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Everything posted by PrinceofLight2000

  1. Me too. Some have been banned for disciplinary reasons, but when a user wishes to leave it's a general rule that the account is banned rather than deleted. That way the user can come back if they want.
  2. Make new friends, ones worthy of your trust.
  3. In my house, gaming will be both an individual and a family activity. :) With moderation, of course.
  4. Not to mention, wouldn't someone come up with a manual override?
  5. lawl. Thanks for reminding me. Everything on my list is free except for the games.
  6. This, and: Constitution, Declaration, Federalist papers (if you're into politics) Amazon kindle AccuWeather Pandora Radio MapQuest AOL Instant Messenger Skype IM+ Lite Flashlight Also, some of the games are incredibly high quality. I recommend stuff from Gameloft, as well as Bust-A-Move (nostalgia talking) and Bejeweled 2 for when you're bored. For RPG fans, Final fantasy 1 and 2 are available. =D Attack and Defend are also good.
  7. I always thought don't ask, don't tell meant literally that. I wasn't aware it banned openly gay people from serving. I just thought it meant that orientation shouldn't ever be brought up as a matter of policy.
  8. K, we'll exclude The West Wing because it's inherently political. See above. And I'm sure those who are opposed to the "politically charged comedy gold" would rather have it not be politically charged when the show is supposedly for mere comedic entertainment rather than political indoctrination. Leave it out of my prime-time shows. If I wanted political literature I'd go looking for it. Agreed. But what of CSI, NCIS, Criminal Minds, etc where the focus is supposed to be criminal, not political drama. You seem to be rather ignorant of the power which the mass media holds. I'm not an advocate of lacing political subtleties and undertones into shows that should merely be pure entertainment, whether they suit my ideology or not.
  9. Mine was 44th most popular for my birth year.
  10. I have a couple threads in General Discussion.
  11. Love you too, pam. Jeff, we need to musically educate these people.
  12. I like it a lot! Thanks for the rec. Here's a more classical-based one.{Blaze} Here's my latest favorite, too: YouTube - Capsule - Starry Sky Yup, she's a sellout.
  13. I have mixed feelings about that one. I don't particularly enjoy some of the ways my very liberal junior english teacher interpreted it. She insisted that Steinbeck's use of profanity represented "the common people's language", even though everyone knows classy/refined people can be just as apt to swear but not in public. I tend to believe he did it for shock value alone. Excluding the profanity wouldn't have taken away from his messages. Another thing she did that I didn't like was equating Casy's sacrifice to see that the workers were treated fairly to communism.
  14. *virtual high five* I'm also a huge fan of the Wrinkle In Time series. Another book I didn't much care for was A Separate Peace by John Knowles.
  15. lol, until you can give me some kind of substantive argument to convince me I'm in denial that doesn't consist of sophistry, I'm not gonna buy it.
  16. You're kidding me. Intentions and messages present in the song DEFINE what the fruit of the rhythm will be. Just because a style of music was used long ago for occult purposes doesn't mean that the music is inherently evil or seductive. You fail to realize that people's intentions have changed along with history's changes. Trance. Melodic trance, to be more specific. Example here: Psybot - Heaven Cries
  17. Alright... She said this: 1. Using "African" in a pejorative way is not cool and not within the spirit. You said this: 1 How else am I to refer to Afirca ? You're sounding pretty bigoted, bub. It's rather ironic that you spelled school wrong. Hip-hop and electronica may have similar rhythmic traits but electronica isn't nearly as polluted with obscene garbage as modern hip-hop is. The idea that you're trying to compare subject similarity based simply on a similarly shared musical root is absurd. Additionally, there is good and bad to be found in every genre of music, so again, quit generalizing. Lastly, the problem isn't so much with how a message is delivered in music, it's what the message actually is. We are cautioned against music with strong rhythm because it can make us remember a message extremely easily and effectively, good or bad. If you want to argue the difference between "be careful" and "avoid at all cost", I point you here.
  18. Fiction: Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen. ugh. Non-fiction: The Audacity of Hope - Barack Obama. Those of you who know my political leanings can understand why.
  19. 1. This is incredibly ignorant and bigoted. 2. You clearly are not familiar with the genre. Stop generalizing. 3. Our church teaches that all faiths have a portion of truth. Your opinion is wrong, and once again bigoted. 4. Not what your post indicated earlier. Choose better wording if this is the case.
  20. You really shouldn' Shania's nasally voice annoys the living crap out of me.