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Everything posted by yenni

  1. See I was wondering the same thing. And after plenty of guys on here exclaiming how they wouldn't mind being asked, I certainly thought it couldn't hurt. Just want to go on a casual friend only date and go from there. So far my attempts to just get to know the guys in the branch and make friends with them get thwarted. I really only have one guy friend in the branch. I'm friendly, active, don't reek of BO Nor am I chasing them down with a club (maybe I shoud start?) And sometimes it seems like the branch in general is full of a bunch of teenagers at the 6th grade dance with girls on one side of the room, boys on the other. My previous RS pres was so dead set against girls asking guys, and that guys should always be doing the asking. I guess that's all well and good if you are being asked on a regular basis. And it's not that I want to date tons, or have all these boyfriends. I'd gladly skip all that jazz and go straight to marriage if I could, hahah. I guess sometimes it make me wonder what's wrong with me, etc? I dunno Not to mention girls just like to be asked out.
  2. Well that's easy enough, I'm a plain Jane boring white chick in a sea of hot Filipino girls which the Navy men apparently prefer
  3. True true, I can always get me one of those Alaskan mountain men
  4. I'm 26, been attending the single's branch for 6 years now. Only ever been ask out on one date. Tried asking asking guys out on dates myself because they weren't doing the asking, and got turned down. And I've gone to plenty of LDS dating sites where the only interest I generate is in men older than my father. This is bit of a unique area because it's a military area so there are plenty of men, when it is usually the opposite from what I've seen there tends to be more women in singles wards. Also because it's military, our branch is allowed to extend the age to 35 instead of 30, which leaves room for more members. And during the summer we get a huge influx of people coming in from Idaho doing security system sales. So there is no shortage of LDS men for me do date. Although they've made it quite apparent non of them wants to date me. I feel I've done everything short of moving to Utah in order to find me a husband. Either that or getting me one of them mail order spouses from Russia I am trying get best I can and getting no where fast!
  5. My current Bishop has been for 5 years now. Personally I hope he serves for another 5 years at least
  6. Whoops should have read this before I posted ^^ but yeah, basically I read the same thing, and feel the same way.
  7. I did once hear a story of a young man who got his patriarichal blessing and in it stated he was given mental handicaps because he was one of the spirits to escort Satan out of Heaven, and the handicap, so to speak was actually a form of spiritual protection because his spirit was so close to Satan that he'd otherwise have a stronger influence on him. At any rate some how I have a hard time believing anyone with a mental illness got it in the form as a punishment. Not to mention, if they were a supposed unvaliant soul, why would the be put into such a childlike state of mind here on earth, seems more like a gift to me Could be wrong, but hey. My Bishop gave some interesting insight that just maybe before we came to earth we may have had a hand in choosing the sort of difficulties and trials we go through. Just a thought.
  8. Tell me about it! That's probably about how most the men in my branch feel.
  9. Perhaps. Part of me thinks that he was seemingly the first person of interest to come along since I started actively attempting to date. I spurned him, and no ones come along since. Can't help but wonder if that so wise now....? Will HF send along someone else for me?
  10. I feel guilt because I think that was a poor way to handle that situation. Even if I had no interest in him, I could have told him straight up versus leaving him to wonder. Thing is I kind of did have interest. I guess I do feel bad also since there may very well have been something between us. And I guess part of me wants a second chance, though I'm not sure I deserve one. But mostly, I just want to say sorry.
  11. I forget who said something along the lines of any faithful LDS man and woman with their eyes set on the Lord can make a good marriage. I do believe it's ideal to have some thing more in common than that, though faith should be the main basis for marriage. My Institute teach, a man in his 60s, was telling us of a friend his age because he let insignificant things about the girl get in the way of him committing. I spose my question is, how picky is too picky? Even on here I see people say, I want this, I want that in my eternal companion. I guess if it's your ET you're talking about it stands to reason being somewhat picky is not a bad thing. And when you think of it not only are you missing out on married life, but isn't someone else out there missing out on the blessings of marriage because of the choice you're making to be nit picky? Just some random thoughts from a very single, faithful LDS gal Discuss if you wish.
