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Posts posted by AngelMarvel

  1. Turbo Tax... it was totally free this year for both Fed and State. Usually have to pay for State part.


    I always owe...but, don't send any money until I get the first notice from them that I owe and will get a penalty if I don't pay by..


    I send it in at the last minute.

  2. If you search for "pre-mortal life", you might get more hits. Good luck! 


    I know that! I am pretty computer savvy. I just thought that maybe others out there have read things that they could recommend, so I am not wasting my time reading things that were not that great a read. Thanks anyway.


    My wife read a book that had to deal with the pre mortal life. I need to ask her what it's titled and I will post back later.

    Thank you very much.

  3. Same thing happened to me when I looked at your first post. But, it only lasted a few seconds then it turned to gold and white again. I don't care what the explanation is... it's just weird!


    Before I retired I was a supervisor for Child Protective Services and had to investigate child abuse in home. Sometimes when I would ask a question to a couple different people they would give me different answers even though they were looking at the same exact thing. This now explains in my mind that it really is possible for two or more people to see the same thing only different.

  4. So...for all of us that wore white for our wedding dress... are you sure it was white? LOL This really is crazy. So far, out of all the people I have asked the color....they all say black and blue. I am the only one that says gold and white, and I still say gold and white even after seeing the original dress. :eek:

  5. Don't know if I am spamming or not by double/triple posting...but, this is so interesting.


    I got my color cop out and took a snap of the (what we think is white) color and it shows on color cop as blue. And, the (what we think is gold) shows on color cop as cocoa.


    Everyone in the house is laughing at me now!


    It won't let me post the image here...but, you can look at what I am talking about here...


    What extensions are allowed in the forum to post an image. The image I tried to post is a jpeg.

  6. Okay...color interuptise. Just asked my 60 years old husband and he swears it is blue and black. He made me stand over there and move the monitor and sit over here and move the monitor. My nephew and him both think I am nuts and wanted to know if I am color blind.



  7. You know what?  Lots of missionaries would happily speed your mother along to baptism, prepared or not--particularly in US missions where baptisms are relatively infrequent.  Kudos to this missionary for his sincere desire to not have your mother make a covenant he's not sure she's ready for.  His theory is absolutely correct, even if his application is a bit skewed.

    Although I do understand what you are saying... I still believe he is completely out of line. He transferred in and from what she is saying he is very aggressive and actually seemed to over power the other Missionary whom she had already built a connection with. I am not sure if this has anything to do with it...but, he is from Africa... so maybe they are more aggressive in their teachings. I am not trying to make any type of racial comments toward him...but, you mentioned US missions which made me think that other countries are different in their teachings.


    BTW... this is not my mother. This is a woman that Marco and I met when he was working in California. We became very close to her and her children. They were baptized last year. 


    That said:  As per page 206 of Preach My Gospel (which contains the list of baptismal questions), acceptance of the Book of Mormon--to any degree--is not part of the baptismal interview.  The closest applicable question is whether the investigator accepts Joseph Smith as a prophet.  I do think, as a practical matter, that it's a problem to baptize someone who believes the Book of Mormon is bogus.  But where someone accepts the veracity of the Book of Mormon on principle, admits to harboring a couple of specific nagging doubts/questions but maintains that (s)he is affirmatively working to resolve them--no, I don't think it's necessary or desirable to delay baptism.


    I'd give the Mission President a call.

    I will talk with her again to be sure I am fully understand what went on last night in her discussion. Then let her know that she can speak with the Mission President and I will find out who that is so she doesn't have that on her to find out.


    Thank you for your response..

  8. We have a yellow lab named Bebee...she thinks she owns the world and she's our little girl. She was born on her daddy's birthday. Meaning... my husband's birthday. LOL She's 4 years old. She believes all the other cats, dog, and birds we have are hers. She loves our one bird and allows him to sit on her and peck at her nose. LOL


    We have another dog that wandered on our land with a hurt leg. I put ads around and contacted the vets and pound etc to see if anyone lost here, but no one responded. It was the middle of winter....3 years ago and we didn't want to take her to the pound, so we kept her. She is so sweet. I believe she was a sheep herder dog and maybe fell off the truck and hurt her leg... so was no good as a herder. Her name is Charlie.


