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Everything posted by StrawberryFields

  1. Are you all taking your vitamins? We’ve been told many changes are coming! 😊😉
  2. What ever happened with EA?
  3. My nature I am the most happy when I’m being productive. I’m not even marginally productive right now. Yes, this too shall pass but hopefully not like a kidney stone! 🤣
  4. @NeuroTypical thank you! I’m a Beatles Fan. 😊 Have you always had the same screen name? I joined eons ago (2003). My health issue is a little less than a month old and I’m under doctors care, but still sick and it’s getting to me. Today was my breaking point I guess.
  5. It’s wonderful to see old friends are still here! ❤️
  6. Gosh, it’s been awhile! You have another new name for the group! 😁 Can I get some updates to what’s been happening lately? Also, I’m here because I need some prayers if that’s allowed? 🤷‍♀️ Here goes.. Hi Guys, without going into depth, I’m going on many weeks of health issues and feel like am not improving. I’m not looking any personal attention, or friends and family to panic, and so I’m not saying anything to people who really “know me”. I’m quite private really, but if you have a minute to say a quick prayer 🙏 I’d appreciate it. I believe just a few faithful prayers will make a difference. Thank you.
  7. IGGY!!! I have missed you as well! You are such a sweet friend! How ow do you do all of those cute things? I had not been here for about a year. Will I stay? Time will only tell. ?
  8. At one of our Family Christmas Parties, we always have Spam and Cheese Sandwiches. Spam sent through a grinder. Cheese shredded. Mix together then placed on top of hamburger buns and toasted. I only indulge in this delicacy at this one party, but if we did not serve these I think we would witness an uprising of the worst kind! ?
  9. My husband and I took two of our granddaughters to see Storks after the suggestion of our son. The girls ages are 4 and 7. The movie was seriously promoted on the kids TV Channels and the oldest was especially excited. Things were going well until the wolf pack arrived. The 7 year old has a history of nightmares and she was terrified. I created a shield for her and she experienced no nightmares following this movie. How I wish that there were children's movies created without villains. If they must have a villain maybe there could be a new rating such as rated G-v for villain? just my thoughts.
  10. I'm curious, what did you decide?
  11. Eee Gads! It's worse than I first thought!
  12. Hello Everyone, I am am hoping to find some clarification from my friends here. The Mormon Mafia. I understand it's relation to the church. What I don't understand is how it's being tagged to a certain political candidate. Can anyone advise?
  13. With both of my parents having passed away in the last 13 years, I am grateful that they choose to be buried. They have a permanent marker (headstone) with very pertinent information listed. I have been a huge fan of a sight called Find A Grave. It's a great way to link family members together as a form of family history. I believe dates handwritten over time has a margin of error, where dates in stone are more accurate. That being said, I am currently thinking of being cremated and having my ashes sprinkled along The Emerald Coast. Thus returning me to my previous life as a mermaid. ? I have yet to have this put in formal writing for fear of being committed. My dear mother in law actually cringes when I say something like this. Maybe I should ask my children how they will feel about me being cremated. I know that even if they say it is okay, I will choose to be buried along with my husband if that is his choice. ? When my mother had passed away it was pretty sudden. I didn't have the chance to adjust to the concept of her being gone and I was unable to help dress her. When my father passed 5 years later, I was much more prepared and was able to help dress him with the help of my husband. It was very beautiful to give him one last gift of service. Both of my parents look very realistic in their caskets, very peaceful. Just recently, I attended the funeral of my fathers best friend. He was in the casket for a viewing, then cremated instead of being buried. Maybe a good alternative?
  14. With both of my parents having passed away in the last 13 years, I am grateful that they choose to be buried. They have a permanent marker (headstone) with very pertinent information listed. I have been a huge fan of a sight called Find A Grave. It's a great way to link family members together as a form of family history. I believe dates handwritten over time has a margin of error, where dates in stone are more accurate. That being said, I am currently thinking of being cremated and having my ashes sprinkled along The Emerald Coast. Thus returning me to my previous life as a mermaid. ? I have yet to have this put in formal writing for fear of being committed. My dear mother in law actually cringes when I say something like this. Maybe I should ask my children how they will feel about me being cremated. I know that even if they say it is okay, I will choose to be buried along with my husband if that is his choice. ? When my mother had passed away it was pretty sudden. I didn't have the chance to adjust to the concept of her being gone and I was unable to help dress her. When my father passed 5 years later, I was much more prepared and was able to help dress him with the help of my husband. It was very beautiful to give him one last gift of service. Both of my parents look very realistic in their caskets, very peaceful. Just recently, I attended the funeral of my fathers best friend. He was in the casket for a viewing, then cremated instead of being buried. Maybe a good alternative?
