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Everything posted by tesuji

  1. I love Vidangel. It's great for cleaning up movies that are almost acceptable. For example, it turned Jurassic World into a movie my kids can see. Also great for making unwatchable movies watchable. I don't watch many R movies so, I've been surprised how awful some of them are. Some are irredeemable no matter what you delete. But some are truly great if you just remove some things. All for one dollar.
  2. My wife always says there are two kinds of people: those who take away hope and those who give hope.
  3. If you missed, or have forgotten, this wonderful talk by apostle Jeffrey Holland, check it out. It's very encouraging and hopeful. Tomorrow the Lord Will Do Wonders among You By Elder Jeffrey R. Holland Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2016/04/tomorrow-the-lord-will-do-wonders-among-you
  4. My daughter regularly gets candy in her primary classes, even on Fast Sunday. It drives me nuts. We do not want this as her parents.
  5. My reason for posting this study it that this is an LDS site, and we have been told for almost two hundred years by our prophets that drinking is a bad idea. This is the first time I've seen a study that said alcohol causes cancer. So obviously that's interesting to Mormons. I haven't said anything about people being bad who drink alcohol. That's something people have assumed here. I don't personally think of drinking as being immoral, not in the sense that murdering, stealing or adultery are immoral. However, we have enough health information in 2016 to say that drinking is a bad idea - it causes many problems for individuals, families and society. Just like we have enough medical evidence to say smoking is a bad idea. LDS, additionally, have modern prophets to reinforce what science now tells us: using alcohol and tobacco are a bad idea - also spiritually, in addition to physically and for society. Cancer is the second cause of death. That means a lot of people dying, not just being "early detected." Call that what you want.
  6. "Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States, exceeded only by heart disease. One of every four deaths in the United States is due to cancer." Obviously if those people hadn't gotten cancer they would have lived longer. Cancer is also not a fun way to die, so you want to try to avoid it. http://www.cdc.gov/cancer/dcpc/data/types.htm It's not an epidemic, it's a pandemic. Yes, cancer, is more of an old person's disease. That doesn't mean we shouldn't still try to avoid it.
  7. I'm surprised to see people here downplaying this finding. Almost like you're defending drinking and don't want to believe it's bad. Many things are unhealthy, as user Godless points out. Perhaps you'll at least agree it's wise to be informed and to minimize risky behaviors.
  8. A couple classic books: Life After Life, by Moody Return From Tomorrow, by Ritchie I love NDE stories because who doesn't want to know! And I figure the more you know about the next life, the more wisely you can live this one. I tend to think they are real, not some kind of brain effect. As the Moody book details, these stories often share consistent elements, and align with what we know as LDS. However, I take them with a huge grain of salt and never let them trump solid gospel teachings. I consider what I learn from them as tentative only. Some of them have wierd twists that strike me as false. Maybe they are embellished or invented in some cases. I also suspect people perceive see only what they are ready to perceive, and experience it all through very subjective mental filters.
  9. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2016/07/23/alcohol-causes-7-types-cancer---least/87473546/ Health experts are calling for warning labels on booze, like those on tobacco products, based on a new study that finds alcohol is a direct cause of at least seven forms of cancer. Drink only a little? You're still at risk, scientists write in the journal Addiction. After reviewing 10 years' worth of data from agencies including the World Cancer Research Fund, researchers conclude drinking is a direct cause of not just liver cancer, but also cancer of the colon, rectum, breast, oropharynx, larynx, and esophagus, reports the Guardian.
  10. I think reincarnation would fit well within LDS doctrine, except that it doesn't. The church has said it's a false teaching: https://www.lds.org/ensign/1989/08/i-have-a-question?lang=eng http://eom.byu.edu/index.php/Reincarnation
  11. Yeah, an interesting idea. Although God can just as easily give the leaders the knowledge directly. Do you see much influence of Buddha in Lehi's teachings? I haven't noticed much. Also, of course it would be a long trip... Although if they had both met halfway...