    About 3 years ago we found a tiny baby mourning dove on a trail. I almost ran over him because I thought it was a pine cone. But, it was a baby bird maybe a week or two old. No mama bird around, no nest, not nothing... how he got there...who knows. So, my husband being the Dr Doolittle he is, brought him home in his hat and hand fed him every 2 hours for months until he finally learned to eat on his own. Now Burston thinks my husband is his mama. He rides on his shoulder when husband goes motorcycle cute. He loves coming out of the cage and enjoys sitting on the perch husband made for him at the window.


    Four cats that think they own every piece of furniture in the house. Tiger, Gray Cat, Snowball, and Molly.


    And, two other birds. They are finches and they love each other so much. Fun watching them in their cage flying all over their toys. They don't come out of the cage.


    We had a pet turkey that liked to jog around our motorcycle track when I was jogging. She would follow me, but would take the short cut to beat me back to the house. A wild animal came on our land and killed her. So sad... we loved her so much.


    We adopted a chicken from my SIL because her rooster didn't like that chicken and kept pecking at her. But, they got rid of the rooster and the adoption was over.


    We've had other animal, fish, frogs... and more at one time or another.

  9. My husband and I have worked with a family for over a year now to get baptized. The children got baptized last year, but their mom didn't want to take the discussions. She did come to some of the discussion when the Missionaries were giving them to her children at our home.


    About 4 months ago, the mom decided that she does want to know more about the Church... she wants to know for herself and because she wants to go with her children to Church and be a part of what they are learning.


    So... my husband and I had the Missionaries coming to our house so they could teach her. After a few lessons, we had to move back to Utah as my husband's job was the Missionaries taught her at different places. (She doesn't allow other into her home for her own reasons)


    Things were rough going for about 3 of the months. She questioned everything every step of the way. But, at some point things started to make more sense to her and a baptism date was set two weeks ago for March 14th. My husband and I were going to travel down south because she wants him to baptize her.


    BUT... tonight I got a phone call from her and she told me the baptism wasn't going to happen because the one Missionary was transferred out and a new more aggressive Missionary took his place.


    The transfer wasn't the problem. The problem was, when the new Missionary asked her if she believe the BoM was 100% true, she told him she didn't know because, although she read the whole thing, there are so many things she does not understand that she cannot say that she believes in it 100%.


    So... he told her she is not ready to be baptized. She explained to him that not only has she read the whole BoM and the Bible ... but, she is also on the last chapter of Gospel Principles. That she feels that she is ready. She believes enough to know she wants to be baptized.


    NO ... she does not understand everything that she has read...but, she feels things will come to her in time. She is very discouraged at the moment as she has worked very hard over these last couple of months and was very excited about the upcoming baptism.


    My question is.... Do you think the Missionary is correct in saying she cannot be baptized because she doesn't believe 100% of something she has yet to fully understand? I know Missionaries go by the spirit, but do you think he could be missing the boat on this?


    Should she take this to the Bishop? Or the Ward Missionary President ...or who should she talk to? She did try to talk with this new Missionary about it...but, he still says she needs to believe 100%.


    She meets with the Missionaries twice a week and has done so for about 4 months or more now. Only missed 2 visits when she and the children got the flu.


    My own observation of things over my years as LDS.


    .... I know lots and lots of members who have NEVER read the BoM... how did they get baptized?


    .... Do you 100% believe in every word of the BoM? Or even understand 100% of it?


    .... Why so you think they allowed her children who were 9 and 10 years old at the time... and definitely didn't read the whole BoM or understand even what they read, get baptized?


    It doesn't make sense to me at all.


    I am not looking for her and me to get beat up over these questions... only to get some info as to what you all think. My husband said to take it to the Bishop or Ward Mission President. I think so too...but, like your opinion on the whole situation.