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Everything posted by Jenamarie

  1. Born in the U.S.A. Barack Obama Birth Certificate
  2. Oh, I got married at Oakland! It is a GORGEOUS Temple! My Favorite.
  3. Who says a teacher can't pray? My parents prayed every morning before they went into their classrooms, and every night before bed. I'm sure they also kept a prayer in their hearts during the school day. The only thing they didn't do was include their students in their prayers, which is as it should be. I would not want a Muslim teacher leading my children in prayer towards Allah. Or a Catholic teacher having my student recite the Rosary. I personally think it would add a whole lot MORE stress to a teacher's job if she were expected to be a religous instructor (beyond the Social Studies aspect of it) to a multi-religious class.
  4. But it's not a tennant of the Christian Faith to never let anyone mock you. To me it's the difference between them printing a cartoon that pokes fun at Joseph Smith, versus printing a cartoon that depicts and pokes fun at our Temple Ceremonies. The first one would be offensive, but the second one would be a thousand times more so, because it is mocking something sacred. ETA: And I wouldn't care if it was for "preserving history" that they printed it. It would be a cartoon that I would love to see burned. (refering to one poking fun at Temple Ceremonies).
  5. While the threats of violence are upsetting, I wish Yale had done the right thing FIRST, rather than AFTER the threats came. It's no secret that creating an image of Muhammad is a BIG DEAL for Muslims. If we ask for respect for our OWN religion, we ought to be willing to stand up for other religions' right for that same respect.
  6. Not all the critisizms were mild. Here on LDS.NET they were, but I saw some rather over-the-top "How DARE Obama!" responses in my town and community.
  7. Did Obama say that only HE could encourage our kids? I don't recall hearing him say that. Do you disagree with school's bringing in Fire Fighers to give lessons on fire safety? Or Police Officers giving lessons on Stranger Danger and Good Touch/Bad Touch? Do you disagree with Police Officers being in schools as a way to promote their good image to the students, who may be hearing at home that cops are "pigs"? I know it was seeing a Real Life Fire Fighter that brought the "matches are NOT a toy!" lesson home for my 5 year old. All the harping in the world from her dad and I, when she would try to find a box of matches to play with (not that she lit them, she liked playing with them like Lincoln Logs) didn't have as much effect as having someone as "cool" as a "real fire fighter" tell her that they weren't toys to be played with. Sometimes even responsible parents can use a bit of outside reinforcement.
  8. Sorry, I'm a little overly emotional today. I'll be happy to wake up Wednesday morning and (hopefully) have this all over and done with. I have a feeling it'll turn out to be "much ado about nothing".
  9. You've got to be &^**$% kidding me. Check out Godwin's Law.
  10. An hour? Everything I've read said the speech is going to be 15 minutes.
  11. I wonder if anyone's ever forwarded this onto them (the ones still alive... I'm sure they have...) I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall to see their reactions. I wonder why there isn't a Pres. Hinkley one though.
  12. I'm thinking back to my school days when classtime being interrupted for "political events" was fairly regular. I watched both Clinton's innaugurations, as well as GW Bush's first innauguration IN SCHOOL (during math class, during marching band practice, and during P.E. respectively). No permission slip needed (and we didn't watch just the swearing in; we watched the speeches, AND the prayers!). My parents are school teachers, and they watched GW Bush's address to the nation in reguards to 9/11 during school hours as well. (They teach Kindergarten and 1st grade) No permission slip required, and no parental complaints, from my memory of hearing my parents discuss it. I don't recall any of those events coloring my future political ideals. I just thought it was cool to listen to the President. It helped me to gain respect for the office, and instilled a bit of pride for my country. In P.E. one year our teacher had us work towards achieving the Presidential goals for health (I can't remember if it was Clinton that established that?). It lasted the entire school year, so I doubt there were any parental complaints (and while, yes, I was living in California, I was living in Central California, which is VERY Red) While the President IS a politician, that doesn't mean his every action of every day is a political action. Nor does it mean he does things ONLY for political gain. He might actually *gasp* care about the country, and the people he is elected to serve, and want to do something good for them. You know, SERVE them a bit.
  13. He's also the leader of our nation, whatever his party is.
  14. But what's political or partisan about setting educational goals? And why shouldn't a President be allowed to address his constituancy, even the ones below voting age?
  15. My comments weren't addressed to you, they were addressed to the people, some of whom are in my own community, who insist upon PERMISSION SLIPS being required for kids being allowed to watch the President's speech. It isn't a sex-ed speech, or a speech on homosexuality or abortion. It's about education! It boggles my mind that there ARE people out there who feel his speech is in any way innapropriate for younger viewers.
  16. I'm just saddened that there are children who's parents will deny them the opportunity to hear a sitting president speak to THEM. By all means, let's protect our children from a inspirational speach on doing well in school! THAT'S the part that I find "creepy".
  17. No kidding. I hope the loudest opponants of this speach are homeschooling their kids. Public School has never been apolitical. There's all sorts of "indoctrination" going on in Goverment-run schools; always has been.
  18. The "assignments" the govt. made to go along with the speach are all "suggested activities". Teachers can use them or ignore them. Being the daughter of two elementary teachers, and a prospective homeschooler, I would love to have a whole little lesson plan provided to go along with the speach, either to use as-is, or as a source of inspiration to come up with my own (taking and leaving parts I like and don't like). There isn't going to be any sort of enforcement on teachers to use the specific plan provided by the govt.
  19. I can't believe some parents are going to keep their kids home from school for this. What happened to all the "Respect the office of the President!" jargon conservatives were always spouting when people were critical of Bush?? What message are those parents teaching their children about respecting the office of the President? How about using the speach as a starting-point for a discussion with your kid about politics? How about using it as a way to teach your kid that sometimes you can agree with someone you disagree with, and vise versa? (if you end up liking the message, but not the messanger) I hear all these cries of "indoctrination" and what not. EVERYONE is "indoctrinated". We all "indoctrinate" our children (or, aka "instill our values"). I highly doubt his speach on setting educational goals and staying in school is going to lead to the demise of the rising generation. Unless conservatives are against an educated electorate.
  20. Oh darn. Wish I'd quoted the OP's last post before he deleted it. Sounds like somebody needs more carrots.
  21. SDH: I personally would caution you from posting ANY information about where you're staying on an online forum. Anyone can read it. I hope you have better luck in your new location.