  12. The Desert Fathers Play Pokemon Go http://www.conciliarpost.com/lives-of-saints/the-desert-fathers-play-pokemon-go/
  13. Wasn't there a whole thread recently on violence in the Book of Mormon? I can't find it now.
  14. #NerdSolidarity It's OK. Not everyone understands nerds: Nerd noun 1. A person who finds the world unbearably banal and mundane, and therefore seeks inspiration in the realm of imagination.
  15. Who said nerds can't be grown men? I like the "location-based augmented reality" aspect, which is a novelty to me. We're going to see a lot more of this now - watch for it. This is a culture-changing thing. I actually got bored with it after the novelty wore off. I do think it is something for kids, mostly. Now I use it to spend time with my kids and get them out of the house. They enjoy it. One thing for sure, they never have an excuse to be bored any more (not entirely a good development, but sometimes it's nice to have another optional activity like this).
  16. I like your thread title, and your example of how a physical body helps our spirits learn. Too often I would rather stay indoors and read, and ignore the "real" world. Jim Gaffigan says it well, when he says he's "indoorsy"
  17. Some more good info on this topic: Question: What was the Lamanite curse? http://en.fairmormon.org/Book_of_Mormon/Lamanites/Curse/What_was_it Race on the Priesthood https://www.lds.org/topics/race-and-the-priesthood
  18. I was talking about your class teacher. No offense intended. I'm just saying the gospel is supposed to be exciting and wonderful, not boring. "You're doing it wrong" is an internet meme phrase.
  19. It sounds like what they will make you read in hell, if they allow reading there!
  20. Best of luck. If the gospel is boring, you're doing it wrong. Sometimes it's too interesting, by which I mean necessary spiritual growing pains.
  21. I'll try to give an bit of an example of what I was talking about in the above post. Here's one paragraph from the first lesson: This is the most amazing teaching I can imagine. Have you ever know anyone who is even remotely like how God is described here? He knows everything, he has all power, he is completely good and loving. How did he get to be so amazing? Was he always that way? What does it even mean to be perfect like he is? What would it like to be him? How would it be to be completely full of goodness, to never do anything selfish, foolish, stupid or wrong? What does he see and know that we can't even imagine? What would it be like to be with him, and how would that feel? How does he have patience with us, who must seem like feeble nitwits to him? Why does he still love and care about us so much? What does he want from us? How does he feel when we ignore his wise, knowledgeable, incredible direction for us and instead follow our own blind, foolish and ignorant path? Why do we do that, anyway, when God is all loving and all knowing? Surely that means we should follow him, and that he knows what is best? But like I said, even the most boring lesson or Sacrament Meeting talk can become personally amazing, if you look past the poor delivery and focus on the amazing truths of the gospel, and have the Holy Spirit with you.
  22. What you're describing is truly sad. The Gospel Principles manual is one of my favorite things to read - it presents the gospel in its beautiful simplicity. A few ideas: Sincerely pray to invite the Spirit. When you feel the Holy Spirit, the gospel comes alive and you always feel and/or learn something significant. It's never boring when you feel the Spirit. Humbly and carefully read what is in the lesson carefully, including the supporting scriptures. Look deeper into what is being said. Ponder it. The things being taught are profound and amazing, if you understand and think about them. Ask questions. The teacher should be asking questions. This is the best way to make learning interesting. Maybe the teacher thinks it's all so simple and he/she knows the answers, that it's a boring class. No, it's not, if you dig into it. Participate - answer questions, share your insights, etc Listen to general conference talks on the same topic as the lesson. At the very least, listen and learn all you can. Sometimes that's all you can do in a class if it's poorly taught and made boring. And sometimes you don't realize how amazing the gospel until you understand the basics first. So you might be at that stage. But like I said, even the most boring lesson or Sacrament Meeting talk can become personally amazing to you, if you look past the poor delivery and focus on the amazing truths of the gospel, and have the Holy Spirit with you.
  23. OK, that makes more sense. Prison Chaplain: Apologies, I didn't notice your user info and I assumed you were Mormon. Please excuse anything I said that offended you. Of course you are free to believe what you believe.
  24. These seem like fringe cases. A few problems, among millions of players. You do have to use common sense and some discipline. I found myself wanting to play while I was driving when I first started.