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Everything posted by Lindy

  1. Thanks for the stories... it helps to know a bit of background on how some feel, or don't feel about the church. And even if your'e not lds... still glad to have you around! Oh, and I voted other...but I really should have voted none in the household. I guess I count the priesthood holders on this board as the priesthood I have in life. Ohhh so sad, but true!
  2. well I vote keep it and see where it goes... your wife might like how it turns out.... but if IF she doesn't.... I think you need to take her feelings into consideration too. PS... I like the scruffy look on you Jason. It suits you :)
  3. Lindy


    There are Christian extremists on the web, just as there are Muslim ones. I do know that there are highly educated, moderate Muslims who could explain why the radicals are the way they are, and why they do not represent mainstream Islam. Something interesting I found on Wikipedia.... that "In some Muslim countries, polygamy is relatively common, while in most others, it is often rare or non-existent" Seems that The Qur'an allows a man to have up to four wives "at any one time". With their holy book allowing polygamy, Question is..if your religion allows more than one wife.... why sleep with a female and take her honor if you can just marry her and add her to your collection? Geez I wish we had an educated moderate Muslim on board to answer some questions. I agree, and I guess I did sound very chastizing when I think of it... but I think I'm more curious to their reasoning of what is right and what is wrong when it comes to the honor of a male vs females. I will stand up for what I think is right however I thought that was the whole point of the thread... how seriously are we to take sexual purity and virginity? I think it should be taken very seriously...but not to the point of honor sucide or honor killings. Oh, if the world today would still look on " Once a man and a woman consummate, they are husband and wife. " and let that be law.... I think that the male population would think twice before they thought about that little romp in the back seat of the Chevy. MHO I mean really.... how many men honestly take the time to think about what "consummation" really means to a woman? It's binding one person to another. In heart, mind and body. I'm done rambling for today.... peace out PS......PC LOL... isn't a monastary for young girls called a "nunnery" or Abbey? I think that someone beat you to that idea.....
  4. do that again I will take
  5. Lindy


    I agree, issues like virginity are still important... should be important for both male and female. However, I think that so many cultures hold the male unacountable when it comes to being chaste. That is what I have a hard time with.... why should a female be looked down upon when the male commits the same sin? I can appreciate those countries where the male is held just as accountable for his actions..... kudos to them! If more countries followed suit... rape and unwed pregnancy would drop dramaticallyIt bothers me that now-a-days love has been thrown out of the act of giving of oneself to another..... it's so what's the word... desensitized?
  6. Lindy


    Oh come on. Look at it from a neutral position. It stands to reason that Jesus could have been the guy. Why else would he care about some chick caught having sex? Must have happened everyday. So why single out this one? I stand by my "shame on you" I am looking at it from a neutral position. Maybe I just look at things at a different perspective than you do.. havent' you ever stood up for someone accused of something without you having had a part in the scandel? Some people have a natural tendency to care about others...without having to have had an underlying reason for it.
  7. Welcome Welcome Welcome to our board :) Good people, good times :)
  8. Lindy


    So, if he sleeps with someone NOT espoused to him.... what then? Does that free the virgins who were espoused to him to marry another? Kind of cruel to me that the female could stay true to her vows and then go to another man when her marriage was defiled by a cheating husband and DESTROYED? sheeeesh
  9. Lindy


    SHAME on you Jason PC- I tend to think that they probably did the same thing then as they do now.... pat the guy on the back and say "score!". Sad, sad little world
  10. Lindy


    OK, I have a question for the honor killings in the Middle Eastern countries...... does it only pertain to females? I'm sure there are such things as virgin males.... but what happens when one ceases to honor that status? is HE put to death? Or is it a sexist thing for females only? Just curious.
  11. Lindy


