things. Faith is one of them. The "burning of the bosom" you speak of is something that comes after faith... after you have sought and truly believed something to be true and had that faith tested. If you are asking for a sign, it's probably not going to happen. Throughout the scriptures whenever someone asks for a sign to prove something true, it doesn't usually turn out in their favor. However, one sign that you are promised and entitled to is one that is greater than any other.... one that does not need to be interpreted... and that is the witness of the Holy Ghost (I figure you know all of this by now). It will speak directly to your spirit... not through your eyes and ears as a sign would come. The testimony of the Holy Ghost is the greatest sign of all.

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It depends what the definition of a sign is. I think you are right that if you ask for a burning bush, or that brick in the wall should dislodge itself break into tiny particles and spell "Yay LDS" then I don't think that'll happen either.

I find it a double edged sword. If we say that God doesn't give any signs, then my receiving of the Book of Mormon seven years ago isn't a sign. It was just two guys giving me a book without any significance.

I once had the missionaries round and we went through the first four lessons before I chickened out. I said to myself I wasn't sure and I don't want to learn the whole gospel and reject it in case it's true.

Anyhow, the missionaries were saying that sometimes they are guided to do things, like knock on a particular door in a street. To me, I think this is the kind of sign Im looking for. Nothing as visual as a burning bush, but maybe God directing them and me to somehow meet again.

I'd love to recognise the holy ghost.



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Guess I was fortunate, been a member ten years.

I read the book of Mormon then got on my knees and prayed to know the truth.

Some time later a message "IT IS TRUE" marched through my head.

Since joining the LDS church, have had some extremely dramatic spiritual experiences, including visits from deceased parents and other deceased relatives.

The next time I slept after my father died six years ago I saw him enter the spirit world.

Once I got my parents sealed I saw them in my dreams coming together.

Being baptized was like opening the floodgates for me.

Never experienced these kind of spiritual happenings before!!!!!

Although keep in mind I do have some spiritual gifts, heard mom talk to me a few months after her death in 1985. Was carrying groceries into my parents house and heard her hollar "Well Hi There" I turned to look and there was nobody there!!!!

This happened in broad daylight with family all around.

So I indeed have some gifts.

For you folks just so unsure, IF you get that peaceful yes this is right, stop pushing to have some miracle or sign occur.... know that that peaceful feelings IS YOUR CONFIRMATION!!!!

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There is special occasion where the Lord will provide that unique witness to individuals. Usually comes after their own trial of faith in seeing they would pass the trial.

I would say, keep praying until you get the answer you desire but meanwhile, keep the faith and do the work of the Savior or what Joseph Smith did in his life journey upon the earth - preach the gospel unto others.

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Guess I was fortunate, been a member ten years.

I read the book of Mormon then got on my knees and prayed to know the truth.

Some time later a message "IT IS TRUE" marched through my head.

Since joining the LDS church, have had some extremely dramatic spiritual experiences, including visits from deceased parents and other deceased relatives.

The next time I slept after my father died six years ago I saw him enter the spirit world.

Once I got my parents sealed I saw them in my dreams coming together.

Being baptized was like opening the floodgates for me.

Never experienced these kind of spiritual happenings before!!!!!

Although keep in mind I do have some spiritual gifts, heard mom talk to me a few months after her death in 1985. Was carrying groceries into my parents house and heard her hollar "Well Hi There" I turned to look and there was nobody there!!!!

This happened in broad daylight with family all around.

So I indeed have some gifts.

For you folks just so unsure, IF you get that peaceful yes this is right, stop pushing to have some miracle or sign occur.... know that that peaceful feelings IS YOUR CONFIRMATION!!!!

Welcome to forum :D

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SJDean - You mention the missionaries gave you a BOM, however you do not indicate whether or ot you ever read it. Perhaps you should, then pray.

" The Holy Ghost will confirm that the Book of Mormon is of divine origin, and then it promises: “Those who gain this divine witness from the Holy Spirit will also come to know by the same power that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, that Joseph Smith is his revelator and prophet in these last days, and that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord’s kingdom once again established on the earth, preparatory to the second coming of the Messiah.”

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16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

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I read it for the first time and found it was boring historical book...then ask for any current revelaitons given by the church or the prophet. I was given the D&C and Pearl of Great Price. After digesting over what was read, I then asked back the Book of Mormon.

