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Everything posted by Anddenex

  1. We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men. Indeed we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul. WE believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report, or praiseworthy, we seek after these things. I think this suffices for a good definition of a "good member".
  2. No laugh button. I need one now. This is of course in reference that I was interpreting your post to be humorous, and light-hearted.
  3. MormonThink website is a group of members of the church, some have gone fully inactive and some are still active. MormonThink is actually worse than the majority of anti-Mormon sites because the site seeks to say they are active members. The site is very misleading, and seeks to, as others pointed out, to divide. FairLDS doesn't speak highly of this site also, because even though they provide accurate truths, they also do not provide accurate context. I actually spoke with one of the authors on Youtube, who tried to say how accurate they were and neutral. I find the majority of their post, not nuetral, and leading.
  4. We actually have one of these children in our primary right now. She is so allergic to peanuts, the item will hurt her even if the candy was made in the same place where peanuts are distributed.
  5. Yes, I would agree, and my emphasis (as you already figured) was a woman who is physically forced upon by a man. These types of men, should have no rights with any child conceived during this type of violent intrusion.
  6. Unnatural...hmm... I am never moving to Florida.
  7. What? How in the world would any law maker justify this type of code. Talk about stabbing a knife into the victim and then turning it.
  8. Hehe...It is amazing to me what some ex-Mormons think they know, this is one of my favorite posts from pamimlercooper: Pamimlercooper apparently won her scripture mastery two years in a row. It would be really nice if people actually provided accurate knowledge verses their own interpretation of the knowledge. We baptize for the dead to provide others an opportunity to accept, not to increase membership. When I was Membership Clerk I don't remember counting anyone on the list who was deceased. Thanks for sharing this tubaloth.
  9. Oh my goodness, do not get me started, on city codes which are ridiculous! I'm about to write in all caps....I will refrain though. Some people it seems get into political leadership and then they think they can make up whatever law they like. I can understand some city codes, however this one you are talking about, and the one Annewandering mentioned, are, well, to put it bluntly... pathetic. Especially, if they threaten jail time for this type of code violation. I agree, the second coming needs to come quicker.
  10. The conversation, as addressed by the OP, has only focused on one side of the coin. The words which this Mission President shared, maybe hurtful to some in the audience. What about he other side of the coin? What about the young 18 year old, who is currently thinking upon a mission, and thinking that he may not go. He/She listens to this talk, and feels the spirit confirming the need to go. Where others may not have found joy in this Mission Presidents words, others in the audience may have received the words they needed to hear. The coin flips both ways.
  11. I am reminded of Nephi's words in relation to his older brethren, 1 Nephi 16: 1 - You, possibly rhetorically ask, Our cannon of scripture is full of negative threats, which negative threats are grounded in truth. It is truth, anybody who shirks their responsibility will be held accountable before God. I have found it very interesting that for the past 6 years if not more President Monson has alluded to this scripture to all brethren who have received the priesthood, D&C 107: 99 - 100, If negative threats concern you, verse 100 provides a negative threat to every priesthood holder. Nephi provides one of the most influential negative threats to anybody who reads the Book of Mormon (2 Nephi 33: 14, emphasis added) Should the Presidency remove these words from the Book of Mormon, because, in my experience, the majority of non-LDS who read these words take hurt and find them offensive and fear mongering. I have discovered that it is the negative threats that we should pay close attention to. They provide guidance and offer important counsel. A truth which will surely happen. I once dated a young lady who had lost her virginity before marriage. In our BYU ward, the Bishopric spoke firmly about the importance of keeping chaste, accompanied with the doctrine of negative threats. After the meeting, one-on-one, she shared with me how she was hurt by the strong language of the Bishopric. The reality of the matter, anytime truth is spoken, and anybody has gone against this truth, it will be hard to hear, unless the individual recognizes the atonement in their lives. The negative threats are purposeful to bring people to repentance. Anddenex's soapbox has ended.
  12. Yes, unfortunately, this is a common anti-Mormon thread by which has great success among the young folks. The idea also that these individuals promulgate is that Joseph Smith smuggled the gun inside the jail himself, and then they proclaim that because he smuggled it into a jail, by which he shouldn't have had in the first place, he was murdered justly. I had heard that four people were wounded. The idea of Joseph being a murderer actually stems from John Taylor's words who once said that he had heard that those who were shot by Joseph Smith were assumed dead. However, it is amazing how people will take an assumption without facts and then twist it for their benefit.
  13. Wow Bini! I would agree with your last statement, "still they were doing what they thought was best." The spirit of Elijah within us continues to increase our desire to learn about our ancestory, as our hearts turn to our fathers and mothers within our past. I hope you find the peace you are searching for in this personal history.
  14. No, unless you go to one of the games and throw flowers, accompanied with a love note, to one of the players
  15. Hehe... a cougar is a older woman who like younger men (e.g. 45 year old female, who wants a 25 year old male).
  16. Here I was, making an attempt at humor, and not one "laugh out loud" click. I quit!! EDIT: I have never been able to read any of the love emails, a moderator gets to them before I am able to feel the love.
  17. I am surprised no one has mentioned this, LDS.NET seems to have a number of single men who comment on this forum. Pam...maybe add a new tab labeled "Single"???
