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Everything posted by FunkyTown

  1. This is something I've noticed a lot of women say: They once were rejected, so they'll never ask out anyone ever again. What's interesting is that if men thought that way, the human race would have died out. All men have been rejected before, and we just shrug it off and say "Once more in to the breach!" Every man has his horror stories of being rejected, but we keep at it because... Hey - When you don't get rejected, it can lead to something great.
  2. Am I allowed to talk about the elections everyone cares about? That is: Christopher Townsend's stunning Independent victory in Ashtead Council, ahead of... Get this: TIM ASHTON! The UKIP member. The major parties finished _third or worse_. I think we all thank the 5341 people who voted in this incredible election.
  3. Ah! Herein lies the problem. I've asked you what characteristics you believe God should have, and you've started by explaining what you don't believe. That's not a characteristic of God. It's a characteristic of you. Perhaps if you explained what you think God should do with your prayers and why you think that's a characteristic that God should have. Again, this isn't a characteristic that you think God should have, but rather an action that you feel God should take. That has nothing to do with God and everything to do with you. If you said, "God could make me active now. All he'd have to do is suffocate every living thing within six miles of me.", then does it necessarily reflect that God doesn't exist? Perhaps what you feel you need to come back to activity is not what would be best for you spiritually. If God gave you what you want, it would be because he doesn't love you. This is why I'm asking for characteristics that you feel define God. You've provided actions without motivation or characteristics and, again, these things have nothing to do with God and everything to do with you. For the same reason that he might not suffocate everyone within a six mile of radius to you: The action you feel you need to return to him might not be good for you spiritually, or might be bad for others spiritually. Real, complete and total love. That's definitely a characteristic of God - But that God promises you success? Well, your definition of success and God's might be very different. This boils down to you not feeling the love. That's a very different characteristic and, again, not indicative of a characteristic of God. Again, this is a characteristic of you. We have all suffered. Every single one of us. You'll be hard pressed to find someone who hasn't been homeless, or lost a loved one, or suffered from illness. None of those things reflect one way or the other on God. I'm sorry you're hurting, but if your testimony is based upon God giving you what you want then your testimony is on very sandy ground indeed. I can promise you that there are numerous scriptures which argue against exactly what you're saying God should do.
  4. That's fine, because I didn't think it was rude at all. Okay, let's go with this: What qualities do you think the 'God that the church teaches about' has that you haven't seen?
  5. You might think it has, but it really hasn't. From what I can see, you have a yearning for 'something', but you're not sure what. You want home teachers who are active, but the one you sent wasn't good enough. You want a bishop who cares, but it didn't seem to make a difference when you had one. Activity, didn't matter. Scripture study, didn't matter. This is a sign of someone who is inherently self-centered: An issue with many people in western civilization. You think your needs and wants are obvious, but I can tell you they are not. Consider what they are, then express them explicitly. You might be surprised.
  6. You aren't going to like this answer, but it's important and something you have to consider. Your Bishop and you talk or you don't, you go to church or you don't, you get visited by home teachers or don't, you read the scriptures or you don't, things stay the same. The single unifying thread in that is you: You are the only recurring person there. This suggests that the issue is you. You can't change anybody else. That might seem harsh, but I want you to think about a few things: 1) What do you want? 2) What have you, personally, been doing to achieve what you want? 3) What is preventing you from achieving what you want?
  7. We'd need something more specific than this. People can make mistakes - So if they were... Say... Suggesting we have FHE on a Tuesday and you wanted it on a Monday, you would calmly discuss it, find out their reasons and then listen. You don't need to be submissive to be supportive, and honoring your mother and father doesn't mean doing whatever they want.
  8. No, no. My name I got because after I go running I smell funky. Wait, I'm trying to be cool. I call mulligan. Yes. That's definitely where I got my name.
  9. You haven't said too much. You have, however, pointed out that you had a home teacher come every month - Even though it was the last Sunday of every month - And that it didn't make a difference. You didn't feel as though he was helping. Do you think, perhaps, that there might be more to your needs than a home teacher can provide? That, perhaps, getting help might be beyond what the Bishop could provide and one of the reasons he wasn't inspired to help you? Perhaps you have depression, or social anxiety, or any one of a number of issues that you long to escape from. You're looking to members of the church to 'fix' you, and that's not something they can do. Have you considered that there might be other things you need to work on and then you will be able to proceed spiritually?