    How sad is that? That a female should have to take her life for the honor of the males in her family? Sure, virginity is a a sacred symbol of purity but as To-Tall said... "things happen" isn't that where repentance is to come in? It's a scary thought the things that go on in the minds of others of different faiths or cultures. It's their way of life, and it makes me all that more appreciative of where I live in this world. Sure virginity is important, but not to use as a bargaining tool for a father to use like she is a commodity, In the old days, the virgin was given in marriage..... love had nothing to do with it.... I guess the lucky ones learned to love their husband. Virginity really is a status symbol I guess. Holding it up to show others you are pure, undefiled and untouched. As it is now as it was in the Bible days.... the thought is to keep a virgin for the man you marry. Random thought- once it's gone, it's gone..... so a virgin marries... what happens when she gets divorced? Does that mean she's a nasty person for haveing had sex before? I'm not talking about the woman who sleeps around with anyman she can find.... I'm talking about the one who isn't a virgin any longer because of marriage, or perhaps a committed relationship gone bad. I like what TT had to say.... it doesn't matter if she is or isn't.... if I love her I love her.. The world needs more thoughts like that IMHO.
  12. Sounds good to me... the heads up and all.... I buy mostly music to help replace the stuff I had "loaned" out without knowing about it.
  13. i'm pretty sure this isnt what we are taught, having received new knowledge and revelations My thoughts exactly.... once they are dead...they are dead and don't return? What about the spirits that people see while preforming baptism for the dead? Too many to call them all liars. Two of my four children both "saw" their grandpa more than 4 years after he had passed away..... Different times, different ages. Same grandpa. Neither knew the other had the same experience. I'm sure that Joseph Smith also saw "dead" people.... LDS understand the importance of those "dead" people coming back to earth at that time...... kind of a lot to do with what our faith is built on. I am a believer in spirits among us.... Different than the Holy Ghost mind you. Nothing can take his place.
  14. hi :) How do you know that their spirit is there to hear you and comfort you?? The only spiritual comforter I know of is the Holy Ghost, who bears wittness of Jesus. If you indeed are "talking" to dead people and under the assumption that they hear you and comfort you, then you are speaking/communicating with the dead. which is a big no no. period. in times of hardship etc. we seek the lord. our protection strength guidence , Comfort etc etc come from him. Oh boy, think I opened up a can of worms Yes, I agree that the Holy Ghost is the spiritual comforter..... I mean to say that one can be comforted by the presence of a loved one.... just knowing that they are ok and happy, etc. And I do mean talking TO not WITH..... I would be terrified if I heard someone from the other side talking to me. I listen to the voice of the Holy Ghost..... thankfully I haven't heard any other voices Little story here..... Daughter's best friend lost her husband in Iraq when his vehicle went over a mine, messed him up pretty bad. She was so distraught with grief thinking that he was still in pieces and in pain somewhere that she was losing her grip on her own sanity. She begged me to help her know that Marvin was ok wherever he was.... I told her everything I could about what I knew about life after death.... about the spirit world and being at peace, etc... as much as I could in her drugged state of mind. I also told her she could talk to him anytime she needed to.... but he wouldn't answer back....she would just know that he is ok....and she did...everynight she went out and sat under the stars and just talked to him... it helped her keep her sanity that way. She told me later that even though he never answered, she knew that he was at peace.... and that made her feel better. Nothing evil or sinister, just simple one sided conversations.
  15. Ok, I can't sit back and let that one go..... "aren't to speak to anyone who has passed on"? That is the very first time I have ever heard anything like that in my life. I am sure that the Bible is not talking about "talking" to those who have passed on in the sense that you are referring to. I think it's a total different thing to "talk" to a relative or a friend who has passed on.... knowing that their spirit is there to hear you and to comfort you, and the "conjuring up of spirits" we think of as a fortune teller or medium (whatever they are called) I honestly think there is a vast difference between "talking" and "praying" I only pray to my Father in Heaven I can "talk" to anyone I want to.
  16. Winnie, I think it depends on your breaking point... how much you can handle for yourself... or how much you think is enough for others in the family. I echo Scott when he said "It is a personal decision but a workable answer is when it affects your saftey and sanity, and there is no real way to stay safe and sane if they are around" and that goes for not only yourself...but like sgallon had to do.... protect his child from potential harm.Tough love is a hard thing to have to do.... but you have to decide for yourself when enough is enough and take action from that point. Doesn't mean you don't love them anymore.... it's self preservation... or preservation for someone else.
  17. You need to contact Heather Dr. Tvarify you are over 18, and ask her to give you access to the Open Discussion forum pm and email her both..... so you know that one will get thru to her
  18. ROFL ohhhh Winnie.... I always wondered that same thing WHY June Bugs? I never could find a use for them... Food for the birds.....uck.... bait for sucker fish?AND Dinosaurs! That's another one! One of those that you can't dwell on....cause it will make you crazy! lol (maybe that is what happened.... I dwelled too long )
  19. I had a problem with all the statues and whatnots myself when I was a kid.... Part of the reason I could never get into checking out the religion underneath the obvious. I learned more as an adult... but still not something I would want to get into.... if I wasn't LDS, I might have become a Christian Jew.
  20. Exactly how I feel.... and for those things that dont' get sorted out.... I have no problems asking questions :)Oh, and Jason... the "spirit shelf" idea works for me, but I'll take heed and try not to let them overload the shelf. I'll just go to the condensed version... to save more space
  21. Lindy


    Just a thought here.....but the Coca-Cola company started up in the mid to late 1880's and it was reported to have trace elements of cocaine in the syrup. Wouldn't that be considered as detrimental to the body as nicotine? That might have been a deciding factor when the prophets included "Coke" as a drink to stay away from.... The manufactures did away with that "secret ingredient" a long time ago.... maybe that's why it's not as high profile as it used to be. I don't understand why there is so much emphasis on caffeine in drinks.... and nothing said about the level of sugars that parents are giving their children that promotes tooth decay, obesity and diabetes as they get older. Why not have Kool-Aid banned from the list too? Look at what a pure sugar drink is doing to our nations youth. LOL I don't' know about Coke....but I had a mechanics wife show me what Pepsi does to a rusty nail..... cleans it REALLY GOOD... right down to itty bitty. Maybe it's not the caffeine...maybe it's the acid they want us to abstain from.