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Everything posted by FunkyTown

  1. Feel free to get in doctrinal discussions. We love them. Just know that anything you hear will not necessarily be doctrine and you're golden.
  2. I just need to clarify. Are you absolutely, positively sure that your husband wanted to get physically involved with his cousin? 'Cause that's all sort of wrong. Even beyond the adultery thing. Advice on that particular thing is a fairly tricky thing to give because it's so bizarre to me. If I was accused of wanting to have an affair with a family member I kept in contact with, I couldn't be sure I wouldn't laugh, just assuming that you were kidding. I think this sounds like it requires more than people on the internet giving advice. Get marriage counselling from a professional because I can't imagine a better situation than this where it would be needed.
  3. "Marriage resumes"? Is this a Utah thing? 'Cause I have never met a guy who said they only wanted to marry a return missionary.
  4. Do your home teaching right after church, or try to work with your friend to do it on a night that isn't Saturday, Sunday or Monday. Or Thursday if they're in YW. Or Wednesday if they're in YM. We're a busy people.
  5. Welcome! I'm a convert myself. It's always good to hear the stories of how people converted. Have a great time and if you need anything, ask!
  6. All right. I'm going to just take you at face value rather than try to read inference in. He does not. After all, the bible only mentions one extinction level event: The flood, and it mentions very specifically why God chose to destroy all life at that time. Since Genesis is very specific about this, the other events aren't really relevant and I'm searching more for understanding of what the 'corruption of all flesh' means. If you don't know or have an opinion on that, I understand, but that's certainly what I'm hoping to gain understanding of through this thread.
  7. Okay. I would agree that this is unlikely. Can you be a bit more helpful about what you're saying? The Lord doesn't say to destroy them because all flesh had become corrupt. Even Sodom and Gomorrah doesn't go so far as to say that. I think what you're saying is that the Lord is telling him to destroy everything that lives there because that's just how he rolls when bad people own things. I would disagree with that and suggest that destroying their wealth was to prevent the Israelites from thinking it was okay to kill and get gain. That, obviously, isn't why God would have sent the flood. I don't want to put words in your mouth, obviously, but I'm not a mind reader and can only go based on what you're saying. If you're responding with single sentences, I'm unlikely to fully comprehend what you're saying and may even completely misinterpret what you're saying. Because right now? All I've gotten out of your two sentences is, "That's just how the Lord rolls." and I would assume that must be me misinterpreting what you're saying as I really don't think that makes any sense.
  8. So I was reading a rather poorly put together conspiratorial book saying that genetic engineering is an abomination to God and will result in demon-human hybrids. I don't believe it, but it did get me to reread Genesis, which is always a good thing. Specifically, I have questions on these verses: Genesis 6:12-13 - Now, God in this case is not talking about just humanity when he says 'All Flesh', because of Genesis 6:7: God is saying that every flesh and creeping thing is corrupt. The author of the conspiratorial book I had read insisted this meant genetic tampering, and that Noah and his family were the last pure humans untouched by Satan's tampering and that Satan had intended to corrupt the bloodline that the Savior was destined to come through, thus frustrating God's plan. How does a dog, or ant, or butterfly become corrupt? God could have easily sent a disease to wipe out man, but instead chose to wipe out all flesh with a much more apocalyptic consequence. The book in question was called 'Forbidden Gates: The Nephilim Spirit behind Transhumanism'. The reason that I'm asking that I have an intense interest in transhumanism and artificial intelligence and the book, while being absurd in a lot of ways, did make me think very carefully about certain aspects of it. This, in particular. The author asserted that, as the Savior was sent to die for Man and Man was made in God's image, those who deliberately alter their human makeup are thus removing themselves from Grace. What do you think?
  9. And that's what I'm talking about! The right to bear arms is sacrosanct. If I were a bus driver, or a taxi driver, I'd carry my own battle axe around just like me. Wanna try to ride the bus for free now, punk? HUNH?!?!
  10. I was sneaking around my house with my brother, snooping for presents. I was about 4. My older brother couldn't read yet, so I found the presents and read 'From Santa' on them and it was a few months away. I then told my brother about it and asked my mom. She said he was letting her hold on to them. I looked up at her in disbelief and said, "Mom. 'From Santa' is in your handwriting." She still tells that story and laughs.
  11. September = 710 hours. Removing sleep hours = 510 hours. 196 hours at work = 314 hours. Let's make a real conservative guess that 1/3 of those remaining hours are spent out in public =105 hours. 105 public hours + 196 work hours = 301 hours. So a minimum of 301 hours last month, I carried a battle axe with me when away from home. 301 hours in public and not one single head was chopped off. Gosh... Imagine that.
  12. I don't get the big deal and feel that nobody should be able to strip me of my right to bear arms. This one guy once complained about my personal protection devices and I said, "Look, Bishop. If the US government didn't want a screaming guy clothed only in a belt that held the heads of his enemies, running down the street with a drawn battle axe, maybe they shoulda put THAT in the constitution." I just wish more people understood their rights.