  15. Several years ago I began "grave hopping" with a broom and a camera. I found this great site call FIND A GRAVE. I have been contributing to that site for years. It's a free site where you can post photos of headstones. It's been a great blessing to me. The broom is used to clean of the headstones before snapping the photo. ;-)
  16. Thank you for respectfully asking me this question. The way I see it is through the eyes of a father I've recently read about. He fell in love and married a wonderful woman. They had two sons whom they both love very much, darling boy's probably about four and six years of age. Later, for reasons unknown to me this father found another soul mate, a male soul mate. The divorce was agreeable and together with his ex wife they decided to raise their children in the church. The father gets his children on weekends and throughout much of the summer. The father and his partner take the children to church every weekend. His children are being raised by two families. There is peace and love. Now the new policy comes to further push this family apart. If you've read my posts in this thread, which I think you have you know that the church gave me great direction at the time I needed it the most, as a child. I don't think that this shows love or tolerance to the gay and lesbian community or their children. That's my take on this.
  17. I've heard this. If this is true we might want to be very, very, scared. I believe that we as Americans have become used to be ruled over that past 7 years. I believe that many of our freedoms have been taken away from us in the name of government. The gay and lesbian people are not our greatest threat. You might have heard the ISIS continue to cross our boarders. Yes, there will be wars, but as a church, this very thing has the great possibility of dividing us, not making us stronger. This new policy, could pose a financial disaster for the church if a great exodus takes place. A thought just occurred to me, maybe that is when the law of consecration will go into full effect. To those who believe it's the world vs the church, I respectfully disagree. The greatest thing I have learned about the teachings of the Lord is LOVE. I haven't decided where I will fall on that line yet, but flippant statements don't help. I have to wonder why this didn't come up in conference. I know one thing for sure. Being a member of this church isn't easy, it's not meant to be. It's a choice and one that I will not follow blindly.
  18. Thank you for understanding my point. I have always held a great deal of respect for you. In another post you mentioned that the church has drawn the line. I totally understand that. That's why I'm struggling so much. Although, I don't personally understand same sex attraction, I have compassion for those who do. It's especially difficult in Utah where everyone is privy to see it happening in their neighborhoods. One of my dearest friends has a son who went on a mission, he accomplished a successful mission. A few years after his mission he moved in with his partner. Something very similar happened to with an work associate of my husbands. In my 50 plus years I have seen many changes in policies in the church. I remember about 10 years ago when the changed the mission requirements with "raising the bar". That took the wind out of the sails of many people. Later, they lessened the height of the bar. Yes, we will be greatly tested here on earth. Sometimes our faith might have cause to be shaken. I agree, I have a big decision to make. Can my faith withstand? Are my roots deep enough? Right now I feel shock and heartbreak. Some sins are just more obvious than others. Everyone sins. Jesus taught us that who is without sin, cast the first stone.
  19. Thank you for sharing your very personal experience. I truly appreciate your reaching out to me in a similar manner. I never felt that my parents would divorce. That would be an terrible feeling to have lingering overhead. The painful part for me being active in the church is the teasing and ridicule from other children who didn't smell like cigarettes. My parents ached for me and even when they came to church in support of me, they felt harshly judged by some of the more self righteous members who would look down their nose at them, because they knew they didn't live the Word of Wisdom. This was the difficult part of not having the gospel influence in my home. But, it made me strong with compassion and understanding. As I taught those in primary and young women, I would give special attention to the "underdog". Do I regret the way I grew up, including the pain and conflict? Not a chance! ;-)
  20. This is something I feel very passionately about. I am grateful for the blessings of the temple. Both of my parents have past on and I was able go to the temple, with my own children. Together, we were able to complete some ordinance work that I could only dream of as a child! This rates up there with one of the greatest of my life! I'm grateful for the gospel in my life. Truly grateful.
  21. Leah, to you make a habit of running off, making false accusations, when you don't understand. How arrogant. Self righteousness is one of the greatest things that cause damage to the church. It pushes people away, because it's so unlike Christ. I have read the policy change in the handbook and watched the official Video statement from the church. To further explain... I was making a comparison about these innocent children who will be affected by this new policy. I was also using a very personal life experience of mine. My life could have turned out very differently without The Holy Ghost, the gift given following baptism. I was given fabulous parents and a wonderful home. I was shown how the world lives, up close and personal. I had every opportunity to choose the party life, but because of the influence of the gospel in my life, at a young age, I chose another path. Children need the blessings of the ordinances even more when they are not witnessing the gospel in action at home. I don't currently believe that the new policy is in the best interest of the children. Maybe you can not place yourself in the shoes of the children who will be affected, but I can.