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Posts posted by AngelMarvel

  1. What happens if you ask him to wait... and he does... but, you change your mind while on your mission. There is a huge chance that that will happen. I know your heart will hurt for him for a while, but I believe you will both change so much over the time you are gone...that it won't be an issue when you return.


    Pray and just let the Lord handle this for you. Think about HIM not him.


    God bless you on your mission.

  2. I went with my husband and FIL last night to see the movie/documentary and I have to say... I was disapointed. I think my expectations were way different than what I saw in the movie. I think it was a good movie, but I don't think it really depicted who we are.


    It seems like most, if not all religions have good people that love their families and work hard. This movie showed that that is what we do too... but, not much different than others would do.


    In the very beginning where they were asking questions and people were giving incorrect answers... I wish that part would have been expanded on so when the question was asked there would be a true answer. It's kinda what I thought I would see throughout the movie...but, didn't.


    I do think they made the point that our Heavenly Father LOVES us where some religions fear God.


    I did like the part of the candy bomber and the last part of the missionary. Those made the movie for me.


    I love The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints very much. I believe in it completely!


    I hope this movie/documentary touches a lot of people. But, for me... it was just okay.