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Everything posted by Jenamarie

  1. Found this little gem in the comments section (in regards to the Church providing Pres. Obama with bound books of his family geneology):
  2. But is public school the only place a child's honor can be challenged?
  3. I would just start ignoring your son's whinning. I would not respond to it what. so. ever. He's trying to draw you into negotiations, and as long as you're engaging him, he has hope that you'll eventually give in and let him have his way. If you stop talking to him and pretend like you don't hear him at all, even stepping over him while he throws a tantrum so you can throw something in the garbage can, he'd probably give up and go off in a huff and mope for a while, but eventually stop asking. We recently did something similar in our house, although my oldest kid is only 4 (turns 5 next month). They were used to watching a lot of movies, and I recently decided to cut down our movie watching to ONLY when I really really *really* needed a break (I'm a SAHM to 3 kids, the youngest is 4 months. sometimes I NEED my kids to be quietly watching a movie) and unless it's one of "those days" the TV is "broken" (i.e. unplugged, and the kids are too young to know how to plug it back in). They usually whine for a while, then start playing with their toys or out in the backyard. When the TV first "broke" though, it was hellish. They whinned and asked me to call daddy to fix it, etc. etc. etc. You'd think they'd broken their arm and needed 911 or something. The more I tried to explain to them that I didn't want them watching so many movies any more, the more they whinned, and it wasn't until I just stopped responding to their whines that they eventually gave up. It was hard to not send them to their rooms for being bossy, but ANY reaction from me gave them hope that I might change my mind. Also, I might threaten to move the TV out to the garage for however long it takes him to stop whinning. Whinning = longer time between movies. Remind him of that everytime he starts whinning, maybe making a mark on a piece of paper that you keep on the fridge, with each mark representing another day he's going to have to wait to get the TV back. Let him see the consequences rack up, and that you're serious about the whinning needing to stop. But otherwise, don't engage in any sort of conversation with him about the whinning. Just a "Oh, I see your whinning again, that's another day the TV is in the garage" then shut your mouth. NO negotiations or conversations about it beyond that.
  4. Did I label you a bigot? Try reading my post again.
  5. WOOOOOooooooo! Also have this one running through my head occasionally:
  6. I don't. I have black friends who run into this assumption a lot (black person = someone who can't be trusted) no matter what side of town they're on. The post gives the impression that black kid = someone intent on robbing me. I don't care what side of town you're in, just because someone's black and happens to be on the "wrong side" of town, doesn't mean they're out to rob you blind, any more than a white guy with a shaved head is going to burn a cross on your lawn. Yes the kid was probably being dishonest, but he could just as easily have been a white kid, or a hispanic kid, or an asian kid, etc. Mentioning his race is unnecessary, and comes across as biggoted.
  7. Any reason in particular why you felt the need to mention the kid's race, along with your assumption that he intended to take your tires?
  8. Fake. Bristol Zoo Carpark Attendant
  9. Beyond not having cable, since the digital switch, we only get one channel of regular TV at our house! But we do have DVD's and NetFlix, although we're starting to cut down on how many DVD's the kids are allowed to watch during the day (typically one after lunch, because watching a movie is the only fool-proof way I've found to get my almost-3 year old to take a nap), and one at night before bedtime. And we always have a Friday Night Movie Night where we watch a family movie and pass around the popcorn. I can't remember the last time my kids saw a commercial for anything other than another movie. I LOVE it.
  10. Oh, my childhood flashing before my eyes. "Whose fault? whose fault? the San Andreas's Fault! Cuz Mr. Richter can't predict her kicking our asphalt." The Earth Quake song is a *classic*
  11. Oh I LOVED Animaniacs as a kid. They really ought to incorporate them into schools! "United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Haiti, Jamaica, Peru..."
  12. I can't believe he died so young. I've been hearing some people say that he's our generation's Elvis. I think that's true. I remember watching his "Black or White" video when it first premiered on TV, and Thriller every Halloween. He made awesome music.
  13. Anyone here do homeschooling? Even though my DD has already been through traditional pre-school, and is enrolled for Kindergarten in the Fall, the idea of homeschooling has recently filled a lot of my thoughts, mainly because of a couple families in my ward who are doing it, and how wonderful and smart their kids are. I also love the idea of not having to worry about my kids being bullied like I was in elementary school, and also the flexibility in being able to take family vacations in the "off season", and not having to worry about the difficulties of having a child switch schools during the school year because of a move (we plan to move in the next 2-3 years, and obviously can't predict or plan on it happening during Summer vacation.) Some questions I have are: How much time during each day do you dedicate to "school"? Do you have a "classroom" in your house, or is it just your kitchen table? Where do you keep your school supplies? How do you handle teaching kids at different grade levels at the same time? Do you buy pre-made curriculums, or come up with your own?
  14. I'm scratching my head over this one... How exactly is it breaking the law of chastity? He's not asking your wife to bare herself for sexual means.
  15. Oh, they are! I don't know WHY they aren't more common in the States.
  16. They're a dessert that's more common in Canada. My husband is Canadian, and he grew up eating these. You don't see them often in the States (I'd never heard of them until a year ago when my husband mentioned them being his favorite dessert). Once in a blue moon our grocery store will carry them, since we get a lot of Canadian tourists, but not often. Nanaimo Bars 1/2 cup butter 1/4 cup white sugar 5 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 cups graham cracker crumbs 1 cup shredded coconut 1/2 cup chopped walnuts 1/4 cup butter 2 cups confectioners' sugar 2 tablespoons vanilla custard powder (or instant vanilla pudding powder) 3 tablespoons milk 4 (1 ounce) squares semisweet chocolate, chopped 1 tablespoon butter Mix 1/2 cup butter or margarine, white sugar, cocoa, egg and vanilla in a heavy sauce pan or double boiler. Stir over low heat until mixture is of custard like consistency. Combine graham crackers, coconut and walnuts and add to the melted mixture. Mix well and pack into buttered 9 inch square cake pan. Cream 1/4 cup butter, confectioners' sugar, vanilla custard powder and milk. Beat until creamy and spread over melted base. Refrigerate till hardened. Melt semi-sweet chocolate with 1 tablespoon butter and drizzle over custard icing. Refrigerate. When totally hard cut into square bars.
  17. My DH LOVED the IOU coupons he got last year, and he did not turn up his nose at the Nanaimo bars I made for him today as an early Father's Day present for this year.
  18. Jenamarie


    Saw UP today (not in 3D, closest theater with that option was an hour away ) I took my 4 year old. It was an awesome movie! A bit intense for my 4 year old at times, she sat on my lap and I told her "They'll be okay, watch! See? They're okay!" She never seemed really scared, just caught up in the action. And the short at the front was cuuuuuuute! Loved it!
  19. The big thing when I was in Primary/Young Women's was kids not being allowed to watch the Simpsons. One of my friends was seriously *shocked* that my parents "allowed" that (said in a "What kind of parents do YOU have?" negative way). 20 years later, I still don't get the problem with that show. But after getting that reaction, I didn't dare tell them that Monty Python and the Holy Grail was one of my favorite movies. (sooooooo many of the jokes in that movie flew miles above my head)
  20. Maternity tops are just longer in the front. It's NURSING tops that have the flaps.
  21. Ah, the old "under or over" debate. Last I heard, there was no official church policy on this. Some Temple matrons will say "over", some say "whichever is most comfortable". For me, under is most comfortable, but I know lots of women for whom "over" is the way to go, and they're all current recommend holders. Honor your covenants, make sure your over-clothes don't reveal your garments, and you're all good. You are NOT a failure.