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Everything posted by bunnzy

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Mormon I cant believe they have jack mormon on wikipedia. I love that website - theyve got everything!!!
  2. i wanted to breastfeed him for as long as i could, (a year or more) but had to stop when he was 6 months old because of the antidepressants i am taking. It sucked i miss it very much. I really hate hearing him cry for so long, but on the other hand i cant have him only sleeping if someone is holding him. He needs to learn that his cot is where he sleeps. I guess i am looking for some validation that i am not going to do any long term harm. I feel awful and play and cuddle him constantly when he is awake, but try to be strong and teach him to settle. I used to go in every 5 minutes, but that only riles him up more, so i made it every 10 minutes, sometimes longer if the crying is 'winding down' so i dont get him started again. Its really hard with the depression as well. I dont know if anyone else on this forum has had or knows someone who has had Post Natal depression?
  3. Atheist: The story is told of the Atheist who accosted a preacher. "Do you believe in eternal life?" The preacher has no time to reply. "Well its a load of rubbish!" shouted the Atheist. "I believe in science, evolution, survival of the fittest, and when we die, that's it! No eternal life, no great judgement, and no God!" The Atheist continues his assault against the preacher repetitiously and tirelessly. "Eternal life! Eternal life! Ha! "Its all pie in the sky when you die." When I die that's it, the end, no eternal life, no nothing. He continues, until he reaches his climax, "I will be buried six feet under when I die and that's it! Nothing! Caput! When I die I am utterly convinced that that will be the end of me!" "Well thank God for that" replies the preacher! ... ---------------------- A blind man with a seeing eye dog at his side walks into a grocery store. The man walks to the middle of the store, picks up the dog by the tail, and starts swinging the dog around in circles over his head. The store manager, who has seen all this, thinks this is quite strange. So, he decides to find out what's going on. The store manager approaches the blind man swinging the dog and says, "Pardon me. May I help you with something." The blind man says, "No thanks. I'm just looking around." ------------------------ With more than twelve billion catalogs being mailed annually, it's little wonder that marketers are distributing mailing lists anywhere possible. In one particularly cruel move, the proprietors of a chocolate catalog purchased the mailing list of a weight-loss organization. Chocolate sales rose almost immediately, but the weight-loss group wised up and now keeps it clients' names to itself. --------------------- God was missing for six days. Eventually, Michael, the archangel, found him, resting on the seventh day. He inquired of God. "Where have you been?" God sighed a deep sigh of satisfaction, and proudly pointed downwards through the clouds, "Look, Michael. Look what I've made." Archangel Michael looked puzzled, and said, "What is it?" "It's a planet," replied God, "and I've put Life on it. I'm going to call it Earth and it's going to be a great place of balance." "Balance?" inquired Michael, still confused. God explained, pointing to different parts of earth. "For example, northern Europe will be a place of great opportunity and wealth, while southern Europe is going to be poor. Over there I've placed a continent of white people, and over there is a continent of black people. Balance in all things," God continued pointing to different countries. "This one will be extremely hot, while this one will be very cold and covered in ice." The Archangel, impressed by God's work, then pointed to a land area and said, "What's that one?" "Ah," said God "That's Washington State, the most glorious place on earth. There are beautiful mountains, rivers and streams, lakes, forests, hills, plains, and coulees. The people from Washington State are going to be handsome, modest, intelligent, and humorous, and they are going to be found traveling the world. They will be extremely sociable, hardworking, high achieving, and they will be known throughout the world as diplomats, and carriers of peace." Michael gasped in wonder and admiration, but then proclaimed, "What about balance, God? You said there would be balance." God smiled, "There is another Washington...wait until you see the idiots I put there."
  4. and that is why i want him to learn how to go to sleep NOW. when he is in his cot and cant get out, he needs to learn how to settle and sleep by himself. He is 8 1/2 months old. He used to sleep in bed with me when he was younger, but he is getting bigger now, and i think i wake him and he wakes me when we move around in sleep. I sleep lighter and dont feel as rested when he is in the same bed as me. We are still in the same room though. Its very hard. The other night he slept from 11:30pm to 7am which was great but then last night he was up every 15min from 12 to 2am at which time i gave up and let him cry in his cot. I went to the lounge room and watched the movie channel until 3:30am when he FINALLY went back to sleep. I am insomiac already, i cant go to sleep until midnight most nights, even when im really tired, so this waking up in the morning is driving me up the wall. Its good to see im not alone though. Thank you for all your posts so far.
