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Everything posted by funkymonkey

  1. Howdy Bytor. Interesting question! You just like this style of stuff don't ya buddy! If the voters were eternally responsible, everyone that votes for a candidate that supports an unjust war would mean the deaths of all the innocent people involved would be on the voter's hands. To me, it doesn't sound like that makes sense. Damned if you do, damned if you don't I guess...All the politicians will run on one platform and something entirely different will be the result...just an example, conservatives were in control for 6 years and still weren't able to change the abortion laws. Something that people put so much value in to determine their vote, and it couldn't even get past the congress floor.
  2. John Birch, I'm pretty dissapointed with this thread. Ideals are being thrown around as "god's method."...which it totally false. Like I said before, if you're going to complain about the EVIL government taking your money, you should be complaining about being taxed matter what the amount is we all are FORCED to pay them. Come-on, of all the things to be opposed of. It really makes my stomache roll that there are so many that are opposed to this program (OF ALL the screwed up programs in the government). Do our welfare programs need work? Absolutely. But they are without a doubt needed. Over half of our membership is not in the US, and God's children are all over the planet. No government on the planet right now is "good" or "righteous"...they're all corrupt (including our own). I highly doubt that God wants us to leave the poor and needy on the street to die every single day. There are none among us that are good enough to freely give to the needy, so how else are we to help them?? ...God would say "take care of your people". I agree that we should be self sufficient...but I have always interpreted that meaning self sufficient to refer just as much to us as a PEOPLE, as individuals. Do you really think the world would be a better place without government welfare programs?? Comeon, you obviously have never TRULY whitnessed the hardships of those poverty stricken people. Go to Africa for even just a few days, have your eyes opened...the needy are not all lazy in even our own country and to assume such is friggin self-righteous. It goes back to the "liberal is evil" "conservative is of God"...which to me is a big trick by the adversary...evil lurks in both parties. I would like to ask one simple question... The last time you drove or walked by a needy person on the street, did YOU stop and help? Did you extend a hand with money, or food, or warmth? Even us (representatives of God) are not willing to volunteer as we should. Oh wait! A government program is EVIL so we should just let all these people suffer die instead. Those of you that are so adamately opposed to these programs, (which I am positive some of you will need these programs in the near future when you get laid off, or when you retire)... I'm pretty sure you'll take the money when you need it, and in your own mind that will mean that you're partaking of the devil's programs. SINNER. OH NO! Satan is helping the poor and needy! Give me a break.
  3. I already said what I needed to say. Have a good day and God Bless. :)
  4. I apologize for the directness of this message but I'm not sure how else to express what I wish to say so here it is anyway... MrNirom, None of your stories are first-hand accounts, written and distributed by the original author, with the original author's approval for the mass-public distribution on this forum. That to me is a big red flag that something isn't quite right...either the information is not meant for a mass audience (don't cast pearls before swine), or the information presented is not entirely accurate or accurate at all. The prophesies and direction provided by the church has more than enough good information to represent the ideals regarding revelations of God. The information I trust comes from our prophets and from the scriptures, and my own personal revelation through the Holy Ghost, not from stories on the internet with very limited references or full disclosure of the information. I am a strong believer in personal revelation...but that is what it is, PERSONAL. I have no doubt that the Lord has a hand in helping to prepare those for tough times or current struggles. But revelation meant to direct a mass audience or "help prepare the saints" would most certainly be processed through the proper authorities and preisthood leadership of the church. I just want to make sure that investigators / browsers of this site do not take your information as general church doctrine.
  5. LDS Church issues response to Prop. 8 vote November 5th, 2008 @ 1:03pm Statement from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  6. I just wanted to mention for anyone that might be confused.... these wierd stories are NOT church doctrine nor are they prophesies endorsed by the church.
  7. If this is the case then we have long since slipped into Satan's plan....since taxation in general is not a voluntary thing but rather required. (no matter how small or how big our individual contribution may be)
