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Everything posted by NadiaStar

  1. Then when and where is the cherishing taking place? Is this your version of the crazy wife in the attic? Pretend she doesn't exist?
  2. I haven't seen the "new" episodes, but I had no problem with the older ones.
  3. Batman took on its 60s campy version because they just didn't have the ability to do the darker version. Dark Batman IS the original
  4. Lots of posts here, but here are my thoughts: Yes, I think a man can be happily married to a fat woman. Might he prefer a skinnier wife? Sure and like others said it's really depends on what he finds physically attractive. But happiness in a marriage goes far beyond physical appearance. In the OPs case it seems the husband in question has absolutely no desire to have a happy marriage with her. He is making unrealistic demands in an uncaring way without any respect to the steps she has taken. I'm sure there are plenty of men out there who dream of being married to a "hot wife", but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I'm suddenly reminded of the music video to that "One Hot Mama" song. We watch this hurried, tired, chaotic, maybe-not-in-her-best-appearance housewife and then we are treated to the sultry version of her he constantly sees. THAT is how men should view their wives if they so dream of having a hot wife. Is it wrong for a man to want a hot wife? Not at all, as long as this desire is in perspective of reality and eternal family, commitment, and blessings. Any man who wants a "hot wife" and nothing else out of her as some serious value issues and no wife deserves such a husband.
  5. I started reading this thread with no thoughts of any "mormon wedding". I figure if you can get state authority to do so, your religion really is neither here nor there.
  6. And one more thing... please do not give in and justify it "because that Nadia old woman online did it and everything wound up okay eventually". What my now-husband and eternal companion did was a sin. We may have repented and made our lives work, but it was still a sin and believe me, it's probably better to avoid it in the first place.
  7. My opinion: the gunman is ultimately responsible for what he did and I am pretty sure that at judgement day he is not going to get much taken off because of a violent movie. However, I believe that violent movies in general are a big problem in our society and certainly aren't helping. This might be a tangent, but I remember hearing that people who work full-time in slaughter houses are more likely to have mental disturbances of the violent sort.
  8. I believe it differs between states who can get liscened to perform a marriage and what that takes to do so. I'd say it's worth looking into.
  9. Now that I have revealed my naughty past to you, I will say that we were able to get things together and have since been sealed in the temple. The guy may be Mormon as in he has been baptized and has name on some membership roll. I will even say there are probably a lot of Mormon boys (and girls) who might really want sex before marriage on the natural man end of the spectrum. I'm not saying all Mormons are unalterably programmed to not desire sex before marriage. However, a Mormon boy who respects his covenants if he has made them or his knowledge of the Law of Chastity or, heck, any boy who respects your views, would not be pressuring you quite this much.
  10. I'll answer with a wilder answer: We dated for about three months, engaged for two. We did have sex before marriage because it was a wild time in our lives. To top it off, I was pregnant with another's man's child at the time we met.
  11. I'm of the opinion you should say it now. Be honest, but refrain from being too mean. My mother has more or less left the Church (still technically has her name on the rolls) and one thing that drives the active members in the family nuts is her getting snooty or even downright mean about things in the Church she doesn't like. It doesn't so much for family togetherness, so PLEASE be respectful of your wife's beliefs and decisions--and by respect, I don't mean they "I'm going to love her even though she's an idiot for believing like she does". True respect. With respect in place, that will do wonders for helping your family through this. I don't see the sense in "faking it". Be honest and be respectful and get it out in the open.
  12. If the adversary had more power, every non-LDS but wonderful couple in the world would be tempted more than normal. The biggie of the temple is the SEALING not the legal marriage. My husband and I had a civil wedding as we were a little less than worthy (I was sort of pregnant with someone's else baby at the time as well--husband was aware) and two years later managed to make it to the temple. During those two years, we worked on our relation to the gospel and repentance and no, I don't think we were subject to any further temptation than what our other actions had brought upon us. Mine's an extreme case, but the principal'sthe same.
  13. They claim it's how they vent their frustrations, but I think it goes deeper than that.
  14. It's not that one disorder that makes you smell like a fish, is it? =D
  15. I'm getting the impression your in the right spot in your life, as miserable as seem to be, for changing! That's good!
  16. Ana, thanks for sharing your story. I have a daughter who struggles with a severe weight issue, so I think I can sort of see where you are coming from. I think all that can be said has been said by everyone else, but take that advice because it's good. You need to get your life in order--not just the weight. It's like the gospel--get the basics right and everything else more or less falls into place. Look at your sleep habits, your social habits. And keep up the positive outlook.
  17. Another person who realizes why they were created!
  18. My ward also just switched to separate donation sheets as of laste settlement. This probably also explains the membership # space on donation slips. I'm guessing it has to do more with the computer system than anything and I don't care what money is one who's slip at the end of the year. Like has been said I'm a full tithe paper and that's what matters. In regard to the OP this is a very odd request, and the weekly thing makes it even odder to me. But I think it is, at worst, an innocent weirdness.
  19. The thing is, our ward doesn't bother with any of that stuff for the older boys. We have a bunch of people whining about transferring the boys to the next unit when there is absolutely no difference in programs. In my view, we should either drop the fascade of having Varsity and Venturing or actually bother to make them separate. We don't even separate the boys, except for the 11-year-olds. It's just one big group of boys doing the same things. Are we required to register a Varsity and Venturing group?
  20. Oh, right. Let's follow the ideas of a mother who purposely set her boy up in a dangerous situation. The fact was that these kids were on a train by themselves in an unfamiliar situation. Discipline has nothing to do with it. The boys being disciplined and responsible would not have saved them if a problem had arisen. What are they supposed to do? Tell a potential molester or theif they're "disciplined"? I'm all for teaching kids discipline and responsibility, but you can't say it automatically makes kids safe. Yes, the kids should not have done what they did to the plumbing, but being 18 does not magically make a kid responsible and ready for the world.
  21. Her area might not be safe enough for teaching a kid to ride the train.
  22. She's the mother. It's her JOB to protect her child. You're so obsessed with the fact the boy was 18 that you can't imagine what it's like to have a child who just isn't ready to take on the adult word, no matter what that world expects.
  23. I agree. Better than ignoring all the women and kids.
  24. Goodness! You're absolutely right there.
  25. So the ward split some time back, I'm on the Scout committee, and we're still trying to put things together Scouting-wise. How common is this arrangement? Scouts: ages 11-13 Varstiy: ages 14-15 Venturing: Ages 16+ Especially if the Varsity and Venturing programs aren't being run and it's all just Scouting? What's the point of that? It's like we're bending over backwards to move boys every two years when they won't be doing anything different. I can't find the age thing in the lds scouting handbook.