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Everything posted by UrbanFool

  1. The BYU channel is good (and not boring a good portion of the time.)(I can live without women's volleyball.) I don't watch TV much, but I'm one of those people who buys entire TV series on DVD and watches them ad nauseum on my computer. Without commercials. And with captions on so I can actually understand what people are saying.
  2. I think this Amazon Kindle might be really dangerous for me.
  3. I've tried to do the same thing, and have pretty much had to piece things together. I don't think any religion doesn't have some things to be really embarrassed about in their history. I have heard so many versions of what seems like straightforward histories that it all gets jumbled and I don't know what to believe. I'll have to check that out Apple, thanks.
  4. Timing is everything. Magic Ponytail Moves On After Bestowing Boon Of Youth On Area 54-Year-Old | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
  5. In the 1950's, women had to fit the clothes rather than the clothes fitting the woman. Oh ugh, I'm feeling claustrophobic just thinking about it.
  6. I think stretch denim is one of the better inventions of the 20th century.
  7. I joined eDiets. I guess the site is a lot fancier now, but we had challenges so we were all competing with each other daily. There were numerous challenges to meet your own needs. I've no doubt that my membership with eDiets had a lot to do with my weight loss.
  8. I lost over a hundred pounds on Weight Watchers, and then lost about 60 pounds with Dr. Phil's Shape-up Plan. I can't believe I opened an EATING thread on Fast Sunday. I guess I'm a glutton for punishment.
  9. They're on my Facebook page. I haven't seen any of the Mormon ads on our TV, but I don't watch it enough to insist on that.
  10. Last night's Coast to Coast AM re-broadcast was on Private Military Contractors. Best of luck! You have more nerve than I do going to the Middle East to work.
  11. Maybe I sounded cranky without meaning to. I've got a bad toothache today, and I'm reacting badly to the pain pills. The missionaries asked a couple times, but I don't think they'll ask again. I was pretty firm last time. There's one guy at church who keeps pestering me about my mom because she came to my baptism. But, as she supports me in my decisions, I'm going to support her. I think the guy at church kinda has a crush on her. And me keeps asking me when I'm going to get pregnant when I've had many miscarriages and I wish he'd stop mentioning it. I feel bad enough as it is.
  12. This is just not going to happen with me. I asked each person once, and I'm not going to pester them. I'm happy to discuss Mormonism ad nauseum with anyone who asks, but I'm just not a missionary.
  13. I would not feel comfortable talking to my Bishop about underwear. But then I guess that's what the Relief Society President is for. When we were baptized, the missionaries neglected to tell us to white undies, so it was pretty embarrassing to have to talk to the missionary president about my shocking red underwear. He may have been more embarrassed, however.
  14. As an advanced seamstress, you guys aren't selling me on these garments. Why can't we make our own out of a good quality material?
  15. I have not seen Pocahontas and I've never heard of Ferngully.
  16. He's almost 18. Perhaps it's time for him to get a job and see just what his lack of a university education gets him. At that age I had no interest in college, and almost didn't graduate from high school. I moved out of the house and halfway down the state to live in San Francisco. Home computers were pretty new then, and I got hooked on "SpaceQuest" (I know, that dates me.) I'd often play all night and go to work the next day anyway. But I was responsible for myself and the decisions I made.
  17. Somehow, our phone number got connected with the girl who used to live in this house, so we get bunches of credit calls for her. Plus calls for some guy we've never heard of. I've tried calling their 800 number to get off their list, but it's so confusing I end up hanging up on the machine.
  18. Alana, I don't think you hate the environment :) I always snip the handles on plastic bags, but then I worked in wildlife rescue for 12 years. I try to make sure Larry takes cloth bags, but he often uses more than we have. I guess I should buy a few more. I don't get the idea of a "no knock" law. It's yet one more layer of bureaucracy. Just put up a "no solicitation" sign. Simple and does the trick.
  19. Wow. This time of year, if it's 95, I'm thanking God for the cooler temperatures.
  20. I'm not even going to click the link. I'm furious just thinking about it.
  21. I was thinking the same thing. That's a ton (almost literally) of hairspray!