  8. With greater blessings, come greater responsibility.
  9. Misshalf... that lady was just a flat out irresponsible dog owner. What is the big deal about keeping a dog fenced in or on a leash all the time? Why do they need to be running around on their own anyways? Doesn't make sense to me. I've noticed a difference in how dogs are treated here compared to where I used to live. In the city where I used to live, all the dogs were on leashes and always supervised outside of their homes. Every neighborhood had pretty strict rules on animals and they would enforce their rules quickly. The town was very dog friendly (the drive thru restaurants would have dog treats for the dogs in the cars). There were several dog parks, restaurants where Fido could dine with their owners on the patio. None of the kids were scared of the dogs in the neighborhood and they would always want to pet them, get to know them, and play with them. We even had a kid just walk into our house one Saturday calling to our dog to come play. haha. In my new town (in UT), the dogs walk around free all the time and poop everywhere and bark at all hours of the night. They even ruined our neighbor's newly poured cement driveway the other night. I noticed during trick or treating that the kids are really scared of not just a few dogs, but of ALL dogs. We walked our dog around on a leash (we dressed him up as a missionary, haha) and the kids would seriously scatter when they saw him...and he's the absolute nicest best dog...and the parents would try to tell their kids that the dog was nice and the owners had a good hold and the dog wasn't going to hurt them. Maybe Utah needs to tighten up their dog laws and do a little more to enforce those laws?? I know that dogs aren't really welcomed in a lot of places around here to help them run (like baseball fields). If a dog bites a kid, especially more than once...I'm sorry, but the dog should be put down...because it's just a matter of time before it happens again. Misshalf, is there a person in your neighborhood that owns dogs, that can talk some sense into this lady with calling her out "come on, I'm a dog owner and understand all about dogs and their rights, and what you're doing is not OK for any dog." ??
  10. I was put on cholecalciferol for a low D-3 level. I was originally taking 2,000 IU and then tried 1,000 IU and still ended up with the same issue. I later found out that to truly find a vitamin D deficiency...all of the vitamin D levels needed to be added together, instead of individually calculated and treated.
  11. Vitamin D is very important to consume in moderation... My doctor put me on a vitamin D supplement and I got really bad heart palpitations. Apparently if you have too much vitamin D, it will cause hyper-calcemia (too much calcium in your blood) and can do some really scary things to your heart. Just a heads up. :) Also, in order to absorb calcium correctly, your body also needs the other necessary electrolytes (potassium, magnesium). People often forget about these two elements that are essential for calcium absorption.
  12. The article also stated: "Shortly after Mr. Ponder released his paper, Brigham Young University sociologist Sherrie Mills Johnson used data from national surveys to show that Mormon women are less likely to be depressed than American women in general. Johnson's conclusions upheld findings of some earlier studies that Mormons have no more depression than the nation's population as a whole. Although Utah does have the highest rate of antidepressant use in the United States , there is no evidence that this is because of stress from the LDS lifestyle and culture. Credible research has shown that LDS women are actually more likely to identify themselves as "happy" than non-Mormon women."
  13. Someone jumping out of the WTC to avoid burning to death is totally different from suicide...IMHO
  14. Hi Walter. Do you live in the SLC area? If so, can I recommend you go to the SLC temple visitor's center and see the statue of Jesus Christ? That can be a powerful experience to help visualize the godhead. For me, I had to take "religion" out of it and focus only on me and my father...and remember that religion only gives me the tools to have that relationship with my Father. That individual relationship is the cornerstone for faith; to know that he can guide and direct you when it is necessary. I see so many people get up and bear their testimony but it is a testimony of the just makes me wonder if they're worshiping their Father in Heaven, or if they're worshiping the church. (not sure if that made any sense). The adversary is a very tricky guy. If there's one thing I've learned in the past couple of years, it is that the adversary wants nothing more than to make me think that I cannot have a personal relationship with God...that I'm nothing. A big trick he plays is in our minds and passes it off as depression or with something like "nobody knows how hard my life has been." He can tempt us with thoughts of worthlessness, anger, frustration, self doubt, etc. He wants us to do nothing but wallow in our own self pitty, he wants to consume our thoughts with sorrow and anger to the point that we are a slave to our own sorrows...and then we do nothing to better ourselves and sink further and further until we feel completely powerless and then he has total control. We have a lot more control over our thoughts than we is up to us to cast those thoughts asside and say "Oh, I know where this is coming from and I'm not going to allow myself to play into it, or think that way." It takes a lot of humility, and a lot more work and practice, to change our outlook on life and our thought habits, and ultimately how we deal with our trials. But I gotta say it's totally worth makes life WAY easier. I really liked the conference talk that challenged to pray for nothing but to tell your Father in Heaven all the things you're thankful for...that's it; don't ask for things, just thank Him. Food, shelter, air in my lungs, health, etc... if you think about it, just to live in this country we are SO blessed. The people of pioneer days dealt with so much hardship, (death and abandonment and abuse were commonplace) we are really truly living in a wonderful time where so much more is possible for us to accomplish and acheive. There are medical advancements, modern conveniences like Walmart and cars and microwaves. (ok, random examples ) I know there are all these people in the church that say "God loves you. You are a special person." bla bla bla. It doesn't mean anything unless you come to understand what that means for yourself. It is an individual thing that nobody else can do for you...the work to find it is yours. We have such a sense of entitlement in this country like we expect God do something for us first before we will reciprocate. Why shouldn't it be the other way around? What if we thought we should be working to earn every single thing that we are blessed with, instead of thinking "I deserve a family, I deserve a healthy body, I should have this, I should have and that." We really don't deserve anything...we gotta work for it...including our relationship and faith in our Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ. What about His work? What about the needs of all His children around the world? What makes my life any more important or deserving than someone elses? We are all God's children and we should take the time to open our eyes and realize that it's not just about "me"'s about the whole friggin human race. I can choose to live in sorrow and anger and pain, or I can choose to serve the Lord with everything I have. OK, I'm rambling, sorry. I hope this helps somehow. I am truly concerned for you Walter and hope only the best for you!