  12. So I'm not even sure what title to give this thread. But here's my story anyways. A couple years ago I took a break from my singles ward to attend my family ward for a while. I just needed a break from the meat market the was my ward, and wanted a place I could lay low for a while, sorta go unnoticed which tends to happen in the bigger wards. All that aside, I meet this really sweet guy at the family ward. He's obviously into me, asks me for my number, calls me, all that jazz. I was thrilled because I spent 5 years in the singles ward attempting date and got nothing, nothing, nothing and more nothing! Not one date. I was thrilled, there's a big fat however to this. He was older, maybe in his 40s, and I am in my 20s. I thought I had no problem with older men. But I think I let the fact that other people in my life would have a problem with it, get in the way of what could have been a wonderful thing. So I did a very toolish thing and ignored his calls. He called for a few months, not like every day or anything but he left nice messages. Naturally of course he gave up. I wasn't bothered by it at first. Fast forward to a few months ago and it came back to mind and I started to feel really guilty about it. I know it was my own fault, and it's in the past I need to get over it. I don't know why it came up all of a sudden. I guess it's good that I finally feel bad about it. I wish I could apologize to him. I'd never ask for a second chance cause I don't deserve one. I do wish I could find him again and just tell him how truly sorry I am. I don't even know why I'm sharing all this. Needed to get it off my chest I guess. All I can do I think is learn from this and do better if I'm lucky to have someone come along again. I don't even know if this all seems as bad as I think it is. Ugh I dunno, I'm just gonna stop rambling now and end this :/ Thanks for letting me rant!
  13. A friend of mine from school has been taking the discussions for several months now and has set a baptism date for this Friday. Then comes Conference. At the end of the last session yesterday she says, even though she felt the Spirit with the other speakers, she felt nothing when President Monson spoke. She says she believes everything up to this point, just doesn't know about the Prophet. And for some reason was disheartened by the fact that he (and others) had notes to read from, like it was fabricated and he didn't really mean what he said. Truthfully I felt kind of heat broken when she said she felt nothing when our beloved Prophet bore his testimony. I guess if you don't believe, you don't believe. But when something is true the spirit testifies of it, and I know what he said was true, I always feel such a sweet spirit when he speaks. I just want to know how she can suddenly just not feel it. I know the missionaries asked her to pray and prepare before hand that she might know he's a Prophet. Not wanting to misjudge her, but I really wanted to ask, did you kneel down and pray before you came today. She was set to have one last meeting with the missionaries after Conference ended. She still met with them and everything, since my brother was there with her I opted out of the meeting to walk around outside. Maybe I should have gone, I don't know. All I know was I was kind of taken aback, kind of angry, mostly sad. It's not even about me, I know that. It's about bringing the truth to a dear friend. The happiness I have because of the Gospel in my life, it's only natural to want to share that with others, though I know it's their choice to accept or reject. I just don't think I could have taken it if any more negative things were said which was probably why I didn't go. Well she talked with them, they urged her to read some of his talks from the Ensign or online and meet again this Thursday, day before her baptism. I don't know if she'll get around to it with her busy schedule, though I hope she does. At this point I don't know what's going to happen between now and then, if she will go through with the baptism. In the mean time I continue to pray earnestly for her, and myself. I know if she ultimately rejects the Gospel, it's not a personal thing and I shouldn't take it so. I think I just feel sad knowing what she could have had was so close. I'll try to be positive though and pray she accepts it, whether it be now, or down the road. I guess my only real question is, what can I really do besides pray for her?
  14. Heck I'm under 30 and I feel this way. Thoroughly willing to date any worthy priesthood holder whether or not he: served a mission, was once married, had kids.
  15. First of all, your English is great! Better than many native English speakers actually! lol Secondly, it's wonderful you want to get to know girls of the church and I see no reason why anyone should think bad thoughts of you for doing so just because you're new. And frankly, as a girl myself, I'd be enthusiastic is ANY of the men in the singles branch said hi and were interested in getting to know me, new or old. (here's where I laugh, but cry a little on the inside) ^^;
  16. She believes in baptism but she only believes in getting baptized once. Where she had the problem is why the need to be baptized for the dead who were baptized once and accepted Christ already.
