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Posts posted by AngelMarvel

  1. I use Ancestry to do my searching. I find Family Search is super slow and I don't have tons of time to sit and wait for a page to load either. But, I do the work because I want my ancestors to have their work done. Not sure what, if anything they can do to get those pages to load faster.

  2. Oh man. Sorry for the horrid typos. That's the difference between mobile and computer.

    No worries.

    In my graphics forum everyone can tell when I am typing from my cell phone because of all the typos... plus the auto correct puts words in that I don't mean.


    One time I was asking members for prayers for my MIL. But, auto correct put in... "I am requesting OYSTERS for my MIL". How in the word did prayers become OYSTERS? LOL

  3. When I lived in California I was a supervisor for Child Protective Services. Do you know that there isn't an age limit on how old/young a child has to be to be left home alone?


    We would get calls all the time that a child was left home alone and have to go investigate.


    One of the criteria for the child to be left alone is if they knew what to do in case of an emergency. So... calling 911 would be a good answer for the child to give when we asked them what they would do in case of an emergency.


    Of course them knowing how to get hold of their parents would be another question.


    I think a child of any age that can dial a phone is capable of making that call...and calling it first and parents second.

  4. I save by not letting my husband know how much I am saving. LOL


    He knows that I "tuck" money away...and he never asks how much I have put away. He is a BIG spender... I am not. So, he trust me to save.


    Last time he needed to have his truck fixed and it cost a over $2,000... I just handed him the money. :)


    I don't buy things I don't need.


    I always tuck away at least 5% of our income away. Never miss it.


    Have the bank transfer over $50 a month into a special savings and don't touch. You would be surprised how quickly it adds up.


    We have a car that gets about 39 mpg... we do a lot of traveling so we needed a car like that so we are able to save in gas.


    Shop sales.


    GEICO get the multi-car and good drivers discounts.


    I pray before I spend any money from savings or that I have tucked away to see if it's something I really need to spend on.


    But, first and foremost... pay tithing no matter what. I learned that a long time ago if I pay my tithing my money goes a lot farther than when I didn't pay tithing. The Lord's blessings.


    Lots of ways to save. Put your mind to it and just do it!

  5. Once I was a Beehive.


    We loved this moving. BUT...the very first part of it, I told husband that it makes Mormon girls look like dorks. But, as the movie went on, I realized that they really had to start it that way so they could show the girls progressing.


    Anyway... loved it and went to see it a second time so we could take our niece to see it too. She loved it too.