  5. I had never heard of this massacre. My eyes are being opened even more to the fact that although the gospel is perfect, the people are not. This massacre, and the quote that relates it to suicide bombers makes me think of a documentary i watched this week on the Peoples Temple. I never knew about it until i watched the doco. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peoples_Temple It is sad what religious extremism can do. I cry for the children.
  6. I use a portable cot that can be packed and move around. I call it a cot, i always think 'crib' reminds me of the afro-american term 'yo, come hang at my crib, man.' I might try to get a bedtome transition toy for him. The idea of a night light i have used and it doesnt make a difference. I might try a mobile for him, i have 2, but just havent set them up. They are sitting in the garage. he. Yes that is him in my avatar pic. He is such a stubborn boy, he just wants to be held all the time and be a part of everything that is going on. My mum says he got that from me. I want to use controlled crying because it is supposed to help the baby learn how to go to sleep on thier own and that helps them settle back to sleep in the middle of the night without waking me up. Here is a link if you want to understand more of why i would like to do this. http://www.bubhub.com.au/community/forums/...splay.php?f=146
  7. I need some help. I cant handle hearing him cry in his cot non stop for an hour and a half or more every day about 3 or 4 times a day for the past 2 weeks. We are trying to get him to learn how to go to sleep in his cot (he is old enough, he is 8 months old) but he is so bloody stubborn!!! He will be tired and fall asleep in my arms after a feed and a play, so i put him in his cot and let him cry for a while. The problem is that the while turns into hours. If i pick him up again he will be very very clingy and go back to sleep on me within half an hour. He is crying so much and rubbing his nose against his cot until it is rubbed raw. (yes even bleeding a little ) Some times it will work and he will go back to sleep in 10 minutes, but most of the time it is him standing up in his cot just bawling. Am i traumatising him? He has gotten much much clinger since ive started the controlled crying. Im at a loss.
  8. I used to work for the church (yes paid work it was a proper receptionist job) in Facilities Management and i am telling you now the Tithing money is not spent wastefully. Every change that happens in a building must be tendered and given to the lowest tenderer (with a contract set up) I was in charge of running 20+ chapels and a new temple. They have very strict regulations and rules and guidelines regarding how the tithing money is to be spent. Tithing is giving willingly and its none of anyone elses business what we do with it (unless it hurts someone or is unethical). We use the money for missionaries, for buildings, for welfare.
  9. I think its a great idea. How better to reliably monitor the tracks of drug usage and selling? This way they can isolate what areas need the most help. (off topic - Yay im a consul!)
  10. There are a few good online stores that sell modest dresses. I live in Australia where the climate is warm and subsequently hemlines shorter, lower and clothes tighter. Its hard to find modest clothes in any season except winter. Here are some good websites we have found and used for dresses in the past. http://www.latterdaybride.com/ (i know its for brides but they have a great section for bridesmaids and proms.) http://www.modestbydesign.com/Home http://www.modestprom.com/ http://www.beautifullymodest.com/ There are more out there, but these are some of the best ones, we have found.
  11. My husband did not serve a mission either. Does that make him any less a child of God in HFs eyes? I do not beleive so. He is a righteous temple attender, priesthood holder and father. I remember a time where i was struggling with the fact that my husband did not have 'missionary experiences' and that i did not beleive he was as spiritual as i would like. We were having marraige problems at the time and went to the Bishop to discuss them. I brought up this topic of dissapointment that he had not served a mission, and Bishop told me that he knew men in our ward who had served missions who were less spiritual and not a good a person as my husband. He told me that in the future we would have the opportunity to serve a mission together, and that it does not matter that he did not serve a mission. My husband is willing to be obediant. He is a dedicated and hard worker. He is a loving and spiritual person and not going on a mission does not make him any less a member than you six.
