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Everything posted by FunkyTown

  1. Sure, but eternal doesn't imply it goes eternally in to the past. Just to the future. Unless you're suggesting that Alma 3:26 which uses 'Eternal happiness' and 'eternal misery' suggests that those people have been eternally unhappy travelling backwards in time as well? Or, since spirit is inseparably connected with matter in that same D&C, are you suggesting that spirit has inseparably filled matter as well for eternity? And since our bodies are matter and were filled with spirit, did our spirits displace the spirit that filled this eternal matter?
  2. The only thing that is expressly described as being created ex nihilo in the bible is light. Matter came from somewhere, so it's safe to say God was involved. Even in LDS teaching. 'All things were created spiritually before they were created physically' suggests that matter was created at one point rather than eternal, though it might not have necessarily been created ex nihilo. It could have been created from light, it could have been created from something else. There's simply not enough information from the bible to warrant an ex nihilo explanation for matter.
  3. Like Facebook? 'Cause that's a cloud. You'd never store any personal information like pictures on Facebook, right? *nods sagely*
  4. I would desperately want to, too. But that would be playing in to his hands. Nobody wants to feel like they're a bad person, so if she goes over to this girls house and gets angry, she just shows that her husband was probably right about... Whatever it is he's lying to her about to make her feel okay about dating a married man. If I were her, I would show up, put on my brave face, knock on the door and say: "Hi. I'm (x). You know my husband." Be sweet. Be kind. Let her know the reason you're there is to make sure she knows he's currently married and you'd thought everything was fine up until a month ago. Tell her that you thought you'd want to know if you were in that position, then nod and leave. Feel free to cry at this point. Your hubbie says this is a 'good Mormon girl'. If you play the psycho ex-role, your husband will just play it off as you being crazy and you always being like that. If you act like the nicest woman in the world, she is far more likely to dump his worthless behind.
  5. Women and men find the exact same things attractive. Nobody wants to date anyone who is beneath them. If you fawn over a woman, it will either get very creepy or they'll think of you like a very sweet but helpless puppy dog that would be just perfect for their sister, or friend, and be shocked that you aren't in a relationship. I mean - You couldn't be in a relationship with her. And this is how every woman you treat like that will react, because you are subliminally coming off as weak. What does this mean? 1) Have an opinion. Not an aggressive opinion. Just know what you want and go for it. When you invite her out, have a plan. Something you would have fun doing even if she weren't along. Don't just passively say "I don't know. What do you want to do?" or "I don't know. Where do you want to eat?" That will drive women crazy in the bad sense. "Nice" doesn't mean "Has no wants or desires of their own" or "Is willing to surrender everything they are." 2) Treat them like you would a best friend. Because, really, that's what your girlfriend should be. Laugh with them, joke. Don't treat them like they're made of paper and get doe-like eyes like they'll break if you say anything that isn't mealy-mouthed Goebbels baby food socialization. 3) Flirt. If you act like the perfect, sexless gentleman for 6 months, then blurt out "Ireallylikeyoupleasegooutwithme", then it will be a little bit creepy. If you never give her a reason to think of you as a mate, she will never have reason to think of you as a mate. This seems obvious, but it really doesn't appear to be. So many times, "Nice guys" think women like bad boys. They do not. Women like confidence. They like men who are their own man. The value intelligence, directness, honesty. They want to feel sexy, and spiritual, and desired, but they also want to date someone they feel are in the same league as them. If you give off all the signs that you aren't in the same league as them, they won't be attracted.
  6. Okay. Let's go with that: This would be true only if you knew it to be false. If you didn't, then you still wouldn't be able to know if it were true or false.
  7. That becomes a circular argument, Jamie. If you're saying: "I believe the definition of whether this book is true or not comes down to Moroni's promise." "Moroni's promise is that you can know if the book is true." "If the book is true, then Moroni's promise is true." That's circular and essentially a meaningless argument in logic. If Moroni is correct, then you can know if it's true. If Moroni is incorrect, then you can't. It's really that simple.
  8. That's assuming a third person omniscient point of view from Moroni. Moroni was not Omniscient. In the same sense that I could promise that you could pray to know the perfect recipe rabbit stew at the end of any cookbook I made wouldn't invalidate the rest of the cookbook, Moroni and his promise don't have to be true in order for the book to be a historical document. Note that I do think Moroni's promise is true. I just think the logical argument that we can necessarily know that fact is false based on how it's been presented.
