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Posts posted by AngelMarvel

  1. We have 3 wards in our building... 9am, 11am, and 1pm. Your starting time depends on what the duties are for your ward. We switch each January with our times. We start right now at 11am. Last year we were 9am, So next year we will be 1pm.


    We do like some others have already posted as far as setting up chair and taking them down, trash and other duties.


    If things start getting a little messy, the Bishop will mention in Sacrament for us to remember that there is another ward following us, so please remember to pick up the Cheerios, papers, etc so we leave it nice for them. He's only had to do that twice in the four years I've been in this ward.


    The only things I ever really noticed was when I was teaching primary at the 1pm time... I always had to erase the chalkboard from the 2 previous times. Not sure why the 11am teacher didn't erase the 9am teachers message. Maybe she used it. LOL

  2. Met my husband when we were 15 years old. He moved in right across from me. Fell in love quickly after we met.


    When Marco and I were 17 years old we got married. But, due to being way to young, peer pressures, partying, and a lot of other issues we ended up getting divorced when we were about 21.

    After that I met and married another man and was married for about 34 years to him. Marco remarried too. I since divorced and so was Marco.

    I never forgot about him and always loved him. I actually looked for him over the years but could never find him or his family. About 5 years ago I started working on my genealogy and through searching I found his sisters on FB. I made contact with them, then Marco's mother, and then Marco.

    As soon as we talked on the phone we knew we would be together again. We got married at his mother's home because we wanted her to be a part of the wedding and she is bedridden. Then a year later we were sealed in the Manti Temple.


    It was awesome to see how we both grew in the Church and in our age.

    Oh... btw, I asked him to marry me this time. hehe


    p.s. The time on the image is wrong.





  3. For people I like/love to have on my FB, but I do NOT agree with some/most of the things they post or their lifestyle ... I just don't have their stuff appear on my page and will go to their page to say hello or see family pictures etc.


    Some family/friends I will just set to get notifications. Others I will periodically go to their page.


    For me... that is just to weird about the rape and torture scenes and I wouldn't want notifications, or anything appearing on my timeline from this person. I also would not go to their page in fear of seeing something gruesome like the torture and rape scene. But, that's just me.


    How do you feel about this person? Are they someone you want to keep as a friend? You are the only judge of that.

  4. IMO, the data is there to go a lot farther; my father's ordinances were reserved and submitted by some random stranger. The system obviously knew that he had a living, member son, (me) and two living siblings. (I had made sure all their records were correct shortly after I was baptized, but didn't see any reason to reserve his records at that time, since I had to wait, and no one else should have touched it without my permission or his siblings'.) Considering that one of those three had an active account, (and children are closer than siblings in the list on FS; only spouse is closer, and they divorced before his death.) it would be a relatively simple matter to have it check whether a spouse, child or sibling is living and has an active account, and if so, hold the reservation request and send that person a request to approve the reservation.

    A little off topic...but, one thing I did when something was reserved by a stranger for my family. I just sent an email to that person and asked if they were a part of the family that I didn't know about and if not, if they would mind if I did the work. This person immediately emailed me back and told me she unreserved it for me to do.