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Everything posted by begood2

  1. You're serving time in the "Big House?" Is there any chance of early parole? Ah, it's primarily a jail, not a penitentiary. On the other hand, my expected release date is February 27, 2021--but I can get out in 2018 with "good time." PC, Sounds great!! You be good hear! IMO, the main job duty about babysitting is entertaining the children, not making them work. M. Ok! You little made this clean it up!!! "NOW"!! So I take it that message won't work? *****NOTICE THIS IS ONLY A JOKE****NOTICE THIS IS ONLY A JOKE Sorry, but I just couldn't resist.
  2. That is a very interesting way of looking at the situation SF. Thanks for opening my eyes so clearly and yet in a non- confrontational manner to a different point of view.
  3. You're serving time in the "Big House?" Is there any chance of early parole? Just joking PC .....have a Great Day!! Dancergirl, Given your description above, if you ever want to come watch my beautiful children and clean up my house, you are more than welcome. Dr. T lol, any time Dr. T. though they would have to be at seperite times...i can only clean in an empty house :) Dancergirl, You mean that with the kids helping you might actually take you longer ?? lol
  4. Great! I'm sure that you will! Best Wishes :)
  5. Which came first? The chicken or the egg? Was it apathy or non belief? We all have our own free agency, to choose how we wish to live our lives. As long as it doesn't harm others....we pretty much have the right to live and worship/ not worship as we see fit in the free world. For some faith alone doesn't cut it....they are looking for proof..which is very difficult if not impossible to achieve. A few truly study and believe that, what they have learned about the church being false is true. But IMO: I think that the majority of the people that left the church did so initially as a result of conflicting time allocation. Once they made the conscience decision to start skipping church activities in favor of other became harder and harder to go back. Just as it is hard to go back to a strict exercise program after you have skipped out for a time...because we then can think up a dozen reasons why it's just not worth the effort. SO and so hurt my feeling so I'm not going back,....tea does more good than harm for the body so if this is an error...the whole church must be wrong and so on... I'm not trying to offend anyone, but I think that apathy is the number one culprit in people leaving not only the church, but any thing that requires sacrifices and hard work. The majority is always looking for an easier way with fewer restrictions and more options so that they can have it their way!
  6. Blessed, I remember reading your post. Glad to see that you are back. I think that you'll like the new chat features too.
  7. SF, Thanks! I know that Ray has said that before . I personally enjoyed him as a member and I knew that he had been posting up to October 3rd. Ray, Desire and Mrs. S for me you're all part of the LDSTalk family and I want you to all stay. I'm sorry if anyone or anything has upset you. I have a big heart and a big hug for you all.....(well maybe a handshake for Ray since he is a guy. ) Because, in my view, "Families are forever"!
  8. Thank you - I do like the people here for the most part. One person who I really miss is Ray - as aggravating as his "In Other Words got" - I miss him. Ok, what happened to Ray? I don't want him to leave either. Someone please fill me in.
  9. Mrs.S, I think that this whole thing has been blown out of proportion. After reading the PM to Desire, most people will agree that it was not meant as a rude post to run a teenager off of this site. But instead it was written with concern for her well being. Also as PM was a personal was written for the sole purpose of communicating with one particular person and it could have stayed that way if inquiring minds hadn't been dying to know all the details....maybe in the future questionable messages should go to the moderators. We don't all need to be judge and jury. As a side note...would we feel comfortable if every PM that we have sent out were posted on here for all the members to read and act as judge and jury on ? I think not! Mrs. S please stay. I've enjoyed reading a great number of your post.
  10. I happen to agree with this statement. Some of the discussions here are not for the weak-minded or weak of faith. If you feel yourself going away feeling less close to God, or questioning your faith, you may want to consider frequenting another site that fits your level of comfort better. Or, just avoid opening those topics that tend to bother you. I just don't open those topics and that is one of my reasons for not joining the open forum.
  11. MBASS, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It's not a matter of counting years, but making the years count. From looking at your profile family picture....I want to say WOW! You have a beautiful family. May it be together for an eternity of sharing not only birthdays, but all that life has to offer. :)
  12. I do agree with ALMom that maybe you should shrug off the need to respond to things that upset you... just because you respond doesn't mean you agree with what someone posted. That might be good advice for all of us to heed. Ever notice how some people always have to have the last word on everything. Usually by the second post, and certainly by the third post we all know their views on a subject and the oppositions views, but sooner or later the discussion degrades into personal attacks on others. We see it time and again on here, and it usually results in some lingering hard feelings.
  13. Desire, I enjoy reading your post. Please stay!
  14. Oh, I do understand about how the media has changed over the past 50 years. You seem to be interested in things which happen in other countries, and I am concerned about things that happen to children here in my country, or locally if you will. I guess that is the why we are not all made the same B) I believe it is a problem when our children can not even feel safe anymore at school. SF, I agree with you. I can imagine the day when kids won't even go to school anymore, but will get their lessons over the computer and only report to a school or learning center for competency verification. For me these senseless deaths that have occurred in school should not be the price that we have to pay for our youths education in the USA. When my uncle went to school in the 70's they had a built in 22 caliber rifle range in the school. It was just across the hall from the science lab. It was an extra-curricular activity that everyone could join. Just like chess, bowling or pep club. It was also school and government supported. It was discontinued in 1985, but they had never had any problems in it's thirty some years. I couldn't even imagine a school offering an activity like that now.
  15. Pushka, How does it feel to be 21? Here's hoping that you have a very nice HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  16. Jason Dear, You were very very bad! Go to your room for 10 mins for saying such mean things and think about how you have hurt others!!! SF, Forget about the time-out for Jason....I just remembered another use for that duck tape! Come here Jason, I got something for
  17. yeah, house,house lol
  18. Outshined and Brother Dorsey, Thank you for great links that you have provided. They contain a wealth of great information! :)
  19. Of course she is going to say apartment now, because you guys helped her out......I never heard of a one family know I caught you in fun, Begood2
  20. I checked it out and it shows you that there is a real concern and fear of the declining guidance offered by the family to its children. Maybe all families would benefit from a type of Family Home Evening as well. :)
  21. Desire, Please clear up this
  22. Almon, I just love your post! It certainly shows a kind and loving heart for others. :)
  23. SF, Thanks for sharing. This looks like what Winnie G was looking for on another thread.
  24. GB-UK, Cool band saying and a good reminder! :)