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Everything posted by glow_inthe_dark_girl

  1. I dont really know where to start... ok.. I had been inactive for some time maybe a year, but now Im active and everything, but since Im active a lot of things had happened some of them are very good and some are bad.. 1.-first, I feel more than ignored by our stake president, even rejected and he has been kinda mean, even to the point of saying in his talk/speech on the pulpit stuff like "some young ladies that stopped coming to church and now they back think life is about blah."or. "I cant understand why some of the young people that came to seminary everyday become inactive".. and its obvious he is talking about me, there aren´t many young people here that used to go to seminary.. I dont really understand his behavior but it has expanded towards the whole family,I think one of my brothers is the most "injured party" my dad is his counselor and they not getting along that much, and everything started since my brother dated his daughter... he didn't agree with the relationship, anyways it was just a date but the president didnt get over it. two weeks ago our ward was having a trip to the temple we were going but he didnt tell us the bus was leaving one hour earlier so they left us... (he is the one that organizes the trips) Today I went to this talents activity and he shook hands with all the people next to me, he skipped me !!! I was like what? anyways I dont judge him, I think he's still a good person and i sustain him.. Iknow we are humans and make mistakes, I just want some words and advice about what to do when this situation happens because it's not easy.. 2.- other situation, My bf baptised less than a month ago, he has become very close friend to the missionaries, first they just talked about the gospel lessons, but now they are starting to do things that they not supposed to, like going to rent movies, have sleepovers (right now they having one) buy on sundays, the missionaries send my bf to buy so they wont be "sinning" , go to rent computers/internet, .. like this time where the missionaries told their leader they were going to visit an investigator but it turned out that they came with us and we went to a pizza place, i didnt know they were lying though till a day after.. I like those missionaries but the things they doing are not right.. my bf doesnt know yet because he is new, but they do, I dont wanna be a snitch because its obvious they will know it was me, if you made it all the way to this last words, thanks for listening/reading...
  2. It's implied that pornography is a sin that needs to be confesed, there's no need to say it explicit because sins related to the law of chastity are supposed to be confesed to a bishop.. nobody can make you do it if you dont want to, you are not obligated to do so, but if you repented just do it and I asure you that you will feel better.. oh and I think there's a talk of elder Oaks that says its a sin that must be confessed but I couldnt find it..
  3. I love Harry potter, alternative rock and punk rock is my favorite type of music , about halloween i dont really care about it ... doesn't bother me but I dont get excited about it ,.
  4. Hi, welcome to the forum and I hope you can find the answers you need..
  5. I think she wiil be ... or else, we don't have to worry about her because our HF will do what is right, everyone will get what they deserve in the afterlife..
  6. Bem-vinda ao fórum! welcome to the site and I hope you can practice english... Im practicing as well..
  7. I cheked the link and found the phone number:) of the temple I attend to , Monterrey mexico thanks
  8. I personally dont listen to this music often, I can find some Christians songs that sound ok but im not a fan of the artist.. -- but if you like it go ahead and listen to it there´s nothing wrong with it , as long as its uplifting and not weird doctrine.. I dont know if is common in the US to listen to chrisitan music that is based on a popular songs melodies and the lyrics are just changed, I dont think this is ok, I mean it depends on the song they change, I say it because here in Mexico its very common to listen a chrisitan song that sounds the same than "oops I did it again" or Welcome to the hotel california and the change the lyrics to welcome Christ ... " ( just to give you an idea of what I mean, not necessarily those songs, it's an example) they funny..
  9. I know, I totally understand you, and as u said may b is not what we're suppose to do, but I do the same classifying thing with my brother... sometimes is even embarrassing listening because there are some investigators there... and i think is a good idea to ask the ones who understand to bear their testimonies so the other people see what a testimony is... I know we are not perfect and I try to understand the members but trust me, it can be a little annoying and frustrating hear'em say "I'm really sad because ...(and start crying unconsolable) I was looking forward to testimony meeting because I wanna tell you... (and start saying everything but a testimony...) and specially because they had been told this already...
  10. some months ago in a Church conference my dad (who is the 1st counselor in the stake presidency) gave a talk in Church. it was a about bearing a testimony, specially on fast and testimony meeting, this was because a lot of members of the ward used the time of testimony to preach doctrine or exhort people and confessing sings to the whole congregation, it was becoming a problem because that would make some people uncomfortable and of course it dirsupted the Spirit.. (For instance, a sister confessed that she tried to kill a boy a long time ago and that se was repented , so we were all kinda shocked,..) my dad based his talk on this great article - Ensign Article - Bearing Testimony but the problem is that members still dont seem to understand, sometimes they talk about everything but testimony, they share experiences, exhort, confess, and mostly express gratitude... so, my dad doesn't really know what to do now, how to tell them again without "hurting" their feelings , I would appreciate any suggestion.. He has tried but now it has become a little problem, I dont know if any of you has experience on the subject.. does this happens in your ward too? or it's just here?
  11. could be but I don't have the phone number...
  12. I'd say go for it if you think that will make you more self confident then do it ... my friend is going to have a rhinoplasty because he thinks that would make him happier . to me is not selfish... i want the lasik surgery (eye surgery) but my parents won't let me...
  13. all right, ANYTHING... I beg your pardon Mr.Bob_Blaylock
  14. I dont see N-ything there !!!!
  15. I think i would be comfortabale if I was in front of Jesus ... but not in front of my former bishop, cause he didnt like my highlights ... although he was very young (26 y/o) my new bishop's older and he is ok with it... so I hope the temple workers wont kick me out lol...
  16. Softly as I leave you (Frank Sinatra)