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Everything posted by FunkyTown

  1. I'm going to be honest here: It sounds like you're just letting off steam. You probably need to get some girlfriends for that. With the number of posts you've made about your husband and his beer drinking/strip club attendance/cat pee smelling parents/problem du jour, it sounds like you're either: A) Blowing off steam because you have no girlfriends IRL or family you can blow off steam to, or; B) Someone who doesn't like their husband very much. I'm guessing A, which sucks for you if that's the case, but there's really not much we can do on here about that. Have you considered joining some local groups? If it's B, then you need to figure out what you're going to do about that. You can't change your husband. Only yourself. Knowing that, you have to figure out what you're willing to do to adapt to him.
  2. "Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to conceive." That's what the saying should be.
  3. True, but I'm uncertain how I feel about applying that to someone who's gay. I'm uneasy with the idea that it's something that can be 'cured'. If I was gay, I don't think I'd want to be 'cured' in the same sense that someone with a club foot can. And yet, how many would choose that lifestyle if given the choice ahead of time? We live in an age of medication. How much of us is defined by electro-chemical reactions within our body and how much is defined by who we are? Pah. Reminds me of C.S. Lewis' 'The Abolition of Man'. If being gay is an electro-chemical balance issue, then it can be 'cured'. What are the ethical ramifications of 'curing' someone's individuality?
  4. Yeah. It's not at all appropriate. Notice, however, that the school board was 'Taking steps to make sure that quiz wasn't handed out any more'. My guess is that there was more than the teacher involved. It's a stupid quiz and I'd have complained about it, too. I understand why some people wouldn't want their son or daughter in there, thinking the person might be predatory, but my thoughts are that the teacher was simply very stupid in handing that out.
  5. James: while John had "had had had had had had had had", "Had" had a better effect on the teacher. Buffalo Buffalo? Buffalo buffalo, buffalo buffalo. Buffalo buffalo. Direct quotes within quotation marks relay exactly what John had written. Assuming John had no punctuation in his original piece, the lack of punctuation within the quotation marks makes it technically accurate. How close was I to what I was supposed to write?
  6. Amputation fetishism is not Body Integrity Identity Disorder any more than cross-dressing fetishism is GID. But, just so I can confirm - You agree that 41% of post-ops attempted suicide as per previous conversations in here. This last post, you said 88% were happy post-op. That math doesn't make any sense at all. That would mean at minimum, that 29% of all post-ops attempted suicide while happy. Roughly one in three post-ops were cheerily downing bottles of pills with alcohol. That... Doesn't seem to make much sense.
  7. Rame? You're misusing the word 'Strawman' here. I did not ascribe a position to you that you do not take in order to knock it down. The OP has the responsibility to tell his Bishop, then ask what he thinks he should do. If the Bishop says to go tell the other Bishop, great! If not, then he needs to let her work out her own salvation.
  8. "Out of the mouths of two or three witnesses", Rame. Does he have a witness to her adultery? No? Then he can only confess himself and not confront her. That said, if it seemed he was doing this because it was the correct thing to do, that would be one thing. All the vibes he's giving off was that he was doing it to get back at her. He constantly talks about how he was affected by her behaviour, how she seduced him. He hadn't even told his own Bishop and was already talking about telling hers. If he was agonizing over telling the bishop out of love, the answer might be different. That does not seem to be the case and that's a bad state of mind to be worrying about someone else's repentance.
  9. You clearly are trying to get back at her. If you have concerns. Talk to her about it. It's her job to repent of her sins and not yours. You sound like a spurned suitor who has a lot of growing up to do.
  10. Which is exactly what someone with Body Integrity Identity Disorder claim. Many refer to the extra limbs as 'Superfluous'. They do not feel 'complete' with four limbs. They are confident that amputation will 'fix' them. Body integrity identity disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The similarities are there. In this case, no doctor will touch the patient. The two are exactly similar - The only difference being what part of the body they choose to mutilate. The suicide bit is much more disturbing. There could be several reasons for this: 1) Transgendered individuals are treated much differently than an amputee. People on the fringe are usually much more likely to commit suicide. 2) People might expect that the reassignment surgery will fix everything. When that occurs, and nothing really changes except that they've lost a part of themselves, their hope is dashed. There are too many variables. All the mental things you're describing are exactly as a BIID person would describe them. It's not pleasant to think about, but if we're going to be a good society, we have to consider the possibility.
  11. Considering he logged in a month ago to post just the first post, I'd say it was a joke. I think we're not going to hear from the OP again.
  12. I am afraid I can not be sympathetic, but merely empathetic in this case. I'm sorry you're struggling with these things, and I know you feel that this is a completely separate case, but: Don't you see? With Body Integrity Identity Disorder, the exact same feelings you're talking about exist in them. That feeling that you aren't right? They have that. This enormous need to alter their body? They have that. The feeling that their outwards appearance doesn't match what they feel? They have that. Some people are even born with no arm, or no arms and legs. Literally, the only differences between someone with a gender identity issue and someone with body integrity identity disorder are that fewer people suffer from BIID and that society frowns more upon BIID and a different body part gets mutilated. All the same feelings? They report it, too. I empathize with your feelings - I believe this is how you feel, and I'm sorry for your struggle. But until we understand more about what causes gender identity issues, we should not as a society be encouraging its literally self-destructive tendencies. We know that the operation doesn't solve anything, that suicides are hugely increased in these cases. Until we figure out why, shouldn't we err on the side of caution?