  10. And I can dance, too. You know The Jungle Book? I can pretty well shake my bum all over the place just like Baloo. (_I_)(_/_)(_I_)(_\_) Those moves are PRIME.
  11. Try the tried and true ones: "You're good enough. Y'know. For now. I guess. Wanna make out?" And: "Please let me stalk you so my mother doesn't think I'm gay."
  12. I feel like we're getting away from the important question, which is the 7 moms. Why are there SEVEN moms in a class with FIVE kids? Seriously. What's the biology of that. Barring the TEACHERS moms showing up to watch, I haven't a clue as to what's happening here or why. There's gotta be a story there that would give us more information.
  13. Wow. Sounds like you have a lot of reasons to keep those temptations.
  14. Turn off the internet. Just get rid of it. I know you like Facebook. I know you like all those other nice things, but dump it. Also dump your phone. You have a million reasons to keep both those things and only 1 reason to get rid of them. The question is: Is that one reason important enough? If it is, then you'll have your answer.
  15. My biggest challenge: All my friends would go out and drink to have a good time. Suddenly, I became the guy that didn't drink, so I drifted away from my friends. I then had to choose between friends and the church. It was sad, but it is what it is. I don't regret my choice.
  16. Sounds like it's not really his ex-girlfriends place in his mind so much as 'The place where a bunch of his friends and him hang out'. I don't think that's weird, but it definitely is thoughtless as there isn't a lot of places his ex-girlfriend can go to avoid him.
  17. This... I might be doing my math wrong, but 5 kids and 7 moms? Are YOUR moms showing up, too?
  18. I TOLD you BR - I was only making out with my ex in front of you to help you feel comfortable. I figured you'd be all, "Hey! It's okay to make out with exes here. This must be a safe zone."
  19. Wyvern... When're you gonna stop breaking your Mom's heart and get married? She stays up every night crying because of you. (I'm pretty sure that was the right way of bringing it up.)
  20. I'm unsure. I've seen and spoken to people who have gone inactive, or were upset: People having trouble conceiving or finding an eternal companion complained that all talks were about eternal families. People who didn't want to give up 10% of their income bitterly complained about the number of talks about tithing. People who had difficulty following the word of wisdom said every other talk was about the word of wisdom and they just didn't have a testimony of that. And so on and so forth. We tend to become laser-focused on things that we don't like and often have a very biased cross-section of what we hear at church. It's not ideal, but people need to work through their issues in their own time. The church isn't going to stop pushing marriage. The church isn't going to stop pushing tithing, or reading scriptures, or the celestial kingdom or the atonement. Pride often makes us see those things as 'bad' when in fact they are 'good'. We should be hearing about eternal marriage. We should be hearing about all aspects of the gospel. I'm sorry people are hurt when they hear about eternal marriage, but the church shouldn't stop preaching about it.
  21. They aren't really on the doll. Way, way back in the day, King George III was having trouble paying his bills. He made a deal to let the country use his and his family's lands in exchange for a stipend covering his expenses. Parliament passed it. The cost of the royal family is around £40 million each year, give or take(Some years are more expensive, such as when a wedding is thrown). That sounds like a pretty good deal. Use of the lands which they privately own make the UK about £200 million a year. That's without the intangibles such as tourism. In a very concrete way, they would be better off if that deal weren't around as they would be far, far wealthier. And UK taxes would go up.
  22. It's tough being as man-pretty as we are, Praetorian. I empathize with your pain.
  23. Song of Solomon is a beautiful, wonderful poem between husband and wife. Frankly, since it doesn't give commandments or tell us how to live our lives beyond its tacit acceptance of oral sex and the physical longing between husband and wife when they're parted, I don't think it's necessary to truly understand for our salvation. Discussing Song of Solomon in-depth can really embarass some people, though.
  24. - Brigham Young There are far better things in life to do than worry about what someone said to you about your talk. If she meant to offend you, then you gave her what she wanted. If she didn't mean to offend you, you took what she said in the worst possible light. The church isn't a high school, though, and I highly doubt your husband is going to be in real trouble. The Bishop might talk to him about it, but he isn't going to be made to stand in a corner or anything. Try to let things go. Tell your husband the same thing. You'll be happier.
  25. You're bringing THAT back? Why? Didn't it drag on forever?