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Everything posted by Suzie

  1. NeedleinA, I don't believe anyone should become a president if it isn't fair and square and this is the reason why we have the courts to deal with these matters. And so far, it has been a complete failure for the Trump Team. But now they want to accuse the judges, too? So unless Trump wins, everything is a fraud? (the election, the courts, the judges, the governors, etc). Enough is enough! This is becoming so concerning to me.
  2. Well, my opinions tend to be unpopular but FWIW. First, I would like to say that we are living in different times. This is not the 1950's, some people are literally struggling to make ends meet and to stay out of debt. I don't see many women choosing a career to support lifestyles but rather help their husbands with the bills as equal partners sharing the responsibilities. However, whether women choose to work out of necessity or not, they shouldn't be judged or labeled as "bad mothers". There are women who studied hard and choose to work outside the home, I'm one of them. I love my job, it makes me feel accomplished, it inspires me and helps me to become a better partner, wife, mother, and daughter of God. And there is something really beautiful about that. I respect ALL women, whether they choose to stay at home or go to work, because I know they are trying their very best.
  3. NeedleinA, I respect you and your views but sorry, I think it is very naive to think that Trump has a chance. I'm actually surprised some supporters believe he does. Yesterday was a big day, Biden WILL become the next president, there is no doubt in my mind about it. Honestly, do you truly believe Trump will have a second term in office?
  4. I was so busy with work that I didn't follow the news that much. I heard about this controversial show but didn't research it further. I'm obsessed with Sherlock.
  5. I watched most of the video and I don't see anything wrong with it. It is obviously a channel that is sharing commentary and/or opinion. I have a career which I enjoy immensely and have worked very hard to achieve. It is a blessing in my life because it allows me to help people. Having said that, I have been a stay-at-home mom in the past as well. I loved it very much and I have nothing but great respect and admiration for stay-at-home moms.
  6. What's your favorite series on Netflix? Any recommendations? I'll be honest, I can watch crime related series all day.
  7. It is OVER. Trump will NOT have a second term in office, it is not going to happen. He lost the election, the SC was clear and the Electoral College confirmed Joe Biden's presidential victory. And yet something tells me the circus is far from over, because a grown-up man cannot accept defeat. Really sad.
  8. I don't understand your question. Please expand, thanks.
  9. This move by YouTube isn't related to the election, they have been doing this for a while particularly with regards to conspiracy theories related to crime cases. Some channels have seriously ruined people's reputations and all they had to offer for their audience were unfounded theories. Anything for a "like" and to attract subscribers. I doubt Big Foot or aliens can be affected but real people, yes. I have no issue with disagreement BUT if the content is to incite violence of any kind, it needs to be removed.
  10. 1. Biden will be the next president, no doubt in my mind. 2. Trump will continue saying that he "won" and will do everything in his power to undermine Biden's presidency. 3. Some Trump supporters will discover that he is not the Savior, and they will stop believing every word that he utters. 4. COVID-19 is just the beginning. Another infectious disease will affect the world.
  11. I can't wrap my mind around mixing french fries with rice and shrimp BUT I'm sure it is one of those things you need to try and then comment. lol
  12. We are indeed in charge of our own feelings, even when we are angry and have a good reason to be. Our feelings come from our own thinking and our own belief system, we enter relationships with expectations and this is reason why we find ourselves sometimes angry, hurt or disappointed because we are constantly checking if the actions of others match the expectations we have built in our minds. Many times, the hurt and disappointment comes from within. Now, it doesn't mean the wife has to accept the status quo, comfort herself, put a brave face or pretend that everything is great because "she is responsible for her feelings". No, it means that because she is responsible for her own feelings, she is also responsible for the actions she can actively take to remedy the situation for her own sake. If she is being abused, LEAVE and seek help right away because she deserves to be treated with love, dignity and respect. if she is suspecting her husband is being unfaithful then talk with with him to find what is really happening. If he refuses to communicate at all costs, then she needs to evaluate how she will proceed. At the end of it all, she can CHOOSE what path lies ahead of her whatever may be the circumstances. In healthy, honest relationships a wife wouldn't automatically think her husband is being unfaithful because he's coming home late unless there are serious trust issues and if that's the case, there are deeper concerns in that kind of relationship that needs to be addressed. In cognitive therapy, they will not entertain or encourage someone to accept the husband's behavior in either scenario. They will uplift and encourage the individual, making abundantly clear that WE ARE responsible for the way we feel and NO ONE can MAKE US feel in any particular way. Because it is in feeling empowered, that someone can change the way they feel and when they do that, they can act responsibly upon those feelings. If you think about, it is not repressive at all but very much liberating.
  13. Interesting combination, are these fries like regular potato fries? Crispy, etc?
  14. So lovely to see you here! I just googled monqueca and I read that they use a terracotta casserole. Are you going to use fish or shrimp?
  15. Okay, let me try this. 1. When I was a teenager, I chased a thief after he attempted to steal my grandmother's purse. 2. I have very vivid dreams when someone is about to die and how (premonition). 3. I'm currently researching about one of the earliest known African-American women to convert to the Church.
  16. Since we have new people in the forum, I thought it would be cool to bump this thread.
  17. Guys, what is the menu for this Christmas? @beefche what country this year? @prisonchaplain NO BLOOD SOUP!!!
  18. Pam, you really find the hard ones. lol Guatemala? lol No idea.
  19. Jesus said that when we see Him, we see the Father. In John 11:41 after he raised Lazarus from the dead: " Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I athank thee that thou hast heard me." When He instituted the sacrament he said: " And he took the acup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, bDrink ye all of it; " When he fed the 5,000 he also showed gratitude: " And Jesus took the loaves; and when he had given athanks, he distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to them that were set down; and likewise of the fishes as much as they would. "
  20. D Never heard of this country.
  21. @pam when I clicked on the picture you posted and zoomed in, I saw the name of the country 😳 so try to save the picture with another name just in case. lol
  22. New category: Countries around the world! (let's make it fun by trying to guess the country instead of writing it). A