  9. Number 3 of the first argument is a non-sequitur. Just because the Book of Mormon is 'true'(Depending on what you mean by 'true') doesn't mean Moroni's promise has to be true. Moroni could have been lying, mistaken or crazy. Simply put: Just because the Book of Mormon was written by the people it says it is, even if you assume they believe what they wrote, it doesn't necessarily follow that what they wrote is objectively correct. Also, number 3 of the second argument is another non-sequitur. If(For the sake of this argument), Moroni's words are untrue, it doesn't follow that we would know them to be untrue. I will give an example: There are sixty-three billion, nine hundred and ninety-eight million, six-hundred and seventy-eight thousand, three hundred and six apples in the world. If you pray about this number, you know it is true. There are too many apples around the world in too many disparate places to count the exact number. Therefor, it is impossible to know if the number I gave was correct. If I was false when I spoke and said you could know the number of apples in the world via prayer, it doesn't follow that you would know that it was false when I spoke it.
  10. Wait... He wants you to 'pretend you're not married' and he doesn't want to move out of the house? Why does he get to dictate the terms of this? He's being utterly unreasonable, though he can claim he's being reasonable all he wants. He's being a colossal jerk. In fact, the only real word for him is 'cad', and I don't break out early twentieth century slang lightly. Couple of things: Don't let him bait you and don't get angry. Carefully arrange where you'll be living after the divorce, if it gets that far. IMPORTANT: Look at all your finances to make sure he isn't moving money around to shelter it from you and your daughter during the divorce. Some men do this during the build up and that really hurts their wives. It is vital that you look at the finances very carefully from the last few months. This will protect you and your daughter. Carefully inform him that he is having an affair with a woman just a few years over half his age and that you won't be in the same house as him, nor will you allow your daughter to as you don't want your daughter to think this is an appropriate way to treat your wife. Tell him you've found a place and you'll be moving there with your daughter. He will try to pick a fight. He will say you're using your daughter as a club to hurt him. Don't let him bait you. Inform him tersely that you are protecting your daughter from thinking it would be okay for her husband to do this to her. When he tries to argue the point, inform him that you aren't going to talk about it while he's demanding that you handle the affair on his terms. Then leave. You should also inform the girl he's having an affair with that the man was married, but that when you heard that he was having an affair you left and thought she should know. Let her know you don't blame her as she wasn't the one married to you, but that you want to make sure she has her eyes wide open in this relationship and can make her own decision. This won't be easy, but it will protect your daughter and protect you from what he's doing.
  11. Wow! Your English is fantastic. Way better than my Ukrainian or Russian. I can barely get out 'Gde (wherever I need to go)' or 'Spaseeba!' Just to let you know: Don't worry about what other members of your branch are doing. If there are some hypocrites, then they're just at a different spot spiritually than you. Instead, just go forward doing what you need to do. Things will get better. And it's okay to slip up occasionally. We all do, and that's fine. You just need to do your best to move forward. You're in a difficult time, now. Just know that you're not alone and that people are here for you.
  12. Just as an aside: You might want to register this website through a business rather than personal information. When I saw what looked to be an advertisement, I immediately looked this up on to figure out if this was legitimate. It came up with your real name, physical address and personal email address. I was hoping to find a holding company I could look up and see if it was legitimate and ended up with a whole lot more. If the website is legitimate and you're just getting started, you might want to register it under a corporate name for your own security. If I can find all that personal information just by checking who the website is registered to, then you're going to get a whole heckuva lot more problems if your website makes it big.
  13. And notice how nobody ever bears their testimony that, "I know that Jonah was swallowed by a whale" or "I know that Moses led the Jews out of bondage." Yeesh! You'd think there's a giant conspiracy not to talk about them. Or... Y'know... That modern prophets generally are seen as more directly relevant to the lives of these people.
  14. Congratulation! You are most similar to: The Purple Man. You might be evil, but you dress so good. Hey, everybody! Look how good you look.
  15. There's a cheese shop in London called La Fromagerie. It's packed floor to ceiling with big cheeses, little cheese, skinny cheeses, fat cheeses, blue cheeses, red cheeses, yellow cheeses, soft cheeses, semi-soft cheeses, semi-hard cheeses and hard cheeses. It has hole-y cheese and blocky cheeses, roundy cheeses and flat cheeses. It has a website where it talks about all the cheeses it has on-site.
  16. Pepper jack is fantastic. I also like a little Red Leicester. If I'm going to melt it, Gruyere is fantastic. I have found that living in Europe has provided me far more cheeses than I had in Canada.
  17. BJ, my friend, I understand where you're coming from. If I can take a guess, you're in one of the following situations: 1) You just recently broke up with somebody and remember a relationship that went sour for some reason, but because time has salved the reasons they went sour, you just remember the good times and how much you enjoyed each others company. 2) You're currently in a relationship and you're at the 'bored' stage. You remember someone from your past and want to rekindle an old flame. Maybe you want to feel attractive, or recapture your youth and the carefree times(So it seems from looking back) of that time. We've all been there, my friend - Looking at an old relationship and wondering about 'what if'. My advice to you would be to let it go. You'll stop yourself from finding a new relationship if you plunge yourself in to the past, or of healing your current one because literally nobody can live up to a memory. Not even the person you have a memory of.
