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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/30/21 in Posts

  1. Depending on the exact actions, which we do not have 100% of the facts, but probably a really good idea, and the state laws of California. Charges for whatever is applicable (or not.)
    1 point
  2. I have heard variations of such a theory but with quite a different twist. I have heard the idea that the kingdom of heaven and Zion societies, such as the City of Enoch and the City of Salem are all ordered and organized much like the stakes of Zion. That callings are temporary and that a king or someone of great importance is released with a vote of thanks and may be called to next help with the small children in the nursey. In other words that there are positions of rank but all callings are considered to be important and that those that serve, serve as equals regardless of position of service. I can relate and like the idea that a calling of president is to be viewed no more important than a primary worker or organizer for cleaning the church building, or greeter or whatever. That all callings and positions come with the honor of service and sacrifice. But for someone outside the spirit of callings - that those in more seemingly prestigious callings - appear to have the greater honor in their service. The Traveler
    1 point
  3. We were talking about this in a law enforcement forum. Here are some relevant comments. Baldwin owns some responsibility. He pointed the gun and pulled the trigger.
    1 point
  4. I don't think I've heard that theory before. To me it seems like there would still need to be callings filled for order's sake but I think you are right in that the people of Enoch were able to achieve that level of unity we have been discussing. Imagine a community where everyone was just as concerned about their neighbor's wellbeing as their own. That to me is the definition of heaven on earth.
    1 point