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Everything posted by FunkyTown

  1. I'm basically Gandhi with the exception that I shower. The hunger strike lasted until 7:30 PM when I finally got home from my commute, which is 2 hours long. I think I inspired a lot of people with my hunger strike.
  2. I would like it known that I am protesting and refuse to eat until my demands are met! I am currently very hungry. I do not like this feeling. I demand to either be given food, or to go to a place where there is food that I may prepare it, such as home. I am at work and cannot currently eat. This is terrible. Until I have some way of obtaining food, I refuse to eat. Power to the people! PS: I also will maintain my hunger strike if the food available is gross.
  3. In the Book of Mormon, we have a dude who lops the arms off of a score of dudes and leaves their bleeding, armless selves to go get medical attention!
  4. He even started a conversation with the guy. That's just an awesome missionary.
  5. LDS member, bay-bee!
  6. No, but a Chaplain doesn't hold the Priesthood. A Chaplain is a spiritual advisor and councillor. I don't see any problems with this. As an example: A Bishop has pastoral responsibilities, the Ward Clerk does not. Both are Priests. Pastoral responsibilities are separate to the Priesthood. The Priesthood implies authority given by God. A Chaplaincy is authority granted by Man. Both involve spiritual wellbeing. Different sources. I don't know if it's true or not, but if it is, I see no disconnect.
  7. Same with Will Swenson(Married outside the church after his first wife. Went inactive after his first divorce) and the screwup chubby guy from Home Teachers(Michael Birkeland struggled with a cocaine habit), as well as both the directors of The RM and Saturday's Warrior. But Wilford Brimley is still active. Hollywood and activity is a difficult thing. I don't really blame any of 'em for their issues. It's a tough road to walk.
  8. I'm waiting for Civilization: Beyond Earth to come out this month. I am always going to pick the Transhumanism group.
  9. I go to Epsom ward. It's unique and interesting. I usually spend my Sundays driving to it through the town of Epsom, trying to figure out how they came up with such an amazing name.
  10. Welcome! I live in England, too. You'll like it here. We're all pretty fun and awesome. I'm the most awesome because I'm the humblerest and most best at English.
  11. There will be no pressure to marry quickly for a 39 year old. You can rest assured that isn't something to be worried about. If you really wanted to get married quickly, that might be a problem. People in the church tend to get married young, so some people find it a bit alienating. However, there are plenty of single adult activities. 39 is a better age to join than, say, 28 or 29.
  12. I usually, when someone takes the Lord's name in vain, ask them questions, like "I'm afraid I don't know what Jesus Christ has to do with you being disappointed in your football team's performance. Can you explain?" If he's 74, you'll probably have to do it again. And again. And again. Because he's had decades of time to build that as a habit. Or you could just tell him once and accept that he's going to mess up again and again.
  13. That really depends, SpiritDragon. When you get beyond relative words like 'Manipulative' or 'Small', it's tough to say what a cult is. the iCulture of Apple is a cult, for instance. Dawkins' Atheism would fit the bill as well. Literally any group which uses any type of social pressure to encourage a set of beliefs in their 'Followers' would qualify as a cult.
  14. To the OP: I feel for you, I do. It's tough being single in the church. Heck, I joined the church at the age of 25 and everyone was much, much younger than me. Kinda awkward. I was the old single guy and I was 25. The biggest piece of advice you need is: If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got. Think about what you want, then do it. Don't like the scene? Move somewhere it's more to your liking. Painfully shy? Work on being extroverted. Worried that being autistic keeps you from dating? Look up where and how other autistic people met their significant others and try that. Just remember that if you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got.
  15. Britney Spears studies the Kabbalah/Qabala/however you want to spell it. She's just as good a source on fake Kabbalah as any other person. You're just as likely to learn something from her as from some other charlatan.
  16. No, no. A cult is 'A system of veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object' or 'a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or as imposing excessive control over members.'. The word cult has been misappropriated. It's utterly meaningless now.
  17. So LDSLiving sent me a link that was interesting. It was a story on a wife who realized she no longer loved her husband and how she dealt with it, by choosing to love every day. It's heartwarming and inspiring and shows that marriage is not just fuzzy feelings, but love and work. So I decided to look up her other articles and found her on familyshare at: This included such gems as: ********* 7 tips for the groom to be - Be empathetic. Listen, don't fix. Women are sometimes hormonal and mean - Learn to recognize this and don't be judgmental and get angry at her for being hormonal and mean. Be honest. Be respectful to her family, even if you don't like them. 10 Not-so-good tips for husbands - Don't always talk sports. Don't always bitterly complain about your job. Don't watch porn. Using Grace to forgive and heal family hurts. Recovering a marriage from pornography wreckage. ******** Everything that talked about marriage basically said, "Hey! Husbands! Don't be so self-involved. Take our feelings in to account. Don't be jerks who hate our whole family and talk about how crappy things are for you, then talk about sports all the time. ARRRGH!" So... It was pretty specific information. What I learned about this is that her husband has a pornography addiction, hates his job and moans about it all the time, never listens to his wife and hates her family and never acknowledges her feelings. He loves sports and probably drives her crazy with his sports talk when one of his friends comes over. What I learned about her was that she is a saint who rises above her unlovable husband and loves him despite him not deserving it, because that's what the saviour would do for us. As a tip to her: We all make mistakes. Her husband, with pornography, made a very big and hurtful one. However, when you can only make public the grievances you have with your husband, you're suggesting that you are incredibly not self aware. Your articles make you seem like a shining beacon of holy light in the midst of incredible darkness. That may well be true. But writing about it in this way really, really is not a way to make your marriage healthy. To other spouses out there: How would you feel if you were the spouse of this person and every little thing that bothers the other person were talked about in detail like this?
  18. Chuck is FANTASTIC. It's funny, and it's a romantic comedy that you can convince your hubby is actually about spies and Adam Baldwin punching people.
  19. I think it's really nice of the President to send 3000 non-medical personnel to a hotzone of one of the worst plagues the world has ever seen. I mean, I guess he could have sent doctors. Or nurses. Or the freaking EBOLA TREATMENT THE AMERICANS GOT. But I'm sure soldiers are nice, too. If you can't fight Ebola with bullets, then the terrorists win.
  20. Sure! You just need to be 40, male, married and Jewish to study it. If you're Ashkenazic. If you're not, you can be Sephardic and study at any age. Or you can be talking about fake Kabbalah, in which case you can study it under Britney Spears. I'm sure she has a wide variety of spiritual experiences you can learn from.
  21. It's clear your wife has moved on. I would do the same. Trust that she wouldn't endanger your children regardless of your personal feelings for one another. Get the divorce done as cleanly as possible. Wish your wife well. Apologize to your kids and make sure your children understand it was both your failings that led to the divorce. Bad-mouthing does not work and will not make your children feel good.
  22. Have you considered that you, yourself, are projecting your own feelings on the issue? And have you considered that the ideologic belief that mankind is inherently good also applies to Democracy? "A democracy of 3 wolves and a sheep is great if you're a wolf." Or a Republic? Or literally any set of rules that apply to civilization and the people that govern them? In your defense, "The natural man is an enemy to God." So, yes: Mankind is naturally wicked. Mankind also has a higher inherent divinity as well, which looks towards God - "All things denote there is a God". So, yes: Mankind is inherently good. Which way we turn is dependent upon our Agency and whether we follow our natural man or our inherent divinity as Sons of God. So mankind is naturally wicked, but inherently good. You're welcome.