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Everything posted by jjrogers

  1. Hetheprimate, It sounds like you are saying that people who swear are unrighteous. I have to say, on the list of sins that people can commit swearing is not at the top of it. Don't get me wrong, it is a sin. But so is gossiping and backbiting. So in my opinion, if you are saying that people who swear are unrighteous, you had better figure that we are all unrighteous because everone is doing some sinning. And it is easy to point the finger at other people's sins and say they are awful, while our own sins aren't so bad. And yes that includes me.
  2. I am very against liberalism. It is extremely destructive to free will. I also feel that the Republican party is not for me anymore. The fact that as a mormon, they want my vote, but no mormon should run for president did me in. I cannot be part of a party that things someone of my religion should run based on religion alone. I am from Arizona and have had to deal with John McCain. He is not a good man. He should be a democrat. The only reason I MAY vote for him is to get him out of Arizona for good.
  3. I Definately think the next couple of years are going to be interesting for the economy. Raises were lower at my husband's job this year. It will be interesting to see how it affects most people. I forsee them creating another kind of bubble.
  4. I have a swearing problem. I grew up with a mother that swore. I still haven't figured out how to kick the habit. I would love to kick the habit. Does it offend others, probably. But most of our sins offend others. According to my mother in law and father in law swearing is a worse sin than masturbation or pornography. I am terrible for swearing and can't go to the celestial kingdom because I swear.. But if I had a problem with porn, they would be telling me that it is okay and I can still go to the celestial kingdom. By the way, I am completely active, have a strong testimony. I even served a mission. As a mom I am striving to teach my children differently. But like every single person here I still have sins I am overcoming. Mine just happens to be more noticable than other people's.
  5. I think the thing to remember is that bashers don't care if it is true or not. They just want to hate and critisize. Nothing we say or do will ever change their minds. So we heed them not and have happy lives.
  6. The biggest problems in our economy have been caused by the government spending money they don't have AND individual people spending money they don't have. We are reaching a point where the people won't be able to bail out the government and the goverment won't be able to bail out the people. The Prophets have told us for YEARS to get out of debt, stay out of debt and get our food storage. Yet as members we keep ignoring that council.
  7. I watch all the sessions at home on the computer. Plus every other year we have potty trained a kid that weekend. That is what we will be doing this weekend. Plus watching conference. I love conference. Dh isn't as much into it. I think it is the sitting still for two hours. When he was in the bishopric, he would fall asleep because he couldn't get up and do anything and he didn't have kids to deal with. I was not very happy the time I walked into the meeting with the 2 year old who was no longer screaming just in time to see my 10 year old hit my 9 year old in the head with a baby doll. And there he was on the stand, with his eyes closed.
  8. hmmm probably not. Although at least you didn't take a piece of it home.
  9. I have decided I am one of the saints that is saying "the Lord delayeth his coming." God does not have to wait for a righteous people. He is going to move forward, with or without us. I don't know when he is coming or even have a guess. I do wish it was now so that my children wouldn't have to see the gross wickedness that is here. One of the prophets was asked if it was the last days. He replied, "yes, years and years of them." Can't remember which on right now, but I believe it was one that lived before I was born. (major pregnancy brain right now.) There is still much to happen. From what I have studied, it seems to me that Jesus is going to be hanging out on earth a bit before he comes in his final glory to destroy the wicked. As for the meeting in missouri, I plan on being on the relief society commity for refreshments.
  10. I have a friend who said that to every blessing is attached a trial. She wishes she knew which trials came with which blessings so she could decide wether or not she wanted the blessing after all. I believe there are three types of trials. 1)The ones we give ourselves through sin and stupid mistakes. ( You could also call these consequences.) 2) The ones that come as part of having a mortal body. 3) Trials that God allows because he sees we are ready to grow and progress. It is so nice to get some of number 3 and know that I am having trials not because of sin(been there, done that) but that I must be making progress. I have developed a testimony that God knows what he is doing through my trials. I know he loves me, and because he loves me, he would never ask me to go through something that isn't for my good.
  11. I am happy to hear it went well. Repentance always feels good.
  12. I have I have a nephew that is extremely talented in sports. He is on traveling teams for baseball. He also plays basketball. My brother and is way are way into it. Last year his baseball team went to regionals for little league. His team knew what would happen when they had a game scheduled for Sunday. He didn't play. He has never played on Sunday. My brother and his family decided they would not play on Sundays. Every team he is on knows he won't from the beginning. You can play the sports and be on the special teams and not play on Sundays. This brother also coaches basketball, his teams never play on Sunday. Another brother had his little league team go to state and the game was on Sunday. My brother simply explained to his kids about his religous beliefs. He did not attend the game or coach the game. His assitant coach did. No offence, but there is the ability to play the sports and not play on Sunday. Especially if Your husband is the coach. As to wether your bishop is right or not I don't know. I just know you can do the sports and keep the sabbath day holy. To compare playing sports to someone working is not the same at all and sounds like justification.
  13. I think the reason why there is no proof of The Book of Mormon is because God wants us to exercise faith. How many people do you know, including members of the church, who believe in the Bible because of history, but have actually never received a spiritual witness that it is true? Therefore you see many people who say the Bible is true but have no desire and make no effert to actually live its teachings.
  14. I too think it depends on what the person has done. My sister who is the oldest in my family sexually molested several of my brothers, ripped off anyone who crossed her path and has spent time in prison. I have forgiven her for what she has done. But I would never have her be a part of my families life and I would never invite her to a family reunion out of respect for my brother's feelings. She has not changed and therefore will have no contact with my children. I have forgiven her, but she has not repented. Also, when it comes to funerals and deaths, people can get really weird and say and do things they would never say and do if they weren't grieving.
  15. I love the sacred grove. I would love to take my children and husband there. I first saw it at the age of 7. I also like Joseph Smith's birth place. My mission was the mission that his birth place is in.
  16. we will get to meet them, at judgement day. I plan on asking them to autograph my Book Of Mormon.
  17. I am very disappointed to think a unicorn isn't a beautiful horse with a horn, but an ox or a rhino. They just aren't as pretty to color in a coloring book.
  18. I like tevye's reply when the communist tells him money is the world's curse. "May God strike me with it and may I never recover." Tithing is about faith, pure and simple. I have seen miracles come from paying tithing. With every blessing comes certain trials. One of my friends once said she wished she knew which trials came with which blessings so she could decide if she really wanted the blessing.
  19. thanks everyone. I am very excited to have found this site.
  20. The D&C student manuel says "The assembled Elders, or some of them, failed to receive a blessing which they had expected. What that blessing was is not stated. It might have been a special manifestation concerning the Book of Commandments or, some miraculous manifestation after the laying on of hands by the Prophet. But whatever it was, some had failed to receive what they expected, and the reason is here stated; they lacked faith, and were consequently, dominated by fear."
  21. just wanted to post that I really enjoyed reading this thread.
  22. Hi everyone. I am a stay at home, homeschooling mom of five. With number six on the way. I am quite happily married to a great man. He is a software engineer. We live in Arizona. I love studying the gosple and college football. We shut off dish a year ago and I was embarrased to admit to my husband I missed the college football the most. Happy to have found a place where people talk about the gospel.
  23. I will always have a lot more to work on. But at this point in my life, the harder thing for me would be leaving my five children. They are 10 and under. So I feel like the purposes that I have been sent here for besides my own growth are not done. Somedays I do get homesick for heaven.