We have are

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Anyhow, the missionaries were saying that sometimes they are guided to do things, like knock on a particular door in a street. To me, I think this is the kind of sign Im looking for. Nothing as visual as a burning bush, but maybe God directing them and me to somehow meet again.

Perhaps Heavenly Father is directing you to seek them out?

Moses had to wander in the desert to find God.

The apostles gave up their jobs to follow Jesus.

Lehi and family moved halfway around the world.

The saints crossed the country with hand carts.

Perhaps you should take a leap of faith and try to find them? It is really nothing compared to what other had to do

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18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

Do you have a biblical reference?

Please forgive this possibly controversial stance. That to me has almost always sounded like a self-fulfilling prophecy, akin to something along the lines of "therefore i am". It's saying Im good. Therefore I am. I am good, because I am.

I just need that additional confirmation if you will.

I would go further to suggest that even something which is good, can have bad motives behind it.

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Guest tomk

Do you have a biblical reference?

Please forgive this possibly controversial stance. That to me has almost always sounded like a self-fulfilling prophecy, akin to something along the lines of "therefore i am". It's saying Im good. Therefore I am. I am good, because I am.

I just need that additional confirmation if you will.

I would go further to suggest that even something which is good, can have bad motives behind it.


Luke 6: 44

44 For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes.

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Perhaps you should take a leap of faith and try to find them? It is really nothing compared to what other had to do

Im beginning to realise more deeply that Im never gonna find out how I feel by sitting here. But to be on the safe side, I shouldn't go to just one church and think, yes, that feels good, that's the religion for me. I should go to a few and find out.

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I shouldn't go to just one church and think, yes, that feels good, that's the religion for me.

I agree. My wife took me to a nondenominational church once and them rocking out to Jesus felt good. All most as good as being at a Slipknot concert when i was 16.

Off course i married my wife based on a feeling and that has been one of the best decision i have made.Hopefully someone can explain it better.

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Don't just look for 'yes, that feels good, that's the religion for me'. Look for 'Is this true?' 'Does this church preach the truth or a distorted version?' 'Does this church have divine authority?'

I went searching and tried out many. I didn't immediately recognise the truth, but it dawned on me eventually.

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It depends what the definition of a sign is. I think you are right that if you ask for a burning bush, or that brick in the wall should dislodge itself break into tiny particles and spell "Yay LDS" then I don't think that'll happen either.

I find it a double edged sword. If we say that God doesn't give any signs, then my receiving of the Book of Mormon seven years ago isn't a sign. It was just two guys giving me a book without any significance.

I once had the missionaries round and we went through the first four lessons before I chickened out. I said to myself I wasn't sure and I don't want to learn the whole gospel and reject it in case it's true.

Anyhow, the missionaries were saying that sometimes they are guided to do things, like knock on a particular door in a street. To me, I think this is the kind of sign Im looking for. Nothing as visual as a burning bush, but maybe God directing them and me to somehow meet again.

I'd love to recognise the holy ghost.



As I've read this thread, the thought keeps running through my mind. "God won't do for us, what we can do for ourselves." I've heard this many times. Heavenly Father sent you the missionaries once, maybe now it's your turn to call them and invite them back into your home. Thus showing Heavenly Father, your serious, you want to know and your willing to make the effort to really know. I know Heavenly Father answers all our prayers. Many times though we have to get up off our knees and go do, for us to get those answers. Have you ever thought, that you being drawn to the church is a sign? Is your answer?

Some times we have to do as Alma suggested and just believe. Plant that seed, stop doubting just because your not sure and really try and believe what your reading is true. God can not tell a lie and Satan always does. Why would Satan try and kill Joseph Smith Jr. before he could have the first vision? If he in fact was the one bring out the work.

Satan can't bring you happiness and peace. He can't help you feel good. Only God can! So, if you feel good at all and your drawn to the church as you say. Then what do you have to lose by going for it? If nothing you'll show Heavenly Father your really seeking for him and want to do his will.

I have a testimony of our Heavenly Father, He's really there and really listening. I know this is his church and he is at it's head. It's a feeling, I can't deny, just have you have a feeling of being drawn to the church. He loves you and I hope you can feel his love and Him personally guiding you. =)

Take Care.

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