  15. Isn't the 144,000 more of a number of the leadership/organizers of the righteous army?...aren't they accomanied by countless righteous men and women? I got out of that scripture that there will be more than 144,000 gathering together. This is my own meager interpretation. Please clarify/correct me if I'm wrong. :)
  16. Hi DS, welcome back! :) I'm not much of a scriptorian like a lot of these guys... I don't think it's that unusual for books to be rewritten or portions of books to be reflected upon and written in books other than their original... Isaiah is reflected upon in multiple books in the bible...and the dead sea scrolls have a lot of re-writings from Isaiah and Revelations too.
  17. I took the lazy route because I've been trying to get my head around food storage for years and just never could get it started... so I just bought all of it at once (2200 calories a day) and it gets shipped to my house for free. :)
  18. OK this is really personal and individual, but I hope that those here will feel the sincerity in what I am about to write... A while back I fell into a deep deep depression and didn't know how to escape any of my problems. I felt trapped day in and day out in physical and mental anguish. I prayed every day, multiple times a day, but felt like they went unanswered. I felt completely alone and trapped. There was one person however that was more than happy to "help" me in my troubles, filling my mind with thoughts of "you're not good enough for the blessings of this life", "you're sick and nothing but a burden on your family", "it's too late", "there is no hope", "just end it, you'll feel better". I allowed those thoughts to consume my mind more and more. (I say I "allowed" because since then I have found the increadible power in what kinds of thoughts I choose to enter my mind) So as this depressing stuff took more and more hold of me I started entertaining the idea of suicide and it really did make me feel better. So I planned out how I would do it and when and then the day of, I prayed to my Father in Heaven and asked him to forgive me for what I was about to do, but that there was no other way... Then out of nowhere I got this strong feeling (not a peaceful feeling, but a feeling of power), and I heard voices wailing and crying...many many voices of such horrible sorrow and pain. Some were close and some were far away and echoed through the darkness. Who were just lost in a sea of darkness and despair. It was horrible. And it was explained to me that this is what awaited me, not to a place of peace. Then a voice scolded me, "How dare you do this to your sweet husband! How dare you do this to your family!" etc, etc It was a big awakening for see just what the consequences would be for my actions. Now I am in a completely different place in my mind, although my harships have not changed...and it was extremely hard to get here but the work was totally worth it. I have learned that I am the only one who has control over my thoughts and deeds, all the time...and it is my choice whether or not to allow the adversary dominion over my mind...and I choose not to allow him in. I don't necessarily think that is the fate of everyone that takes their own life, but it was made very clear to me that day what would be my own consequence.
  19. These are pretty interesting to read! Thanks everyone. :)
  20. haha! I was wondering if your purple calendar came as a purple dinosaur.
  21. OK, so this topic is a little wierd/pointless but I'm a little curious how differently your minds work. :) I was bored and asked my hubby how the months looked like in his head. Both of our answers were totally different... Funky: Mine looks like a flat oval... It starts with January on the left and moves clockwise all the way around to January again. Funky's Hubby: His calendar starts with October (no idea why) and isn't exactly in a is what he drew out. Oct Nov Dec .....Jan .....Feb .....Mar .....Apr ..........May Jun Jul Aug Sep One thing both of them have in common is we see the months organized like on a conventional calendar, but it's kinda funny to think how differently they are layed out in a year. What does your mental calendar look like??
  22. Um, is anyone watching the stocks dive today?