  12. i wouldnt be surprised if one showed up CK. :) There are many false doctrines in the Apocrypha.
  13. If they are already pretty set up, they would probably appreciate cash to go toward the honeymoon. My husband and i were married and he already had alot of everything (its his 2nd marraige) so we got alot of cash, but also some nice things like a good cutlery set, and nice glasses and lots of towels and sheets. Things that every house needs a good supply of.
  14. Has above referenced 'lost gospel' been accepted by the church as true scripture? What is their purpose? Do they think we are brainwashed and want us to be 'saved?' Are they doing it to make themselves feel good and right? Why dont they just get a life and let people worship who they will. I think everyone should allow others to believe what they want without condemnation and judgement for such worship. This applies to members as well.
  15. Its good to see that people do have a good upbringing and that they recognise what thier parents have done for them, it gives me hope for me and our family.
  16. I remember going to general conference when i was young and seeing these protestors and being so insulted and sick and angry and sad. A year later i had some gothic kids at school come up to me and show me a Book of Mormon they had gotten off some missionaries for the purpose of drawing pagan symbols all over it and even burning it in front of me. To this day i feel sick thinking about it and incredibly guilty that i didnt do anything. I was only a sophomore and they were seniors, and i was struggling with my faith at the time, so i didnt do anything. Sad. They were so ignorant about what they were doing.
  17. Welcome from a fellow aussie. I have a sister-in-law that lives in Canberra. Its too cold for me there, give me Queensland anyday!
  18. My bub got 2 teeth at the bottom at the same time. I think his tops ones are coming in now. Dont you just love Bonjela?
  19. 15 worries me. It is called the United Nations for a reason. How come the USA think they are oh so much better than every body else that they are above and beyond the United Nations which consists of, well... the rest of the world pretty much.??? I used to live in CA for 4 years, but hav e always considered myself Australian. I found that the common american was arrogant in thier ignorance of the rest of the world and the way they think they are the 'only free country'. This is not so.
  20. who was the speaker at that lecture, because i have to say that sounds alot like my family situation, how my parents are and also how i am with my stepkids. I do feel i have bonded with my baby though. We will have to see if i still feel the same way when he is a temper tantrum throwing toddler! Is there any way to break this cycle of artificial bonding?
  21. If you want a full understanding of the atonement from modern Revelation you cannot go past a book that was commisioned by the first presidency and written in a room in the Salt Lake Temple especially set aside for the purpose of writing this book. I suggest you undertake a deep reading of 'Jesus the Christ' by James E Talmage, and then come back and tell us about how Gethsemane meant nothing.
  22. http://www.lds.org/portal/site/LDSOrg/menu..._&hideNav=1 I found this talk, its from LeGrand Richards, but its about a missionary who goes to Holland. It seems to go along the lines you were talking about.
  23. I go to a therapy group every monday. This monday, we talked about our 'lifes journey'. Part of that was thinking about how we were parented, what we liked about it, and what we didnt like. For me, i didnt like how overprotective my parents were and how angry my mum got when i did something wrong. I remember being very afraid of her and afraid of making mistakes in case i got in trouble. (i think this may be why i am such a perfectionist!) But i did like how my mum and dad always made sunday an important day, they always paid their tithing, and we almost always had FHE. We also have a family thing we do - after family prayers when we all hold hands and chant 'families are forever' twice. So i would like you to be introspective and really think about what you like about your parents, and what you didnt like.
  24. I love the Princess Bride! Its in my top 5. The WORST: XXX State of the Union Rob Roy No Escape Street Fighter The Glimmer Man Event Horizon Sphere Batman and Robin Bratz The Tony Blair witch project Pledge This! Glitter Son of the Mask Phat Girlz Gigli Material Girls Are we done yet? there are many many more, but i cant think of them at the moment
  25. I used to go to CCNZ and woke up to see the NZ temple outside my window from the dorm. I used to do baptisms there. It would be good to go back and do an endowment session there I have the opportunity to travel all the way to Utah this october for General Conference and do a session in the salt lake temple. I'll be away from my husband for a whole month travelling with my mum, dad and baby, visiting my brother in ogden and my sister in CA. Very exciting.