  18. If these are the correct words this individual used then this would be incorrect. When I hear this, my first thoughts take me to children. Children do not deeply study church doctrine, yet, they are able to gain a testimony through the avenue of prayer. Although reading the scriptures influences our testimony and strengthens our testimony, a testimony as classlady shared is given by the spirit. What does this say about converts also, who have only read the last chapter in the Book of Mormon, prayed, and the Lord witnessed the truth? Although I disagree with this sentiment, I find truth in it as well. The more we study the deeper our understanding of truth grows. The deeper our understanding, the deeper our testimony will grow. I am reminded of Abraham's desire for more knowledge, and more righteousness, and also to have greater knowledge. The more knowledge he gained the deeper his testimony grew. However, the testimony did not grow because of a deep study of the doctrines, the testimony grew because of the knowledge which was given unto him by the power of the Holy Ghost.
  19. This Mission President's words are very calm, compared to the words spoken by Elder Holland at the MTC while I was there. I never thought I would hear an Apostle screaming at the pulpit regarding missionary work, and the importance of serving a mission. I remember these words he said, "Don't you dare come to me about going home from a mission. I LOVED MY MISSION." The M.P.'s words are icing on a cake compared to the direct language used by Elder Holland. I always thought an Apostle spoke calmly, well, when Elder Holland is moved passionately by the spirit, watch out. He is direct, and his language was much stronger than this M.P.s.
  20. If you can search online, you will be able to find jobs from people who are looking for part-time and full-time writers. Some of these companies pay by the hour, and some of these companies pay by words, or by project. I would look into those. My sister was in an accident when she was 12 which resulted in her being in a coma for two days. She has no recollection of any memory before she was 12 years old. It wasn't easy for her after coming home from the hospital and going back to school.
  21. Dreams are very interesting. I had an acquaintance once who actually had a diagram which explained the majority of our dreams, or at least, what one psychologist determined our dreams meant. One I have found very interesting are the dreams where either your teeth are falling out, or they are extremely loose and feel as if they are falling out. The interpretation, you are stressed out. The majority of my dreams, as my wife would call them, are "Superman complex". I am either flying, a really fast runner, or I can jump a mile and save everyone. This is when my wife jests with me and asks if there is anything I can do to make this a reality? I have never had the dream of showing up naked or in my underwear ever. The psychologist said that these dreams give evidence that a person is anxious for something, or an event they are about to perform at or at least play a part. I really appreciate though the dreams I have had which have been provided by the Lord. They are great experiences.
  22. Although I understand and completely agree with the first portion of your comment, my foolish virgin side wants to come out and play. EDIT: Steve Young was a Sabbath breaker for fourteen seasons in the NFL. Yet, the Church doesn't seem to be bothered by his choice, as he has served the church in films, and other events, not to mention he actually has an article in the New Era and has been mentioned a number of times in the Churches Ensign. There has only been one person on this earth who has been "meek and submissive and obeyed the Lord every whit" and he is my advocate. As pertaining to others, they need him just as much as I do. I will be in good company.
  23. I'm with Pam on this one. This reminds me though of when I was 17 and driving a VW bug to basketball practice. It had just rained, and I was coming to a turn and felt a strong impression to slow down. I slowed down, but not enough. When I turned the car, the car went into a full spin, completely turning a 180. We came to a direct stop, well, the car actually almost went on its side after hitting a curb. Although I did not slow down enough, the impression potentially saved my life or my younger brothers life who was in the car with me. If I had continued at the speed I was going, and the car spun out like it did, when we hit the curb we would have gone end over, or side over, and then went down a hill about 30 feet. It wouldn't have been pretty.
  24. I am going to reiterate Eowyn's comment, We are asked to be honest and not fearful of any person when we do what is right. What if your parents actually become irate or angry? Eowyn's words still apply.
  25. Upon reading this, a story shared by President Thomas S. Monson enters into my mind. President Monson shared the story of how the King had lost one of his most prized jewels. The King offered a handsome reward to the individual who found the jewel and returned it. A young farm boy thought how this reward would greatly enhance his livelihood and his families livelihood. When he returned home he told his mother of the news and said he was going out to find it, even though he had responsibilities and duties at home. He was informed that he could not go and he must attend to his duties. Although the young man did not like it, he knew his mother was right. He went and attended to his duties. While he was doing his duty, by a small stream, he noticed something shiny in the water. He bent over, picked it up, and noticed it was the King's jewel. He quickly returned home rejoicing. He told his mother and his mother responded with these type of words, "And you would not have found it if you had not been doing your duty." Go out, continue to do as you have been, and keep your chin up. The hardest times in life is when we want something and we want it "yesterday", but today we still don't have it. The Lord's timetable is most important, especially when choosing a companion. As the Lord told me once, "Be watchful, be prayerful, and be happy." When you are hurting inside, keep yourself busy, put your shoulder to the wheel, and when you meet someone, smile. It is amazing how disarming a sincere smile is when we meet people. I would say, baking the cookies and going to the baptism is just the activity you require. It will help remind you of the blessings you recently received. Think upon that time, the moment the Lord witnessed the truth, the spirit you felt and let it take full sway of your gentle heart. Peace.