  13. You've been pining for this girl for over 7 years and nothing has come of it. She's dating another guy, whom if history is any indication in the church, she will probably marry.(7 months is a lifetime.) So you've got some choices: 1) You can continue to pine for this girl. It will be safe, and you won't need to put yourself out for other girls. Lotta guys do that - Where you get stuck in One-Itis because it's easier than risking rejection. Very safe, but lonely. 2) You can date other people. This'll be tough and you might get rejected a few times, but it'll turn out better in the long run. 3) You can charge in during FHE and say, "We have been commanded to multiply and replenish the earth! Marry me and not this backstabbing, two-timing, steaming cauldron of bodily waste!" to the girl. While this won't resolve anything, if you record it and put it online, I will at least get a bit of a belly laugh out of it. It's all up to you, really.
  14. I've been in that situation: Exact same one. When I told my family, they were not supportive in the least. It's a scary prospect, especially if you have only the one parent that you're close to. You don't want to alienate them, and with good reason. You love them and you want their support and respect. It's a scary thing. I told my Mom and it went something like this: "Hi, Mom!" "Hi, honey." "I have great news. I found a church I really like and I'm going to start going." "That's great, honey! Which church?" "The Latter-day Saints." "They're a cult." It went downhill from there. I kept a good humor about it and my family is far more supportive, now. You're not alone, and you don't need to feel this huge burden. We're here for you. If I had to do it over again, I've learned a few lessons from it. You'll be okay.
  15. What your husband did upset you because it just didn't take in to account your feelings: You had set your mind to something and were looking forward to a slow cooked chili. Everything was perfect, and then your husband came along and ignored all the hard work you did. It felt disrespectful. That makes total sense, and is okay. But: You took a guy and handed him a crock pot full of chili, then asked if he could help prepare it. Regardless of the man's propensity to cook, there are a couple of things we can't resist putting our hand in. One is chili and the other is barbecue. I don't know your husband, but most guys would have gleefully leaped in to preparing chili. It's possible your husband likes to experiment so much that he'd have done the same thing to a cheesecake you were preparing - I don't know - But most guys would have gone crazy if handed the keys to a chili recipe. Me, I'd have added some beef broth, fried up a few bird's eye chilis, added some cumin, thyme, cinnamon, accent seasoning and honey to counteract the bitterness of the non-alcoholic beer.
  16. Something something something, pulling up by your bootstraps, etc. etc. You're going to get a lot of advice. It's not going to mean much. Maybe you are depressed because you feel like life has passed you by and you spent the greatest portion of your free years married and with kids. Now, you're in your mid-40s and everything is a burden. You long to break out of what feels like chains. You feel stifled and strangled by responsibilities. You don't know how other people do it and, frankly, you don't care. Not any more. Not when you've spent two and a half decades striving to do what other people told you you should. Is that about right?
  17. This one time, I got a virus while riding a bike. It caught in the tires and made it flat. I didn't see it as it was in a puddle. Another time, I was infected by a virus on my computer when I installed a game. The game was really hard. Like... REALLY hard. Stupid viruses.
  18. I think you might misunderstand what a 3D printer is. A 3D printer takes a generic polymer and turns it in to a shape. That's it. A gun is just a generic shape with a tube and a lever at its base. You could not use it to print out a bomb because it isn't printing with gunpowder or weapons grade plutonium. You could use it to make a mortar, which is just a shallower tube that points upwards. It can print a gun, but it can't print bullets. It can print a car(When sufficiently advanced) but it can't print gasoline. As an aside, someone could go on the internet right now and learn how to turn a metal block into a .44 caliber gun for a whole lot less than 4K.
  19. Oh, no. We have to always be modest, even when just husband and wife are around. I judge everyone who doesn't wear a swim costume that at least covers what my swim costume covers: Sure, I float like a bubble and once ended up in the middle of the ocean when I hopped in to the St. Lawrence in one, but I'm modest!
  20. There's nothing wrong with being sexually attracted to your fiancee. If you weren't, it would be bad. There are permutations, of course. If your spouse-to-be is in danger of becoming solely a tool of your own pleasure in your mind, then it's bad as you're dehumanizing her.. Ultimately, we're sexual beings and were designed that way. It's expected, even desired. You're probably okay.
  21. I haven't been gone! The boards have just been a little slower lately. I have also learned a wonderful new pastime: "Going on to UK's number one property website for properties for sale and to rent and looking at real estate I will never be able to afford". It's seriously amazing, Ana. I'm looking at apartments that are around $150 million at One Hyde Park and thinking, 'Pfft. I'm not dropping a sixth of a billion dollars on that place. I'd rather live in Portsmouth.'. I bet you and your hubby have done that. It's compelling stuff when you realize what you would live in if you had unlimited money. Helps you decide what stuff you really want in your home. I also learned I really, really like reading Country Life.
  22. Dating friends is for nerds! I'd recommend Peaches find the hottest guy she can and go on a crazy NCMO session. That's the foundation of a good marriage! Two people who are madly attracted to one another who realize that when the steam runs out, they still have the gospel to turn to - And then they will turn that steam knob up to an 11. *munches on popcorn and waits.*
  23. Welcome, Dale. I, myself, live in the UK and love this church. We're happy to see you!¬