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Posts posted by AngelMarvel

  1. That's cool, Vort. I apologise if I sounded a bit over the top, I can be quite passionate about such things.


    And Angel, people are not supposed to just leave them on the trap. They're supposed to put out of their misery. Even if there is no consideration about the animal's suffering, then it could very well escape the trap. There is no point to starve the animal to death. In fact, I think glue traps should be outlawed. There are better traps to use, ones that at least kill the animal quickly.



    Like... what... put a piece of cheese on one of those snap traps and let the rat get just part of its body snapped. And, it struggles all night until it dies?


    I don't sit and watch and wait for a rat to come onto a trap of any kind. We have mice in the country. Our cats normally take care of them. But not always and we do have to use traps because they get into the cars in storage and chew the wiring up. They did it on our Porsche! So, when the traps are set we walk away. I don't get up in the middle of the night thinking, hey I better go out into the garage and see if there's a mouse on the trap. DUH!

  2. I was wondering what takes longer... setting the rat on fire to burn to death. Or, sticking one of the super sticky peanut butter and glue traps down and letting them struggle for hours trying to get off of something they have no chance to get off from and dying a slow death.


    I live in Utah... and as far as I know, Utah does not have cockroaches. When we moved to Barstow for the summer, we found out they have millions of roaches and they get into everything! So, when we came home, we set a couple of roach bombs off in our trailer. When we went back... all the roaches were dead. They suffocated.


    Am I evil? Did I do something wrong? No way.... We were keeping our environment safe from diseases.


    I did not read the blog because I didn't want to see what this person did...but, I got the idea from reading all the posts here. It sounds to me like she used poor judgement being a young girl. Maybe it was her only option at the moment and seeing a rat freaked her out. I am 60 years old and still jump on the highest piece of furniture when I see a mouse/rat.

  3. I read this the other day when it was first put up and I couldn't think of any word for 2015. But, today in Sacrament we had a return Sister Missionary giving a talk and it blew me away. The word she talked about was, Accountability. I knew before she even finished her talk that that was my word for 2015.


    My own accountability will rock in 2015.

  4. I was told by someone that if you get up and bear your testimony more than 4 times a year it's to much. People don't want to see the same people up there every month.


    I was also told that you should be able to bear your testimony in less than 2 minutes. If you go longer...then you are not just bearing a testimony, but you are chit chatting about your life or just telling stories.


    Don't know if either of those are true...but, they kinda make sense. Although sometimes I think when a person is bearing their testimony and they tell a little story with it... it makes the testimony all the more spiritual.


    I don't mind children getting up there to bear their testimony... in fact there are a couple children in our ward that bear theirs and they strengthen mine...they are that powerful.


    I have seen people in our ward get up and you would think they were giving a lesson or talk by what they were saying. I don't really care about their family vacation, birthday party, child being born...etc. I want to hear their testimony. They can tell me all that other family stuff later.


    I need help. I'll keep it brief and simple. Ive been dating this girl and we talk about the future pretty seriously. But there is this other girl that I've been interested in a lot and I can't get my mind off of her. But she's on a mission. She gets back soon which is great. But heres the catch, we live in different states. and my current relationship is also long distance. So its like either way I have to be long distance and won't really know what its like to be with someone unless one of us moves our life for the other. Any thoughts?f


    You say you are dating the one girl...but you live in different states. How far apart are the states you live in? If you are dating.... then they must be close enough to do that.


    Or are you really saying you are Online dating this girl from another state? I know people that have Online love encounters. If that is the case... I would move on because there is really no way you "know" this girl.

  6. When we pray for our food, we also ask a special blessing on the hands that prepared it. And, that any chemicals or processing that may cause us harm will not cause our bodies harm. We also ask that we will be mindful of what we eat and we will be healthful in mind and body.


    There's many things that you can pray for in our food prayers that don't have to be repetitive.

  7. Sorry I don't have time right now to read all the other posts...but, my first thought is... The baby already has a father. He may not be in the picture right now. But, at some point in the babies life, the father will appear and possibly want custody. Maybe even want a paternity test to prove the baby is his and want the baby to have his last name.


    Are you willing to give up your Mission for a child that is not yours and maybe have the father come into the picture? Also, what if he does reappear and your girlfriend and the bio father could decide to get back together?


    You are trying to take on a HUGE responsibility. Are you prepared for that? Education... job... security for the mother and child and maybe more children to come? A chance of it all blowing up and you end up with no girlfriend, no baby, and no mission!


    I pray you really think this out. Pray like you've never prayed before. I actually feel a little afraid for you. I pray all things come out good for you.


    Just my thoughts.

  8. It's not so much the Halloween part I don't like... I love the tradition of what it was when I was a kid. But, now it's just to gory for me. I don't enjoy seeing blood, guts, and all the other stuff spilling out of someone. I do love seeing the little ones... or even big kids in fun, cute,non-bloody dress up stuff. I love seeing the creativity that some people have... that's awesome.


    I did go to the park last night where they were having trunk or treat and everyone was dressed in fun stuff. I enjoyed that.



  9. I have no time to read the article...but, I scrolled through and just looking at the pictures brought back some super great memories of when I was a youngster. I so want to go play in that adventurous playground. Run through the tires and try to sit inside them and have someone roll me down the hill. We did that when I was little.


    I love the backyard forts. My friends and I built plenty of those. We used sheets. My mom always had to go looking in the back yard and take the sheets down that we used to build our big forts. Memories!


    I am not sure if parents are over protective today... but, I think a lot of them take the easy way out with allowing their children to watch hours upon hours of tv, internet surfing, cell phone texting etc. Sometimes they use those things as babysitters.


    Parents need to get their children out of the house for play time. It's sad that even a 5 year old knows how to get on the internet... but doesn't know how to build a fort in the back yard. I know it takes extra time to be out there or supervisor activities, but it's well worth the time.


    Thanks for the memories!