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Everything posted by Echo2002

  1. I actually do have the money to buy the item I'm looking to buy, I'm just trying to decide if I want to be smart and put the money into my emergency fund which I'm still trying to build up or if I want to give in to instant gratification, haha. I always make a list before I go to the grocery store, so I'm usually able to stick to my list pretty well. I also recently started using coupons and buying most of my items from sales ads, which saves me money. Fortunately I'm not much of a clothes shopper, I still have clothing from high school that I wear from time to time, haha.
  2. So the husband would have to get written permission from his wife if she was a non-member.
  3. Several months ago I paid off all of my debt and then bought a house. I managed to stay debt free while moving into the house, not buying a bunch of furniture and waiting until I have the cash to buy what I needed. I'm struggling to not start buying stuff I want, even though I don't have the cash on hand. I do still have a 0% interest credit card, I keep rationalizing big purchases because I wouldn't be paying interest on it, it would just be sitting on the card until I pay it off. Does anyone else have this problem? How do you resist temptation? Also, what percentage of your income do you save per month? I hear 15% - 20% is a good number. I'm paranoid because I maybe losing some money per month after switching shifts at work, I will no longer be working every weekend for extra pay. This will cut into my savings. Yes, I know I'm not technically debt free since I have the house, but I'm free of all unnecessary debt (in my opinion).
  4. Would getting long term disability insurance provide the security in your 40s and 50s? I'm new to all of this, so I'm not sure. I suppose it's personal preference. If you feel more secure by having LTC just in case something happens when you are younger, then you will be glad you did it.
  5. I'm a fan of Dave Ramsey and he advises to start paying into ltc insurance when you are around 62. It's probably more expensive if you start that late but he advises to save and invest as much as you can before retirement age. If you get ltc insurance in your 40s you probably could be investing that amount instead of putting it into insurance you probably won't use until you are in your 70s or 80s.
  6. I know of a new convert that had to get permission from her husband to get baptized. I think she also had to get his permission to get her endowments, that's when he didn't want her to come to church anymore and started encouraging her to read anti-mormon literature. She now attends a church that he goes to, but I think she still attends some activities at the LDS church. I can understand having to get permission from your spouse about going to the Temple since you will be wearing garments and he/she would have to accept that. It is a little disturbing to hear the church doesn't hold the same permissions for the husband is the woman is a non member. By the way, I live in Tennessee, so it's true for American couples.
  7. I wonder why he would not love you anymore if you joined a church? I think the church usually advises against divorcing your spouse just to become a member. Maybe you could talk to him and make him understand your feelings about the church. It seems selfish on his part not to compromise with you on this subject.
  8. I liked the first one. The second one was awful, so I may not bother with this one.
  9. I'm single with no children, I wonder if I even need Life Insurance? The men who are only getting enough money to cover funeral expenses for their wives are going to be in for a rude awakening if something ever happens to her. Like others have said, even if the wife is a stay-at-home mom, to replace the things she does for the children will cost a considerable amount of money over time. Also, a man can't guarantee that he will just be able to find another wife. I can understand only covering the children's funeral expenses, but you would be crazy to only do that for the wife.
  10. I agree 100% with this paragraph. Good luck on your meeting with the Bishop.
  11. I've never seen either Big Love or the musical, but from what I hear they are not good representations of what the church believes. It amazes me when I try to correct some of the false "facts" that people pass around about the church they figure I'm lying or I'm only saying what I've been taught to say to cover up some big conspiracy. I don't understand why people do this. When I want to find out more about a religion I ask someone of that religion, I don't go searching the web for supposed truths about that religion.
  12. I do this a lot, I also say them out loud when no one is around, haha, especially when driving. I'm sure it's not a good habit to have, but it makes me feel better.
  13. I say continue on your path and don't worry about hurting the Bishop's feeling or creating a rift between you two. You sound like you've already got confirmation that the path you have chosen is the one you need to be on. Just curious, have you read your patriarchal blessing? Maybe that will provide additional help. I think some guys are intimidated by girls who pursue careers, especially if they think that your career is better than theirs. You just have to put yourself out there and find a guy who is not intimidated.
