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Everything posted by PrinceofLight2000

  1. As long as I can get a 25 watt bulb that produces dimmer, yellow light, then I couldn't care less. Perhaps you should get one of the ones that only use half a flush if you press that side of the button, and the other side is a full flush.
  2. I've already gotten the two main scholarships that the school offers. I'm wondering if the school offers any additional opportunities, and which outside scholarship sites are worth my time. Does anyone have any first or secondhand experience with working on-campus at BYUI? How did the interview process go? I'm a little worried because of my disability that people won't give me the same consideration that a healthy person would have, although I'm probably just being neurotic about it.
  3. Hi everyone (especially you, Soul!)! I forgot my login information for a looooooooooong time. I'm now at BYUI and I got a 4.0 for my first semester. :) You all might be surprised to hear me say this given some things I said a couple years back, but I'm wondering why on earth it matters if sins are legal or not when Heavenly Father is going to judge people how He wants anyway, and considering we're supposed to have agency?
  4. Are medical costs ridiculous? Absolutely. I just had a bypass done on my popliteal artery because I have early onset popliteal entrapment syndrome in one of my legs, and it resulted in a blood clot. The whole thing cost $120,000. You read that right. Thank God for insurance, and I hope I don't have to get another one of these.
  5. ism noun a distinctive doctrine, theory, system, or practice: This is the age of isms. And for the record, most vegans and vegetarians do what they do because they're opposed to the abuse that goes on in factory farms, not because they have something against using animal products.
  6. I got the biggest laugh out of this article because it made me realize the very poor character development in half the videogames I play, haha.
  7. Haha, I always jokingly tell friends of mine I'll fight them if they disagree with me. They never do, it's because I win.
  8. A successful attempt at getting $48 dollars worth of pepsi, chocolate, and bacon for free, or a $5000 fine... Decisions, decisions.
  9. I'm going to give a rather simple answer to this question. The reason why it is first is because it is absolutely essential. If you don't have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, you CANNOT be saved from lack of eternal progression, or damnation, because you wouldn't be able to unbind yourself from your own sins without Christ's atonement to aid you. Furthermore, it is the most fundamental. The other three principles are followed and achieved as a result of and through faith in Christ. Think of it as the root of the tree from which the gospel grows in a person's heart. EDIT: I seem to have mistakenly overlooked OP's allegation that reason is more valuable than faith in a spiritual context. Faith is the greater test because it opens the doorway to understand what transcends beyond our inhibited perceptibility and escape the natural inclination of the flesh, which in this case would be to only believe what can be directly physically observed. By our nature we are flawed and cannot understand the concepts Heavenly Father governs with (many, many people have tried to put their own ingenuity on par with God's and have been stricken down in their hubris, see the Tower of Babel), so much like Moses' transfiguration, we need some divine guidance to become aware of Him. That power has been given to us in the form of faith, which is defined by a witness of the Holy Spirit.
  10. This is horrifying. My family is being foreclosed on and we've been on church welfare for some time now. It's sickening to think that people would rob not only God, but also their neighbors of the ability to feed their own families in a time of need. I can't help but wonder if some people had to go without because of what these two idiots did, but thankfully there was no cash.
  11. Female. You can see the bra strap, if the make-up wasn't enough.
  12. Don't you ever friggin' suggest I have something so friggin' ridiculous. Friggin' people these days just make me want to FRIG!
  13. What the friggin' frig is this friggin' thread even friggin' about. Frig.
  14. The problem with this is that the gospel is for everyone, whether they accept it or not. We may be ultimately judged based on our level of understanding of the gospel but it's our prerogative to increase that understanding as much as possible while we're here, and that means seeking out the correct path. Personally, I think there's going to be a special level of guilt for those who choose to reject and ignore the very idea of the gospel, God, or even spirituality in general solely upon the basis of an inconvenient commandment.
  15. I came in here to say this. You'll find when you date that you're compatible with more people than you think, provided a little effort and understanding exist between you and any given girl you're interested in.
  16. I'd like to see someone figurative their way out of Romans 1:27.
  17. Feminists need to stop thinking that because women have different responsibilities than men that they somehow have fewer, less necessary, or less societally significant responsibilities.
  18. I wasn't aware that either Heavenly Father or Satan do any sort of punishing. We're condemned and punished by our own guilt.
  19. This might be a little hard for you to swallow, but I find that the key is that when you need to identify the means by which you feel the Spirit, when you do finally receive it, you know that it's the Spirit without the shadow of a doubt.