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Everything posted by PrinceofLight2000

  1. How are those eggshells feeling under your feet, PC?
  2. The U.S. should consider suspending idiotic moratoriums on energy and oil.
  3. Well folks, looks like getting a good private sector job or becoming an entrepreneur is entirely out of the question. Tax reform on its own would make revenue skyrocket because of the lack of loopholes. I doubt we'd need to raise rates at all if we had a flat tax
  4. UPDATE: $2 trillion error in S&P calculations: US - Yahoo! News For all you liberals reading this and smirking, that 2 trillion won't last forever.
  5. U.S. eats up most of debt limit in one day - Washington Times S&P downgrades U.S. credit rating from AAA - Washington Times May God help us. UPDATE: $2 trillion error in S&P calculations: US - Yahoo! News
  6. Someone my age on these forums? NO FREAKING WAY! We gotta stick together, man.
  7. You didn't address the actual point JD made and instead decided to nit-pick semantics. "Progressive", "liberal", "quasi-socialist", "x", "y", "pizza"... you can call it whatever you like as it really doesn't matter, but the viewpoint is set in stone. That's why I agree that progressivism is a misnomer. It suggests open-mindedness and willingness to adopt new ideas, but for most "progressives" those ideas are set in stone. As JD outlined above, progressivism in terms of American politics has a very solid, static platform. There is no true progressive worldview or morality, it might change from time to time but each time new rules are carved into stone. Even claiming to have a progressive worldview isn't de facto progressive because the possibility for progression to cease is closed. There is no such thing as true non-conformity. EDIT: If you think party and ideological labels serve no other purpose than as a bludgeon then I think you are being very naively shallow in your thinking and should probably read up on the party/ideological platforms behind those labels.
  8. Be careful when fabricating a story to get your company more attention--you might get exactly what you wished for.
  9. I find it amusing that you immediately follow up the emboldened with the underlined opinion as though it was exemplary of the emboldened.
  10. Last I checked there are 92 dead. From what I've read, there is no death penalty in Norway and he may not even face life in prison because the maximum sentence is 21 years.
  11. Perhaps there should be age limitations on first class seats?
  12. I agree with you in regard to this general statement, but please don't conflate that with saying anyone who believes Jesus is their Savior is a Christian. The atonement is what sets Christians apart from those who merely acknowledge His existence.
  13. THIS. Regional speech impediments lol.
  14. You're probably joking, but just in case... Separate the artists from the art. Even if they are, whatever they choose to do with my money after I purchase a product isn't my responsibility, it's theirs. I'm paying for the product, not their personal conduct.
  15. No, you are incorrect. You paid zero attention to the final line of my post and are taking parts of it out of context to draw a non-logical conclusion. Nothing in my post suggests that you can logically arrive to a conclusion where illegal immigrants are the only cause of crime or disease. I pointed that out numerous times. The point I and Traveler were making was that illegal immigrants cannot POTENTIALLY contribute to these problems inside our borders if they respect the law and are outside of the country.
  16. I second ruthie's motion, I've seen that a lot too.
  17. It's quite simple. Any potential negative consequences brought about by illegal immigrants residing in America would not have happened if we actually enforced our laws. This includes the potential spread of disease, increased violent and overall crime due to drug running by illegals, etc. It should be pretty obvious that no one was saying all illegal immigrants cause these problems, only that had our laws actually been followed and enforced that they wouldn't have taken place because the illegals that do cause these problems wouldn't be in the country to perpetrate the crime or spread the disease. If a store does not order apples and orders a shipment of oranges, you can't bite into a moldy apple sold at that store if only oranges are shipped. It does not follow that all apples are moldy or that all oranges are not moldy.