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Everything posted by Jenamarie

  1. Huh? So they feel bad for being better players than the other team? I don't get it. How is that "unsportsmanlike" to win a game when you are genuinely better players than the other team? And it seems like the other team players were very gracious losers and didn't stop playing even after the score got so high.
  2. Oh absolutely, but unless Obama wrote the prayers himself, he couldn't keep the people he chose from possibly saying something stupid.
  3. I find it funny that people are blaming Obama for the prayer. He chose who he wanted to say the prayers, but I doubt if he knew exactly what they were going to say. This Reverend worked very closely with Martin Luther King, Jr. which is why he was chosen. Yes, his comment was iffy, and very irreverent, IMO, for a prayer, but I lay the blame on HIM for not chosing his words more wisely.
  4. I'm not really sure how to interpret this site. I've prayed and got no answer. I'm thinking about seeing my bishop. I'm just hoping these are just big fat lies. I mean I've felt the Spirit so strongly, but this just throws everything away. It uses real facts. I'm just really confused... Ask yourself: Which do you trust more: the Spirit, or the website?
  5. My brother was married last month, and my sister and her husband were outside the Temple (they left the church several years ago) as was the bride's dad (although he's still a member of the church, he does not currently have a recommend for reasons that are obviously nobody's business). Nobody made a stink about it. They waited out side, were there to greet the bride and groom when they came out of the Temple, and were included in all the pictures. They were treated like any other guests/family members.
  6. Are YW organizations not supposed to have fundraisers?? We always had fund raisers leading up to Girl's Camp, usually car washes, and one year we made cookies and chocolate treats that we decorated and wrapped up and sold to members of the ward for Valentine's Day. (they pre-ordered them, then we "delivered" them the Sunday before Valentine's) In my Stake here in WA we've done huge Spaghetti Dinners and silent auctions that went to both the Scouting *and* YW organizations.
  7. Well, in my ward the Mother's Lounge is also the "hang out and chat" lounge, which is why I've often nursed in the chapel (always well covered!). Sometimes I'll go to the Mother's Lounge first to see if it's empty, but if there's already other moms in there chatting away loud enough to drown out the speaker system, then it's back to the chapel for me and my baby. I've also nursed in class during Sunday School (I always try to sit in the very back corner) and Relief Society, because you can't hear those lessons in the Mother's Lounge. All of my small babies have been very frequent nursers, so if I've wanted to get *anything* out of my Sunday meetings during those first six months, then my only option was to nurse in class/Sacrament meeting.
  8. I've actually seen male organists just as often as female ones. Infact, one of the wards I atteneded in California had had the same male organist for 55 years! He could do *awesome* things on that organ! My current ward also has a male organist who alternates with another, female, organist, and a male substitute choristor for when the official one is sick or out of town.
  9. It's if you want to have photos or videography of the wedding, it can't be done in the chapel. If you're okay with not having either of those then you can indeed have it there. :) Otherwise it has to be done in another part of the building.
  10. Love the zombie drills. My dad used to play a game with me and my siblings called "rigormortis" (nice, child-friendly name, huh? ). He'd lay on the floor then raise one of his limbs up into the air, and we had to try and push it back down, but of course it would be really stiff (rigormortis ) and we'd sometimes have to practically hang from his ankles to pull his leg down, or sit on his arm to lower it. Maybe that's why graveyards don't creep me out. But on topic... when I saw the title of this thread I thought "Duh!" I'm also thankful that I have a husband who understands that I need a day out every once in a while. He goes on week-long business trips about 4-5 times a year, and the first Saturday after he gets home (sometimes his trips span a weekend) I get to have a "day out" where I can spend the entire day out of the house. He also doesn't complain about my going shopping or to the library without the kids on nights when he doesn't have a lot of homework (he's currently in school). It's really amazing how refreshing that time is for me, and I really feel that I'm a better mother because of that kid-free time.
  11. Gosh, how many pairs of skiis do these guys go through in a single season?
  12. I can't say that it directly effected my Testimony, but it did give me new perspective on the Prophet and the early days of the church. I had to accept at a deeper level that Prophets are flawed people who can and do make huge blunders, even while following the directions of the Lord (which is not a reflection on the Lord, just on a man's ability to follow His instructions when they allow other people and situations and opinions to influence their actions).
  13. "I appreciate your concern. Have a good day." I just leave it at that.
  14. Ooooh, I hate "I seen" or "We had went". There's a few members in my ward for whom the word "gone" doesn't seem to exist! Seriously!
  15. I see/hear "would/could/should of" all the time, and it is like nails on a chalk board! I also had to correct my husband on the use of "could care less". It's "couldN'T care less". If you COULD care less, that means you have a little bit of care left in you, and that's not what people are trying to say when they say "I could care less". I'm really surprised it didn't make the list.
  16. My DH grew up in Ontario, 6 hours north of Toronto. He rolls his eyes at all the accidents that happen here when we get an inch or two of snow. I have to sit through his harrowing tails of learning to drive in blizzards, and how diriving in winter was better than summer because all the potholes were filled in.
  17. Okay, one that came out of my mouth last night. "Raia, do NOT use tongue when you kiss mommy!" She was pretending to be a puppy and trying to lick my face. My husband was sitting a few feet away and busted out laughing before I realized exactly what I had just said.
  18. That was awesome! A couple years ago they had snowfall in Seattle, and a video clip made it onto the news of a car sliding down a hill and hitting car after car after car as you could hear his tires squeeling. The guy holding the camera kept yelling "Let go of the brakes! Let go of the brakes! Let go of the $#*$* brakes!!!!" And I too noticed the ones that changed drivers.
  19. Here's a version of 12 Days of Christmas that might have a broader appeal to the members of this board.
  20. I think, at your age, you'll be encouraged to wait until marriage or a mission, or at the very least until you're in your mid-20's. Also, since you haven't been a member a year yet, you'll have to wait until next June or July at the very very earliest to recieve your own. I don't know what any (if there are any) written "rules" there are about the proper age to recieve your own Endowments if you're not about to be married or go on a mission, but from personal experience, I've never known of anyone under the age of 24 who recieved them without having one of those two events about to occur in their lives.
  21. Okay, for those of you sticking to semantics... He's the first non-pasty-white president. How's that?
  22. He's the first black president. If he was a Republican I'd expect the same thing. Even if he does screw up, I can see these as being huge collector's items in a few decades, because it IS a monumental moment in American presidential history.
  23. Ah, well that's another one of my pet peeves. "Assigned pews". Does it really mater *that* much where you sit, unless you have some kind of medical condition that requires you to be close to the doors for a quick exit, or close to the pulpit so you can hear better?
  24. Well, to give them the benefit of the doubt, are there any other empty pews BESIDES that 2nd row? I know in my ward those front pews are always filled with late-comers, because none of the on-time people want to sit there, and fill up the back.