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Everything posted by UrbanFool

  1. I actually think there are a lot of stupider things that money is going for. This is pretty stupid though.
  2. I went to the cannery this morning, and on the way, we were all comparing the fact that 3 of us had not slept for anything last night. I know that I took an herbal sleeping pill at 10 and then got up and took a regular sleeping pill after midnight, and still ended up laying there awake. Dogs were barking all over the neighborhood. I don't know if it had anything to do with this.
  3. I'm thinking it hit last night, actually. Tuesday night. FOXNews.com - Solar Tsunami to Strike Earth
  4. Spaceweather.com: August 2010 Northern Lights Gallery
  5. Did they say what time Melissa? I'm in Northern CA. We had one year quite some time ago when there were pink streaks in the sky, but I can't recall what that was now.
  6. I liked Glenn Beck before I was a Mormon (and he had nothing to do with me getting baptized.)
  7. And on that note, I'm off to the cannery to do a little good for my fellow galactic residents.
  8. The daycare provider charged my mom double for me. That's not such a great thing to live down.
  9. Others are much more eloquent than I am, so I'll leave them to explain why we are Christians. Here's a hint though... it has something to do with Jesus being our savior. Our local Christian store looked at me like I had two heads when I asked for the latest Mormon Tabernacle Choir CD and made some snotty comment, so she's lost my business. It's only because of my husband that I didn't return most everything I'd purchased there. But it doesn't surprise me that people are like that I suppose. I can always order stuff online, and there is a tiny Mormon shop about 20 miles south if I need to go inhale Bible bindings and finger pages.
  10. She was referring to the text she quoted. Congratulations!
  11. You can access Gospel Principles online as well. Gospel Principles
  12. Hopefully, the rest of the congregation wouldn't follow suit!
  13. I've no idea what they are, but they're adorable! How old are they? How big are they?
  14. I sit by the door at the end of the pew, unless someone makes a concerted effort to come ask me to sit by them. It doesn't bother me if everyone ignores me, but it's nice to feel welcomed.
  15. I would consider them the same. Either that or I suffer from both so I have a hard time separating the two.
  16. Online I'm not as bad. Maybe it's because nobody's staring at me. I actually thought about that afterwards. It's spin on a dime! You'd think I'd get these right. There are tons of colloquialisms I'm only now realizing come from the Bible.
  17. This is the quote on my Facebook page. I actually didn't even know where it came from: Be kinder than necessary, because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle. I was too shy to attend the company Christmas party after working there 12 years, and too shy to open Christmas presents at my own family's Christmases. The first was easy because you can just offer to answer the phones during the party, and everyone thinks that's a great idea. At family Christmases, I just caused myself more problems and drew more attention to myself, but I didn't think of that at the time. I don't get offended very easily, but I can have my feelings hurt at the drop of a dime. Now that I'm in my early 40's, I realize that my mother is even shyer than I am, so I know where I get it from. When they say "painfully shy", they aren't joking. It's very painful. Although it was my idea to begin with, I wouldn't even go to church if it wasn't for my husband taking me. The first time we were split up for RS/Priesthood, I nearly died. So I've had big changes in my life since I joined the church. Maybe I'll even get rid of some of my shyness at some point.
  18. If someone in my ward got breast implants, I would not even notice. It would have to be REALLY drastic. Why is everyone looking at everyone else's boobs? Just get a really decent bra that fits right. It makes all the difference --trust me.
  19. This was on for so long, I'm surprised there aren't reruns. Well, you can always buy the DVDs!
  20. Maybe it was REALLY hungry? We had to take Gordie to the vet once, and we got there and you could smell the skunk in the parking lot. Well, the couple whose dog had been skunked had no idea what had happened so they took the dog to the vet. Can you imagine! I sympathize with you!
  21. I don't know about other churches, but we have a calender we pass around every week and our congregation takes care of feeding our missionaries dinner (and I'm sure they're given lots of leftovers, cookies and other treats by members who can't help themselves.) Is this not standard?