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Everything posted by eddified

  1. I understand your confusion. I see how guaranteed income could incentivize someone to NOT work. What I meant but failed to explain, was that under guaranteed income, if one WANTS to work, there is nothing, financially speaking, stopping one from working. Whereas with welfare, if you start working, you lose welfare benefits. You never lose any benefits by working under a guaranteed income scheme. Does that make sense?
  2. Oops, I didn't actually say why some think guaranteed income works better. It's because with guaranteed income, there is no incentive to NOT work. Whereas with welfare, there is such an incentive.
  3. Ok I read the basic income links. I'll be watching how it turns out because some conservatives are saying it is better than welfare. Why? Well, with basic income everyone gets a check. No need to mess around with safety net welfare type programs. Theoretically the welfare programs won't be needed anymore (fat chance they'll actually get rid of them though.) Not that I agree with it--just saying I'm interested in seeing how it turns out.
  4. But, there are huge problems with US's health care right now. Some like to blame it on the free market--which is laughable when you realize the US government accounts for 33-50% of all healthcare spending in the US through Medicare, Medicaid etc. I heard this figure a long time ago and so I don't know how much it was exactly nor do I have a reference--if someone has better data I'd love to see it--but the point remains that the Feds have a huge impact on the healthcare market.
  5. Right. I believe there are many different forms of government that "work". But ones that allow free market capitalism to operate will usually do better. And I agree that socialism is not moral. I speculate that in the millennium we won't be operating under free market capitalism anymore--God has something even better in store. (Think of how the people in the BOM had all things in common after Jesus came.)
  6. How does guaranteed income work?
  7. https://thesundaypews.com/2017/03/21/ldsleaks-reveals-first-presidencys-toothpaste-brand-of-choice-testimonies-crumbling-worldwide/ President Thomas S. Monson: “It’s true. Ever since I was a young boy my mother insisted that I use Pepsodent toothpaste. I can almost still hear her loving voice: ‘Oh Tommy, fetch the Pepsodent! Don’t forget to brush!’ It has been 76 years … but I still use it today. In fact, I used it just this morning. A new tube was opened. Fresh peppermint was savored. A smile was brightened.” President Henry B. Eyring: “I remember it like it was yesterday. As a young deacon, a righteous Priesthood leader placed his hand firmly on my shoulder and asked, ‘Henry, when was the last time you brushed your teeth?’ I dared not answer. He then slipped a small tube of Colgate into the pocket of my white shirt. This wise leader saw my teeth not as they were, but as they could become. From that day on I have always carried with me … *quiet sobs* … a small tube of Colgate MaxFresh.” President Dieter F. Uchtdorf: “Arm & Hammer is my brand of choice. Why? I will tell you. One evening while piloting a large aircraft from Berlin to Paris I suddenly realized I had forgotten to place my traditional toothpaste in my toiletry bag. My co-pilot soon came to my aid with a spare tube of Arm & Hammer toothpaste. The arm and hammer brought to my mind images of spiritual strength and fortitude. From that day forward I have never used another brand.”
  8. What problems does it cause? What if I just up and leave? What's going to happen to me? I honestly just want to know. I've always hated how we lose our freedom going into the hospital but I want to know exactly how that all works.
  9. Phishers wouldn't ask you to sign an NDA.
  10. Which Main Street are you referring to?
  11. NDA's are fairly common in business. But this may be the first time I was asked to sign one as a consumer.
  12. It seemed pretty legit. Not a data theft sting. Nothing to be worried about.
  13. @Sunday21 I got it, too. I can explain. VidAngel wants you to sign a Non-Disclosure agreement. If you sign it, you be entered into a pool of people from which will be selected <---- redacted ---->. I can't tell because I singed the NDA myself.
  14. Sounds like your mom is a master manipulator. My mom is like that too. When I left home I wanted to get far, far away from her, because no one likes being manipulated.
  15. “Real love for the sinner may compel courageous confrontation—not acquiescence! Real love does not support self-destructing behavior.” Russell M. Nelson “We cannot, my dear brethren, condition our love…There have to be standards and they must be enforced, but our love must be unconditional.” Marion D. Hanks
  16. You can forgive without remaining in the marriage. Forgiveness (or not) is a separate event than divorcing (or not). Related, but still distinct things. I believe that depending on the situation, you may or may not be best served by divorcing an adulterous spouse... yet you will ALWAYS be best served by forgiving (vs harboring resentment).
  17. @anatess2 there is also the case of a widow remarrying, which is acceptable in this life but not the next. This doesn't really fit in with what you are saying right ?
  18. Hmm.. he says he'll do anything for you but he can't promise not to cheat on you again ? Sounds contradictory. Even if you ask him to repent, it sounds like he has a good chance of NOT repenting. I'm not sure I'd stick around with an unrepentant adulterer.
  19. I frankly told my wife that she should remarry if I died. My kids need a father (that's just one reason).
  20. Touche. "I should really be working instead" is what I really should have said. Seriously though, thinking of the right word is for some reason, very, VERY hard for me. Especially in spoken conversations. Just not something I'm good at.
  21. Reading between the lines, I'm suspecting it isn't about money. I could be wrong but it seems like maybe this is about the mom being a little lazy, thinking, "I can probably get away with not sending lunch most days, but on the off chance that my daughter gets too hungry, teacher can provide snacks. After all, it's hard to fit the time in to make lunches for my kids (or I have to work mornings, or whatever) and teacher loves kids, I'm sure she'd be happy to offer a snack in a pinch." Edit: maybe "lazy" isn't the right word but it's the closest I can think of right now. I'd like to think of a better word that assumes the mom means well.
  22. If the dad is in stake leadership, and if poverty really is an issue, suggest that they ask their bishop to help with food. If you want to help out (optional), then offer a fast offering to your bishop. This is the correct route to go.
  23. I don't agree with the general idea of there being a soul mate who you must have, and if you don't have that soul mate, you'll be unhappy. However, I do think it is possible for God to tell someone to marry a specific person. I also think it possible for a man & woman to have known each other before this life, and that they may have possibly intended to find each other for marriage after they got to earth -- but at the same time if someone used their agency to change their mind, and not marry their pre-mortal significant other, I believe they can still find happiness, eternal love, and exaltation, through marrying a worthy person. In other words I reject the idea that you can't find happiness unless you marry one specific person. But I do believe others, without reservation, when they tell me that they felt God told them to marry a specific person.