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Everything posted by begood2

  1. Both!:) Stay late!:) Past or present?
  2. Well, I think that you can be happy without being in love, but I think that if you are in love with someone special......then you can share the happiness together.......which can bring this happiness to a new and higher level!:) So I choose "love"! College or university?
  3. Welcome Zashera! I hope that you enjoy the site!
  4. Hi Lindy! It's nice to see you back! I've missed you too. Take care and best wishes!!:)
  5. You're making good progress! Keep it up. Have you thought about adding the bicycle to your fitness program? For a number of occasions you will find that you can replace the expensive gas guzzling car with a bike!:) Good luck in reaching your goals!:)
  6. Lol........well hello back!
  7. Kind of reminds me of the Johnny Cash song, "A Boy Named Sue"!
  8. None for me please.........I'm on a restricted of right now! Lol:lol:
  9. Few people in the Western world would allow female circumcision, but think that it is normal and necessary for male circumcision. But this procedure is not the no-brainer that most think! There are a variety of reasons given as to why this procedure is performed: personal hygiene, religious grounds, cosmetic, so he will fit in with other boys, reduce infections and diseases, but in the vast majority of cases there is no medical reason for it! Recent studies have shown that the removal of the foreskin which contains thousands of nerve endings might be a contributing factor in Ed later in life. Shouldn't the male child be allowed to give his informed consent? Especially since there are a number of botched surgeries each year that can result in complete amputation and even death? Below is a link to a long article on the subject if you would like to read it: Male Circumcision: A Legal Affront
  10. Thanks again everyone! It's nice to be recognized.:)
  11. Thanks everyone for the birthday wish! It has been a great day for me. I got some DVD movies to watch and I was treated to dinner out with my mom and sister!
  12. Hey little sis........where is your green? Happy Saint Patrick's Day everyone!
  13. Hi Kona! Try October 12th!:) Italian-Americans observe Columbus Day as a celebration of their heritage, the first occasion being in New York City on October 12th, 1866! Columbus Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  14. My vote goes to this poster! For he has the ability to see more than just the tip of the iceberg sticking out of the water!
  15. I hope that you have a wonderful day! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
  16. Shanstress, I would like to wish you a Happy 97th birthday!! Some people must be ageless!
  17. Great! I enjoy playing chess, when I have the time! The person below me likes to run or road bike on a bicycle!
  18. I infact do like pringles only The person below me has more than 3 animals Sure do...three cats and two raccoons! They get along great together too! :) The person below me loves life! :)
  19. Thanks for sharing! I enjoyed it!