  13. I haven't posted in this because it makes me a little uneasy. I grew up an artsy type and that meant I had a lot of different types around me - Being a film student means you get all sorts. Gay, straight, everything in between. Normally, I say to live and let live. While I believe one thing, I can point to nothing that is absolute proof that what I'm saying is correct. Transgendered individuals, however, I feel are a different matter. Body Integrity Identity Disorder is a known derangement whereby someone has a desire to remove an otherwise healthy limb because they perceive themselves as being people with one arm, or one leg, or no arms and no legs. We do not allow Doctors to remove these limbs because these people require assistance and can live healthy and happy lives. The desire to maim oneself is something we recognize needs to be changed. Statistically, post-op transgendered individuals have an incredibly high rate of suicide: Transgender Americans face high suicide risk - Health - Health care - More health news - 41 percent of post ops attempted suicide. That's so high that we have to recognize that something is wrong. I feel that, until we can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt what causes gender identity issues, we should treat it like we would Body Integrity Identity disorder. It's sad, and it's certainly not politically correct, but if we treat those with the desire to lop off a limb in one way and those who desire to lop off their genitalia in another, we're clearly wrong one way or the other. I feel we should err on the side of caution and provide help rather than potentially feeding in to a self-destructive delusion. We really don't know where it comes from. Until we do, we are potentially ruining lives no matter what we choose. My instinct is to choose the one that doesn't involve maiming genitalia.
  14. All the single ladies, put your hands up! If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it.
  15. Err... Just thought I'd chime in with some things. What you're feeling is normal. I know. Shocking, with all of the things you've heard from other people. Just know that it's normal to feel the way you do, and it's even okay to feel the way you do. You're bored. This is normal. You have been in a marriage. You fell in to a rut. You felt like you were trapped doing nothing, so you decided to go make some changes. The first change was exercise. And this was good: Exercise makes you feel good, it makes you healthier. Everything is better with exercise. But do not think for a moment that exercise was what made you feel bored. You were feeling dissatisfied, which is why you made a lifestyle change. The lifestyle change was incidental and not causative of your current feelings. Now, let's look at what you're really feeling right now: You're still dissatisfied. You're bored. Your wife is everything you need in a relationship, but nothing you want. You even recognize this is probably not a good thing which is why you came forth here asking for help. I will. You are starting to resent your wife. You think it's because she doesn't look as good as she once did. This is simple poppycock. She is only a symptom. I am going to tell you something and it might shock you. Everything you've done points to one thing: Bored with your wife, the lifestyle changes, the desire to run out on your responsibilities. Your desire to leave the church to embrace freedom. You're having a mid-life crisis. Stop. Think about that for a bit. You might think you're too young for a mid-life crisis, but it can hit anyone who feels the weight of responsibility and longs for the days of freedom they once had. You can act on your mid-life crisis. If you do, you will lose your wife. You will hurt others. Before you do, be very careful. If you do everything you want to, it will make your life worse. Do research on mid-life crises and how to come out stronger for it. You're not alone. You can't help the way you feel. You can only help what you do.
  16. Well, technically there's far less alcohol in near beer than vanilla extract, which I cook with and often make french toast with. I would direct him to his Bishop if he has questions. More importantly, however, I would point out that while I can't judge him morally for that choice, I can judge his taste. Near beer? Yuck. That's just gross.
  17. This. Clearly, they are logically correct. When you accept a child's life as of less worth than a mother's comfort, there is only one answer. So the question is, what do we intend to do if this comes to pass? It's worthless being impotently angry. If this becomes the norm, then what do we do?
  18. That's utterly ridiculous. With communal money, the default is 'No' regardless of the sex of the spouse. If I wanted to buy a house with communal money and my wife didn't want that particular house, I couldn't just run out and buy the house. Conversely, if my wife wanted to buy a new car with communal funds and I said 'No', she couldn't just rush out and buy it either. With communal funds, both parties have to agree or it doesn't get spent. Period.
  19. So just so I can clarify here: If your wife wanted to give money to someone who: A) Hadn't paid back another loan fully that you had given him and; B) Continued to gamble and rack up more debts while still owing money to you, thus necessitating a further bailout. You would just do it? It sounds like the OPs wife is feeling guilty because her brother got in trouble and she feels responsible. You're suggesting he just toss more money to someone who continues gambling despite having debt to him, thus showing he has no sense of responsibility about money?
  20. You go to Apple Bee's? I'm judging you right now. They serve liquor there. Me, I won't go near anything that either serves liquor or casts a shadow(Because we're told not to live in darkness).
  21. So are you going to wear a pink tutu and post pictures of it up here in 32 days if the dollar isn't devalued by 40%?
  22. I'm... Unsure if you're being serious here.
  23. I have a question: I've heard this before and have to ask - What's an 'Emotional Affair'?
  24. Fixed that for you. Unless you're the type of person to love those days when you have to go to church when the Stake President who never prepares is speaking who always goes over by 25 minutes, and you have a headache, and your grandchildren are screaming and cranky, and the person who always demands a ride everywhere demands that you drive her screaming kids home. There are times when none of us want to do what we should.
  25. My wife and I have a great set of finances: We have her spending money in one account, my spending money in another account and the 'Pot' in another account. If it were my wife and she wanted to lend to someone, I'd just say "Yeah, no problem. Just lend it from your spending money. I have no control over that. From our house and emergency budget, though? I'm afraid I can't do that. I want us to have a home one day and we're currently on budget for that. Lending $1000 would take away from that. It's more important that we're prepared for our future - For any emergencies of our own - Than it is that we bail your brother out a second time from gambling debts he incurred himself.'