  17. I am Mormon have been for a long time. But I will be the first to admit, though I read my scriptures I rarely get super in depth about what they really mean or whatever, I tend to take them as they are because that's good enough for me. Perhaps I need to change that because whenever someone else has a scripture related question, I'm not always so good at answering. Anywho, my sub-par scripture studying habits aside, I have a question I need help answering. A friend of mine from school is getting baptized, can't say her mother is enthusiastic with the idea. Anyway so her mother insists on being facebook friends with all of her daughter's friends and this morning on FB she posts this: Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?(1 Cor 15:29) Could someone please explain this scripture to me and why are the mormons using this as a part of their doctrines for being baptized on behave of dead people who they believe died without faith in jesus and been baptized? Basically she wants to know why we baptize the dead though they have already been baptized (though not in the church) in relation to this scripture. Okay, I know perfectly well why we do baptisms for the dead and have no problem explaining it. What I'm wondering is how can I help her understand it through this scripture? I'd really like to answer her question, but I'd like to know what I'm talking about scripturally Any help on this subject would be great and much appreciated, thanks!
  18. I'm 26 and I've had 1 date from my singles branch. Yeah.
  19. Only read the first post. Just wanted to say that we all have our agency. I remember reading in the Book of Mormon where many women and children were being burnt alive. And the question was asked why God would not intervene. Surely he has the power to, but in the end, He will not stop someone from exercising their agency, now matter how atrocious their deeds.
  20. My grandmother did so much genealogy before she died. I'd like to take what she did and start doing baptisms for my family. I've never submitted names for baptism before so I was wondering how it was done. Thanks.
  21. I have been feeling extremely depressed for some time. I knew that part of it was grievous sinning on my part. I sought out my Branch President and have long since made restitution. I felt fantastic... for a while. While it's still not as bad as it was, it's still to the point where I'm having suicidal thoughts. I have talked to my Branch President & Relief Society President (who's also a doctor) about this. All the both really did was give me pamphlets for places I can't afford. Which brings me to the fact that I have had no medical help. I'd like to have some, I think it'd be beneficial for me. But as far as I know there's no place I can go for free or low cost. I know that part of it is chemical. I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), which basically is a hormonal imbalance. There's depression caused by the chemical imbalance of it, and there's the depression caused from the other symptons of it i.e. infertility, hair loss, weight gain, hirsutism, etc. I've been able to cope with most of that pretty well. And instead of seeking meds and counseling I can't afford, I've just decided to try and tough it out on my own. In my mind I think I'd be weak for giving into meds, and that I should be strong enough to handle this. I have my good days. But lately I've been having extreme mood swings. I get depressed at absolutely nothing. My life is good, it really is, I really shouldn't have anything to be depressed over. I think well maybe I'm too self-absorbed. So I busy myself with church work; magnifying my calling just in general serving others. Of course I feel warm and fuzzy from that, but the depression is still there. So I try surrounding myself with girls from Relief Society more because they're amazing and loving and up lifting. I have an awesome time with them but the depression just won't leave me alone. And then when I do get in these states, I tend to dwell on things that aren't really that bad and they become worse in my mind. I then feel embarrassed for allowing myself to feel this way, thinking I should just get over it already. And then when it gets bad as it is now, I feel I really have no one to talk to. All the people I thought were friends really aren't, least that's how it seems lately. If I tell anyone else that might care they'd tell me to get over it and I'd partly agree with them only I know it's not that easy. It seems all I really can do is cuddle with my kitten who loves me no matter what, and pray to my Heavenly Father who loves me even more. But at the end of the day I'm finding it really hard to hang on. It's affecting me really bad. I tend to turn people away all while thinking, convincing myself even that they would turn me away eventually. I also haven't had a job in over a year. Granted I'm a full time student but I kind of keep prolonging school because with the exception of one job work always made depression worse. Let's just say with my last job I was finding it hard to get out of bed some daysl Not to mention I loose interest in things I normally love, and my already semi-anti social behavour worsens. I'll go to church but avoid people like the plague, etc. What I'd really like to know, is there anyone who understands any of where I'm coming from? And how to you deal with depression so deep? Those of you who aren't depressed, how do you help those around you who are, if you know of any? Thanks in advance.
  22. I haven't settled into a field yet, so really any food or retail will do. Although when I am done with school I hope to do art therapy. I guess the main reason I'm struggling with it is because I recently started coming back to church, just got a calling all that. And the last time I had a job they did not respect my need to have at least some Sundays off, which added to my inactiveness.