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Everything posted by PrinceofLight2000

  1. I was listening to Michael Medved this afternoon and they had a spokesperson for the organization that started this whole thing on the air for a couple hours. He takes parts of Revelation extremely literally but he refuses to take Matthew 24:36 literally. My face all day today: What my face will be all day tomorrow: What eBibleFellowship believe my face will be tomorrow: What eBibleFellowshippers' faces will look like tomorrow:
  2. That's dedication. You stole my answer! Love that movie. Need to put my VHS onto DVD. LOL so true.
  3. Regardless of whether he's truly keeping his personal opinions out of it, we can't ignore the obvious conflict of interest.
  4. ME ME ME Favorite scene from any anime: YouTube - YouTube - DBZ - Goku's Speech (Remastered) [HQ]
  5. Another more serious possibility is that it tinkered with your (Elphaba's) user permissions. Reading/writing files, viewing folders, modifying folders, etc.
  6. It should be pretty obvious that it's the companionship of the Holy Spirit.
  7. That doesn't really address my point. All it proves was the part of my point which said that Mexican immigrants, and by extension illegal immigrants, are a left-wing voting bloc, and that conservatives (McCain is highly debatable but meh) won't win anything by appeasement.
  8. Many liberal politicians want Mexican illegals to continue to come here and stay here illegally so that they can eventually attempt to get them amnesty. They will then be additional votes for said politicians. And this doesn't even take into account the huge amount of vote fraud already done by illegals.
  9. I think we're safe in saying whether or not there are more evil people than good, just not who or why they are.
  10. To be fair, illegal immigration is nowhere near as severe of a problem for any other nation as it is with Mexico. Source:
  11. Generally left-wing voting bloc. This issue is so unilaterally political it's pathetic.
  12. Extortion spyware! Yippee! Social engineering seems to be the new fad amongst viruses and spyware these days considering how much more powerful antivirus software has become.
  13. Not too many details yet, but I'll update as they come. Pregnant teen injured in Saturday brawl at Cleveland | 911 | Beacon Hill News Now, I have a question to pose. Let's assume this girl loses the baby. Why is it that there are some people who would consider what the people in this fight did to this girl and her baby murderous, and yet these same people would turn around and defend it if the mother did essentially what these thugs did to her own baby? Apparently it's only murder if the mother wants to keep the child. I've been listening to The Abortion Plan by Oceana lately. It's been racking my mind. I understand that the Church has a position that allows abortion under certain circumstances, and I accept it as God's word. From here on out, this is just me speaking for me. I know I'm not a woman and so I'll never have any idea what pregnancy or labor is like, but I could never kill my child even if I died in the process, or even if we died together. Why do we lose sight of eternity so quickly? Furthermore, personally, I find it horrible that anyone would take an innocent life under even circumstances of rape or incest. The baby raped no one. I would also think that it would be better for anyone with a debilitating genetic disease as a result of incest to experience the joys and lessons of life despite their suffering. Especially as Latter-Day Saints. How can we deny life to someone simply because they will suffer in this life due to a physical deformity? Will they not become stronger for it? Why deny them that opportunity, how large or small it may be given their disorder, when we know it is a temporary earthly affliction? I was born three and a half months early so this is a very personal issue for me. I have a minor case of cerebral palsy, but as you can probably tell by this thread, my mental faculties have gone unharmed. I find it absolutely mortifying that there are people who would deny life to "inviable" fetuses that are as developed as I was when I was born. If I can be born as early as I was with so small an effect, no fetuses late second trimester should ever be considered for an abortion. I can take it further still. I have a friend who has a much more severe case of cerebral palsy, and he was born 5 and a half months early. His mental capacity is fine but he's paraplegic and in a wheelchair. Should he have been killed to spare him from that? I say no. I have noticed that disabled people are some of the most humble and joyous despite their afflictions. They have much to contribute to the world. Sorry for the rant, but I needed to get all of that off my chest. It's been bugging me all week. Feel free to focus on either the article or my monologue which accompanies.
  14. Just a reminder to count your blessings.
  15. I just took it down. I suppose it would have been better to paraphrase the content, my apologies.
  16. Very odd. I don't like using the single-post link and so I use the permalink instead because the formatting isn't all strange.