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Everything posted by Jenamarie

  1. A random thought that popped into my head today while thinking about this whole "Big Love" scandal... Is the Temple ceremony copyrighted? I'm pretty sure the Book of Mormon is, right? Would the church also seek to copyright the Temple ceremony, and might that be one way which they could address this whole Big Love thing? (copyright infringement). Just wondering.
  2. My screen name is my name, and my avatar is a picture of my daughter in her Minnie Mouse costume. I may soon be changing it to a picture of my newest son though.
  3. I agree with wingnut. Of COURSE the church could call for a boycot if they wanted. I don't see how it would be illegal for them not to.
  4. Here's the church's statement from The Publicity Dilemma - LDS Newsroom
  5. How absolutely horrifying for that congregation to have to witness. My prayers with them and the Pastor's family.
  6. My DH has been our ward's financial clerk for going on 7 years now. He loves it because he gets to attend all his meetings and doesn't have to prepare lessons or attend activities with a bunch of kids (my callings have been in RS, YW, and Primary since he's been in there). We hadn't really noticed any direct blessings coming from the calling until just recently. My DH is finishing up a Bachelor's degree just now, and hopes to move into a management position sometime after graduating. When he started looking into some of the positions he was interested in last year, just to see what they were asking for in addition to the degree, he found that many of them were asking for the kind of accounting experience that he's gained in his 6 years as a financial clerk! His degree program isn't offering this kind of training, but the church has. Now he'll be able to put down over half a decade's worth of experience with it on his resume. I would talk things over with your Bishop and let him know how you're feeling. Maybe a good pep talk or Priesthood Blessing may be all you need. Or he may be prompted to move you to another calling where you can recieve more spiritual growth. Although maybe trying to participate more in your sunday school and priesthood meetings might fulfill that for you. Start reading the lessons before hand and such, if you aren't already. Our Callings aren't the only source we have for this kind of growth. :) (and I'm sure you already know that, just trying to point out a bright-side in case your Bishop doesn't release you )
  7. I'm a few days away from delivering my third baby, and I SO know how you feel! Like they wake you up at 4 in the morning to take your temperature and all that, and I'm like "I JUST HAD A BABY! I NEED SLEEP!" Or one nurse with my first baby woke me up at *2 am* to watch me nurse my daugher to make sure I was doing it right. Who CAN properly nurse a baby at 2 in the morning?? Especially a first time mom? Gotta agree with you on the pain killers though.
  8. I have family in Pleasant Grove. They will be *thrilled*.
  9. I remember it being sometime around '93-'94 I think the saying is "Live right, eat well, die anyway".
  10. Ya, remember "cancer sticks"? (i.e. gum) You'd have to eat packs and packs and packs of the stuff in a single day, EVERY DAY, to get the level of harmful chemicals that caused the cancer in the mice (or was it rats?) that they gave the gum to. I'm not too worried. *smacks her gum*
  11. I wouldn't remove yourself from the VT program all together, but maybe ask for new visiting teachers? I know my prior VT companion and I asked to be placed with different companions because our scheduals just were not compatible, and so we rarely got to go out to appointments together. (she kept the same route, since her schedual fit in well with our sister's scheduals, and I was assigned a new route and new companion). Talk to the VT coordinator in your ward and see what can be done about the situation. It may be that day time hours are the only times they're available to visit teach.
  12. Just so long as they don't make a commercial about it.
  13. I still remember watching a lame made-for-TV movie about "killer bees" I grew up in California as well, and remember being told to "be prepared" for their arrival, but wasn't really given a reason as to WHY. Obviously the movie raised a few concerns, but I don't know how valid they are.
  14. This is so our building! The RS room is always either ice cold or burning hot. We joke that it's so the older women going through "the change" will always feel comfortable.
  15. This is totally my husband. He grew up in Northern Ontario, and a trip to the Temple required a charter bus and reservations at the Marriott. And the DC Temple is still his favorite one. To add to that... ... If your "seminary building" was your Bishop's livingroom. ... If you packed a lunch to take to Stake Conference. ... If your wedding and reception were a week apart.
  16. So am I, although it was *days* and not weeks.
  17. You might be a Mormon if... * you and your husband were engaged within weeks of meeting, and married within months of meeting. * your husband proposed using the words "I had a dream that you were meant to be my wife" or "The Lord revealed to me that you were meant to be my wife" * there are more children than adults at your church on Sunday. * you either live in Utah, or hope to visit Utah sometime in your life.
  18. Or you have wine glasses that you pull out when you're having Martinelli's.
  19. You might be a Mormon if ... * there are basketball hoops in the background of your wedding reception pictures. * driving several hours to attend a wedding is a fact of life. * your bridal shower was an Enrichment Night activity. * your BABY shower was an Enrichment Night activity. * you have a special menu for when the missionaries come over.
  20. I agree with Wingnut. I would not be comfortable with it. And it isn't based on my theology, it's based on the LARGE number of sexual predators who are male. (I'm NOT saying all males are sexual predators). I might be okay with a male day care provider who was working at a larger center with several women around, but I would not be comfortable with an at-home daycare center (where the provider is usually the only adult there) that was run by a man. He will be intimately touching my child (diaper changes) and I would just not be comfortable with it. I'd be too worried that he was an un-caught sexual predator who started the day care to gain easy access to kids.
  21. Cuz if he goes over the cell phone "self destructs".
  22. I dunno. If someone answers this one correctly are you going to have to kill them?
  23. Is one of them dressed like a lawyer?
  24. Is he watching a sports game? (as in, it's the time left for the game, but not the actual time-of-day time?)