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Everything posted by Jenamarie

  1. He's looking at a sundial at night?
  2. Oh wow. I totally didn't think that was going to be right. He's blind?
  3. Because in some parts of the world all they have are ostrich eggs?
  4. Granted, but now you're stuck cleaning toilets for the rest of your life. I wish my husband's cell phone was on so I could call him.
  5. Granted! But it's the Titanic I wish my son would go to bed at a decent hour.
  6. Granted! However, due to new wish-related tax laws, 95% of your gold goes to the government. I wish I could get 8 hours of sleep every night.
  7. I'm sorry if my original post implied that you don't love her. That was not my intention. You DO however seem to be allowing your judgement of her actions (that they're wrong/inapproriate/disappointing) to effect your relationship with her. I can understand not being happy with your daughter's choices, but if she senses that you're judging her actions and treating her differently because of them, then she may interpret it as you not loving her as much, or putting conditions on your love and acceptance of her, and that will only exasperate the problem.
  8. I have to agree with "the men" that you seem to be making a bigger deal out of this than needs to be, going off what you've shared here. Unconditional love *absolutely* includes things that a person can control. I can't imagine anything my child could chose to do that would cause me to stop loving her. Just love her, try to be an example, and pray that she eventually comes to the realization that hygeine is important.
  9. Ben is so old he still has his library card from the Library of Alexandria.
  10. I think one way they could cut costs is to have all streets (except for ones out in the country of course) on nieghborhood boxes (like one large, divided box per block). In my town many of the postal workers still have to walk door to door to deliver mail, and I'm sure that takes a LOT of time and requires a lot of employees to cover the whole town in one day than if they only had to pull their truck up to ONE box and deliver all of the mail for the street into that one box (except for packages of course). A single worker could probably cover a lot more streets in a single day that way. This is the way it is in my parents' neighborhood, and the postal worker spends maybe 5 minutes loading mail into the box, whereas it takes my mail carrier about 20 minutes to cover my street.
  11. Ben is so old he remembers when the Grand Canyon was just nice.
  12. Ben is so old he used to keep leeches in his medicine cabinet.
  13. Ben is so old... in math class he used an abacus. ETA: Darn it, Wingnut beat me to it.
  14. Ben is so old he helped write the charter for the City of Enoch.
  15. Ben is so old he remembers when the Garden of Eden was just a bunch of seedlings.
  16. BenRaines is so old he remembers when garments really *were* coats of skins.
  17. This is true. It is entirely possible he felt the Spirit at that other church's camp. The Spirit is no respect of denomination, IMO. It will testify of ANY Truth, where ever it is found, and many churches have some (or more) of it. Likely the camp activities revolved around Biblical lessons, and study, and that's certainly something that he'd find at the LDS church as well. But anyway, I agree with Ben. Have him read the Book of Mormon. That's probably the biggest source of Truth that he won't find at the other church. If you appear too much like you're trying to drag him away from that other church then you'll likely end up doing the opposite and pushing him to it.
  18. According to what their coach says in this article, they DID let up on full-court press, *3 minutes* into the game. They also pulled out their Starters and put in their Bench Warmers. The winning team's coach has now been fird for "un-Christ-like" conduct.
  19. See, I have kind of the opposite problem. I don't have a middle name, but people seem to assume that "Marie" is my middle name, and they always DROP it when they put my name in an announcement, or call my name to be sustained into a new calling. Buuuuugs me.
  20. Remember that Jesus Christ was the only person to walk this Earth without sinning or making mistakes. No one else, not even His Chosen Apostles and Prophets, have been able to come anywhere near His Perfect Example. If Christ could only use perfect people to do His work here on Earth, then none of his work would be done.
  21. Exactly. And if I was on the losing team and scored a point ONLY when the other team started easing up on their game, I would not have been proud of it. It would have been a "pity point", IMO. I dunno, this whole thing just reeks of the whole "everyone's a winner!" PC mantra. Like we shouldn't allow anyone to ever realize just how bad they are at something, and those who excel more than others ought not to make it too obvious that they're genuinely better than their competition, and should feel ashamed when it DOES become obvious that they're better.