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Everything posted by PrinceofLight2000

  1. In this case, whining would make a somewhat effective tactic. Freedom of speech is a powerful thing.
  2. Are you saying most people who bear their testimonies don't actually have testimonies? I'm having a really hard time swallowing that one. However, I agree that if someone gets up to bear their testimony, they shouldn't say they know the church is true if they actually don't.
  3. You'll find that we're pretty divided on political stuff. Personally, I think this CO2 business is politically charged, highly exaggerated pseudoscience. The more likely cause of climate change is either the fact that we're overdue for another ice age or the effect of cosmic rays.
  4. Such a vile movie. I haven't seen it, I just thought the reference would be funny.
  5. This has been my position for a while. Poor Rebecca is just a scapegoat. HAHAHA, Lady Gaga just lost any shred of credibility she had left after defending this song.
  6. You realize that Europe gets most of its oil from Libya, right?
  7. Let me just clarify that being an atheist doesn't automatically make someone a murderous totalitarian psychopath.
  8. lol ordinarily you'd be right but Sarkozy beat Obama in that race. Not to mention we're apparently only taking a "supportive role", whatever that means. I say it means nothing because this has all the trappings of a war except for the affirmative press conference and authorization from congress. Us establishing a no-fly zone is an act of war because we're imposing our military power against another sovereign nation. Regardless, we don't need to be Team America: World Police*. We don't need to "play a key leadership role in any coalition", only in ones that defend our interests. NOT Europe's. *Before anyone brings up Iraq now that I've let this genie out of the bottle, please be reminded that Saddam Hussein continuously fired at our planes for years and years without provocation.
  9. Because the mercury in fluorescent bulbs doesn't hurt the environment when they break, right?
  10. Objectively demonstrable science-based truth would defeat faith, and was the plan of Satan. That's why we have individually demonstrable spiritual truth instead.
  11. Goggles > this sad excuse of a joke.
  12. Massacres are horrible and something should be done, but this worries me above all else. Power vacuums are extremely risky.
  13. Hardcore socialists vs. fascist-esque corporatism by a quasi-socialist ideologue administration. I don't mind it, it's just ideological in-fighting on the left. Fun for us conservatives to watch. Also, I laugh at anyone who tries to say fascism is a hallmark of conservatism. Just because it's to the right of communism doesn't make it right of center.
  14. A friend of mine made a post on another forum regarding this topic. I'm going to repost it here. Fake Coupons - Page 10 -
  15. Watch the video and try to say that again. If you do, you're not paying attention to the video enough.
  16. Selectively applied moral relativism in relation to a society based off Mosaic law and Christian values. It's a total oxymoron in more ways than one, I know.
  17. You got me. DX I appreciate his voice, if nothing else. haha.
  18. Hahahahaha, I knew you;d do something clever. I know, I'm such a nag. lol I thought of my mother.Who wants to listen to my birthday presents????? YouTube - States - Anxious
  19. I love you all. Didn't think I'd be able to get online today. Joking hate posts are also welcome, I need a laugh because half of my friends are having a bad day today.
  20. In terms of cash flow, sure. But people are more than likely just buying it so they can annoy their friends. It'll just be a small blip on the radar. The irony is that even though it's 21 on itunes' top 100 singles list and shouldn't be there, most of the other stuff that's there is just as bad or not much better.
  21. Laugh, or thank... laugh, or thank? So much win.