  14. I agree with Vort, if you are willing to give up medical school or being a doctor to take care of children when the time comes then I say go ahead and continue on your path. Maybe the Bishop is concerned that you will not want to date or get married once you get into medical school. On the other hand I feel like it wasn't his place to tell you you need to think of another career or sit around and wait to get married and have children. The General Authorities have always stressed the importance of an education for everyone in the church, men and women.
  15. I checked out the Nook at B&N today, it was nice, but I'm not sure I'm savvy enough to manipulate the software. Also, I don't think Deseret Books has very many titles available for the Nook, does it? The salesman did say new apps were being added to the Nook everyday. I went to Best Buy and looked at all the tablets they have, unfortunately they didn't have the Asus in the store. I didn't think the iPad was all that special. I like the lightweight feel of the Samsung Galaxy, which is the same price as the iPad.
  16. I'm thinking of getting a Android tablet or possibly an iPad. I'm thinking the iPad is too expensive for me, so I found a more affordable Asus Eee Transformer that runs Honeycomb. Will the LDS apps work well on a tablet, or are they mostly made for the phone? I just wonder about the screen sizes and any distortion that that might cause. I'm planning on using the tablet for mostly reading purposes. The reason I'm not getting a Nook or Kindle is because they don't support Android so I don't think I would be able to use the LDS Apps. Does anyone have any of these devices and can give me some advice on what would be good to use as a reader? What are your experiences with the LDS Apps for Android versus iPad?
  17. I agree, logically Jesus was married since He was meant as an example to the covenants we take and the way we live our lives. Whether He was or not or to whom he was married doesn't have any affect on our salvation.
  18. If you are worried about that happening, maybe you could go with your daughter to meet with the Bishop if it ever arises. We actually had a member of the Bishopric rape a young woman several years ago. It really divided the congregation because so many people didn't believe he could do something like that. It was a case where he let himself get too emotionally involved with the girl, of course it didn't help that she flirted with him a lot, but he was old enough to know better. I kind of place some blame on the parents for not seeing that he was spending way too much time with her by picking her up from school and buying her a cell phone, but they trusted him because he was in the Bishopric.
  19. We were having problems with a 4 year old in our class, he just would not quit talking during the lesson and would always tell us "no" if we asked him to be quiet. Several times he he hit us if we tried to make him sit. We talked to the Bishop about it and he said we are not babysitters, if the kid is acting up take him to his parents and let them deal with him. The kid was being a butt through the whole lesson so I took him to his father, of course his father acted like we were the bad guys and his son never had any discipline problems. It's a Sunday school class, not a daycare, I say send the girl to her parents if she is disrupting the class, no matter how old she is. There are too many parents believing their child has ADD or ADHD or whatever behavioral problem they have nowdays. Children are just testing their boundaries and seeing what they can get away with. Of course I know there are some children who really do have a problem, but I don't think it is as widespread as people believe.
  20. I heard about this guy from my mother. I think he could have worn more clothing and it wouldn't have compromised his artistic expression. Look at men who do ballet, you can still see their movements and their muscles through the tights.
  21. Would it be inappropriate to e-mail him about it first? haha....I just can't see myself sitting down face to face with him and confessing this. I can't even say the word out loud.
  22. Unless you eat everything cooked in alcohol I don't consider it breaking the word of wisdom. I'm not aware of people getting a buzz off of beer battered shrimp. It all comes down to what you feel is right for yourself. I don't think there is a written law anywhere.
  23. I was going to suggest going to Institute first and getting to know some people before attending Sunday if that made you more comfortable. Since you've already gone to Sunday meetings, good for you.
  24. I'm going through the same situation. I just think me being a single female it's embarrassing to talk to a man I barely know about masturbation.
  25. I too am a female with this problem. I have been struggling with it for 2 years or more. I feel uncomfortable going to the Bishop since I'm female. It just seems a little too personal to discuss with a man I don't know.