  18. Welcome, but please don't place personal information on here. I understand you're looking for someone who has been out of your life for 11 years, but have you considered that maybe if she's been out of your life for over a decade that you should probably move on?
  19. Tell your bishop. You aren't the only one with this problem and there have been several other people who have. It's usually tied to feelings of low self-esteem and a lack of control in your life. You say your parents have other things going on - Those other things are probably a very big part of what's got you cutting in the first place. You deserve better than that. Go to your Bishop. Whatever he does is going to be what's best. I know how difficult that is as a guy to go to the bishop, but it's important.
  20. Know that this, too, will pass. As hard as it is, you will come out stronger for it and closer to the person you were meant to be. This is not your fault. The second thing you need to know is that your husband is a colossal dink. The third thing you need to know is that there is an issue here - Your husband has no need to repent, in his mind. He is walking all over you. You can still mend the relationship, but I want to warn you that what you're doing right now is not encouraging him to repent. It is encouraging him to respect you less as he feels that he can and there will be no consequences. Men are a strange beast - We want what we can't have. When a woman is too available, we feel that we are 'higher' than them socially. It's the same with women - Men who develop cases of 'one-itis' often are not seen as real potential mates. It's selfish, but it's inevitable that when a man gets in to a mindset where he's only thinking of himself, the family suffers. You are now walking a fine line. Your husband thinks he wants freedom and feels that he's trapped and he thinks you and the kids are to blame for that. He wouldn't say it out loud, but he does. Every time you validate him by saying, "Do you want to leave?" in a vulnerable way, you're saying that you need him. In his mindset, you will drive him further away. However, if you become incredibly angry all the time it will only validate him by making him feel worse every time he sees you. This will make him associate you with bad feelings and make him more inclined to leave. You can overcome this. You can attract your husband back and help him repent, if that's what you choose. However, it will take a very specific mindset and a lot of strength. You will have to not allow him to bait you or emotionally manipulate you. You will have to treat him like a child having a temper tantrum, because that's exactly what it is. He's hurt you and hurt you deeply, but if you run to him for reaffirmation or turn in to a screaming wreck it will push him further away.
  21. So... Your wife cooked something, then you put it away and missed some fish and she crabbed at you. The way I see it, you have a few options available: 1) Get on the internet and passive-aggressively tear your wife down in front of strangers. This won't resolve the issue at hand, which is your clear lack of real communication with your wife, but it'll let you crab and blow off steam. 2) You can ignore her crabbing completely and just tune your wife out. That won't work out well, either. 3) You can take her criticism to heart and sob in to your pillow about how terrible a person she is. 4) You can pick a fight with your wife. 5) You can learn to communicate with her, which you clearly need to do. Any of those five will allow a way to move forward. You just need to figure out which one is in the direction you want to move.
  22. Hey! I get it. They're just two straight guys from New Jersey who enjoy singing show tunes and having bubble baths together. "Rubber Ducky, you're the one. You make bathtime so much fun." Totally innocent.
  23. Welcome! Good to have you here. Pull up a chair and settle in, we're all friendly.
  24. Your FACE is a bunch of horse hockey and I said that to you in the pre-existence, Dravin! Horse hockey face aside, Dravin makes a good point. It's unlikely we were told, "This is who you are destined to be with." - It's a romantic notion and as long as you don't suffer from One-itis because of it, I don't see any harm in believing it. I just think there's no evidence for it. And Dravin? I'm sorry I added 'Your face' and then repeated what you said. I hope my razored wit hasn't scarred you for life and, with considerable therapy, you may come to forgive me some day.
  25. Agency is a funny thing when we're talking about an omniscient being. My personal dislike for Calvinism required some pondering to get to what I believe to be the truth. If it makes you feel better, think of synonyms for the word 'Plan' - 'Agenda' or 'Timetable' would be good. When you are acting in accordance with God's plan, you are acting in accordance with His agenda - Which is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. Agency is not simply a series of good choices along with one bad one. In some cases, the decision is as simple as good versus bad, but in most cases it's a case of 'Good, better, best' and 'Bad, worse, worst'. As an example: A husband works as a clerk in a government agency. You've sent in a letter to renew your license as you want to continue using your car. The clerk can: Dutifully work and fulfill your request, allowing you to do what you need to. Take the day off as vacation and go spend it with his son, who is sick. Ignore your request and talk a suicidal coworker through their tough day. Conversely, they could: Spend all day staring at the clock. Contemptuously 'lose' your license application. Go home and scream at his wife because he's stressed at being overworked. It's not always easy to know God's specific plan. I pray to know and hope I do find it. Sometimes, it seems so obvious. Other times, I feel like a dinghy adrift in a hurricane. That's okay - God lets us choose because He knows the way to eternal life.