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Everything posted by Lindy

  1. Here's my hug for you too.... everyone needs a hug once in a while! ... didn't want to steal SF's bear hug....LOL and I am sorry I was snotty, I'm usually pretty easy to get along with
  2. Geeez louise I wasn't linking homosexuals in the same group as anything.... edited with: NOT meaning ALONG WITHI meant AND to imply AND ........... homosexuals AND those who hurt others TWO seperate groups ...... someone need a hug? How can I not understand? Possibly how I was brought up.... that statement "I think that the way we were raised has a lot to do with tolerance of others. If someone is taught that rules are most important than people those are the ones who will judge another harshly. " was something that hit home... "BECAUSE THAT"S THE WAY IT IS" ...edited: THAT is what I heard growing up.... I didn't grow up with a religious family.... sure glad you were taught what was right and wrong....the correct way. Peace out, Lindy
  3. Good posts Rosie and SF I enjoyed both I also feel the same as SF does in the fact "I think that the way we were raised has a lot to do with tolerance of others. If someone is taught that rules are most important than people those are the ones who will judge another harshly. I also believe that some who judge other have not experienced what it feels like to be judged by another. " There are some who take everything written LITERALLY without room for personal thoughts or feelings of other people. So many things are written as a guide for us, it is up to us as individuals to apply it to our lives as we see fit. I think that 4 different people can look at the same picture and see so many different things, whose right and whose wrong? If they see what they see, how can someone tell them they don't? I think that I have been put thru trials to make me a more humble person, to accept more things I could never accept before. I was just as bad as some in judging some people but I see more thru the eyes of Christ when I realized what I was doing. I was scared of people in wheelchairs growing up... I don't know why, I just was... I would avoid them at any cost. When I was 16, I had the chance of helping out in a rehab center, when a "to be" family member had an accident and put in a wheelchair for life. I learned a lot that summer about not judging others because of your fears, or their circumstances.... yet I still judge at times, mainly for things I can't understand...or don't want to understand I guess. Homosexuals and those that hurt others for self pleasure.....somethings I will never understand... and I just don't want to be a part of it. I can't lie to myself and say I don't judge... I still do, I just try harder not to.
  4. Welcome Bryan to LDSTALK..... Glad you found our board, and hope to hear alot more from you, you will make a great addition to our little board family "Are We A Closed Minded, Judgemental People?, I'm worried that Mormons are not open to non-LDS viewpoints" I really think that it depends on the area you are in.... I have seen both lovng open minded, non judgemental members, and I have seen the closed minded, judgemental ones you refer to. I prefer the open minded ones The other ones have turned me non active at times, just to avoid their sarcasm. But, I always go back (fo sacrement meeting)..... cause I'm LDS for ME, not for anyone else... so they can take their attitudes and ..........well, save them for a rainy day :) Keyboard isgoing I'll finish when I et home
  5. If anything I think that animals act more on instinct, humans act more on emotions. I don't think that you can compare the two..... to me that's just borderlining on accepting evolution. I will use a human vs animal reference once in a while, but I never mean to really try to compare the two. I have heard on nature shows and such that some animals will go into a period of mourning for the loss of a mate or offspring. So I do think that some were given some sort of maternal/paternal feelings, but than again... how many will eat or leave their second thoughts? Suicide is a very lonely way to die, it's a form of desperation, and to me it's a loss of faith in themselves, in others and in God to help pull them thru the worst of times. Only one I really knew who committed suicide was a GI who couldn't handle the fact he was an alcoholic homosexual. He didn't' like himself, he didn't know how to cope, so he hung himself in a jail cell. So many just give up trying to make things better, they just don't see the light at the end of the tunnel, and the hole just keeps getting deeper and deeper, loneliness and despair
  6. Just like playing with the neighborhood kids when your young... it's all innocent funHanging out is just being friends doesn't matter if opposite sex or not. Friends are friends.
  7. I am so sorry if my laughter offended you Fiannan, I just see humor in a lot of things. And just to stay with the content of this thread.... if a girl "bares her neck" tilting it to the side, ready for you to take a bite....ON THE FIRST DATE...... perhaps she's not the kind of gal you want to take home and introduce to mom. Mating behaviors should be left at home until more serious developments ensue
  8. I applaud the men for their foresight ..... very good and I agree with Shan too, movies are great if you don't want to talk to someone, but for a first date... I don't think so :) I think that manners are very important myself... I don't think that most females are really picky ...... but to have the doors opened for them... ladies first and all... it's really nice....OH and that level of maturity sounds really good too. OH OH use your napkin instead of your sleeve... lol Intellegence, sense of humor, fun, the sensitive side regarding family is really good... I like that! I'm sure that every girl would love to hear a guy say nice things about his mom and dad...and gasp.... a sister or two. My best advice... be yourself, keep it simple, keep it clean, keep it fun. PS..."usually making a sign of submission such as bearing the neck: OH my heck I laughed so's 110 degrees outside.... I am sure that she is going to have a bare neck to start off with
  9. I think the first time I heard PHAT (pronounnced fat) ((years ago)) was when one teen was talking about a pregnant woman and I thought "how rude is that?" So, I turned on him and said... "she's pregnant...not fat- there is a BIG difference". He laughed at me and said...."P-H-A-T Pretty Hot And Tasty" LOL I felt like a dork. :)
  10. Humor, honesty and manners (some kind of manners) lol I wouldn't hold my pinky finger up to drink of cup of cocoa if I were you If you are looking for a girl of faith.... than faith is really something they like to see in a guy also. oh oh, sensitivity.... that's a good one too... no one likes a complete macho macho man :)
  11. Well, if it matters any, I am sure that there is more than one person posting from that IP. I have been played the fool before, but I tend to stick to what I believe until shot down by the truth. Two people same IP
  12. I am really surprised that the Melchezadic Priesthood holders and the former/present Bishops on this site didn't catch this. There is no way a young man would be ordained into the Aaronic Priesthood the day after he is baptised, the same day he would be confirmed a member of the Church! Let alone be ordained into the Melchezadic Priesthood the day after his baptism! This is more proof that Christos is an Anti! Mrs. S: It is almost alway's common for a young man who is old enough, when he is baptised, to soon after be ordained into the Aaronic priesthood and if he is old enough, to the office of a Priest. I don't know if Christo is a "Anti" or not but I do know that he has alway's been nothing but kind to me. OK now my two cents..... #1 Christos has been nothing but nice and honest to both the LDS and non LDS on this board #2 I have had the pleasure of chatting with him, and there was NO "anti" anything #3 My ex was given the priesthood right after he joined the church, and I have known several young men who also were ordained after joining #4 I believe in you Christos.... even if you ARE from England lol