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Everything posted by FunkyTown

  1. Excommunication is a tool used to help somebody come to repentance. That's it. It is not a punitive measure. When you are excommunicated, you can still come to church. You simply can't pray in church meetings or hold a calling.
  2. You should definitely go back to church. Just as importantly, you should also see a therapist. It's clear that you carry a lot of emotional baggage from your bouts with cancer, herpes, your reliance upon marijuana, your anger at your ex-girlfriend and your self-esteem issues from being a divorcee. Church won't fix those things.
  3. English and Haiku? Difficult - Not Japanese. The flow can be strange.
  4. Roses are red, Violets are blue. I am a Mormon, I don't really understand Poetry.
  5. "Amen" in LDS culture generally signifies the end of a talk.
  6. There once was a bishopric man Who spoke gibberish regardless of plan. He stood up for a talk, We all snoozed like a rock But 'Amen' rang out and we ran.
  7. If that were the case, I'd be earning a penny a day and all the matches I need because I would become Witchfinder General.
  8. How to make Haiku: Five, seven, five syllables. Or three, five and three.
  9. I retract them on his behalf as I'm completely uninterested in that part of the conversation. But I -am- interested in sustainable living, which you had mentioned in a previous post. That's something very close to my heart. It takes approximately 1 acre of land to feed a person for a year. That can be supplemented with fishing, tiered farming, et al. To eliminate hunger and homelessness, you would need to encourage both competent and respectful land ownership and develop skills to do so. That's one option. The other option would be to go full-out corporate megafarming with our arable land and encourage arcology building(Which has been considered). Both of those options would be long-term solutions to poverty. Both have drawbacks that have made them untenable. How would you resolve the issues with those or, barring that, how would you encourage sustainable living for the world?
  10. Dan la droite? Sur la Home, End, PgUp,PgDn,Num Lock? ç - C'est façile!
  11. Maintenez la touche alt? Sur le pavé numérique?
  12. Zut alors. Je parle la langue du Quebec, mais ce n'est pas la langue du Paris. La cédille est ç ou alt-0231.
  13. I would like it known that the gospel is absolutely, one hundred percent political. Anyone who does not belong to the Rhino party is clearly going against what the Saviour taught. The Rhino Party are Marxist-Lennonists(They really like Groucho and John). The Rhino Party promised to repeal the law of gravity. The Rhino Party promised to take Canada off of the gold standard, to be replaced by the snow standard, which would improve the economy until. Y'know. Spring. They promised to reduce crime to 0% by abolishing all laws. They were going to eliminate the national debt by putting it all on Visa. If you don't support the Rhinos, you are a bad Mormon.
  14. Some friends and I had discussed filming the Captain Moroni story, with some changes: 1) The setting is a gang-warfare rife Los Angeles, where the government has collapsed and society has descended to tribalism. 2) The various groups are slightly changed. The Zoramites are a strict, militarily trained group. The Lamanites are the various uncoordinated gangs - The crips, the bloods, etc. The Nephites are a small group desperately trying to hold on to civilization amidst a total collapse. 3) Jacob the Zoramite is awesome. He has absolutely no doubt in his mind that God is backing him up. He is devout to tradition rather than God, but certainly seems a Godly man. Think a hard-core military man barking sermons from a mound in the center of camp. You want him to realize the error of his ways, since he's clearly a man with a plan who loves his family and leads his people as best he can, which is a counterpoint to his sheer bloodyminded viciousness and brutality in getting his plan to fruition. It went through some changes. We realized it would work better as a webseries than a single film, then realized that the timing meant that we didn't actually have enough people to do it. Sad. Would have been awesome.
  15. You know what I just realized? My signature no longer shows that I'm quoting Dorave, who was saying that he's the socialist. Sad. Good old Dorave. That guy was one heckuva socialist. For me, I threw up my hands in disgust when I ate an apple and it didn't give me discernment between good and evil. Do you know how many times traditional Christianity shows that it was an apple that caused the fall? And I've eaten a lot of apples: Granny Smith, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Macintosh - TONS of apples. I still have no real discernment in anything. I feel ripped off. I'd better start a 50 page conversation about that.
  16. So... Sony America created a film called 'The Interview' which makes fun of Kim Jong Un. North Korea hacked the company, confidential information and threatening terrorist attacks should the company release the film. Sony has backed down entirely and pulled the film. Don't get me wrong - Seth Rogen and the others involved means this would have been a sophomoric, probably very stupid film. But through sheer will, North Korea has forced an American business to cancel - Worldwide - A film that they don't like, effectively putting Kim Jong Un above satire.
  17. For the same reason "Love the lord thy God with all thy heart, strength and mind" didn't make it in to the 10 commandments and instead was replaced with "Thou shalt not have any other Gods before me".
  18. That's some mighty fine learnin' you got there, son. So... With so much knowledge floatin' around yer brain, ya might wanna GIT OFF MY LAWN WITH ALL YER FANCY HIGH-FALUTIN' TALK!
  19. Has anyone noticed that the original poster made a single post and hasn't come back since? Just puttin' that out there. Y'know. In case that was seen as relevant.
  20. FunkyTown


    What are they terrified of? Do they suffer from anxiety? Depression? Club foot? Cleft lip? We need some more details on why this person feels the way they do. Going from 'Terrified' to 'Yay' is a bit of a step.
  21. The 'Right answer' is that the moment you figure out that answer, the worlds problems are solved.(Excuse the formatting - For some reason, the enter key doesn't actually force a carriage return on here) The man with the sword clearly holds all the power - In this case, he represents 'Everybody else in the world'. The three remarkable men are dependent entirely upon the whims of the single person with the blade. It's a riddle, but it's a riddle that we're constantly struggling with. The answer is fluid, but the answer "What do we value most in this world?" is changeable. If I were to say what I took away from George RR Martin's riddle, it's "If you're at the top of the pile, pray the man with the sword doesn't realize how powerful he is."
  22. I've never actually heard of Ying and Yang. I've always heard it as Yin and Yang. As Miyamoto Musashi said, "From one thing, know ten thousand things."
  23. So... I've noticed that I no longer have formatting in my posts. If I hit 'Enter', it simply ignores it as if I had no carriage return. So I must humbly and with all grace, ask "What da dillio?"
  24. There was a riddle from Game of Thrones(The books. I'm afraid I haven't seen the series, so it may or may not be in there). Our recent discussion on world economics sparked me to remember it. It goes like this: There is a man with a sword. Completely unremarkable, except that he is surrounded by three people: One man says "I am your rightful King. Strike down these other two upstarts and I will make of you a Lord and heap accolades. Obey the law and be righteous!" The second man says, "I am a wealthy man! Strike down the King and this man next to me, make me King and I will give you money beyond your wildest dreams!" The third man says, "I am a Godly man. Listen to me! Strike down these other two in the name of the True God and make me King and you will do what is pleasing in His sight!" Who gets struck down? That's the riddle that needs to be resolved.