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Everything posted by Edspringer

  1. Hi, @Carborendum That’s it, my friend! You’re absolutely right! This forum is to foster knowledge acquisition and a better understanding of gospel principles. No enmity ! Let’s go, then: While John and the 3 Nephites were supposed to "tarry" on the earth, that was not true of all translated beings. You’re right on this. We need to remember that these four guys wished to stay on Earth to work on the Lord’s vineyard among the lost tribes of Israel, the gentiles and all nations (3 Nephi 28:27-29). So, their place of habitation (and sorry if the term seems awkward or incorrect to you!) is this Earth, actually. We know that the 3 Nephites were taken to Heaven temporally (3 Nephi 28:13-17), but they returned to Earth to carry on their calling. John might have gone through the same experience, and is here doing his job, as well. To understand the whole thing, maybe we should learn more about translated beings. In the Encyclopedia of Mormonism, we learn that: “Translation is a necessary condition in special instances to further the work of the Lord. Resurrection is a step beyond translation, and persons translated prior to the resurrection of Christ were resurrected with him (cf. D&C 133:54-55); it is expected that those translated since Christ's resurrection will be resurrected at his second coming. Translated beings are assigned special ministries, some to remain among mortals, as seems to be the case of John and the Three Nephites, or for other purposes, as in the case of Moses and Elijah, who were translated in order to appear with physical bodies hundreds of years later on the mount of transfiguration prior to the resurrection of Christ. Had they been spirits only, they could not have laid hands on the mortal Peter, James, and John (cf. D&C 129:3-8). Why those of Enoch's city were translated, we are not specifically informed, although the Prophet Joseph Smith explained the role of translated beings thus: "Many have supposed that the doctrine of translation was a doctrine whereby men were taken immediately into the presence of God, and into an eternal fullness, but this is a mistaken idea. Their place of habitation is that of the terrestrial order, and a place prepared for such characters He held in reserve to be ministering angels unto many planets, and who as yet have not entered into so great a fullness as those who are resurrected from the dead" (TPJS, p. 170)”. So, as we can see, translated beings have a mission, or a reason why they were translated. That being said, and according to the prophet Joseph Smith daid, they have a place of habitation in a terrestrial glory Alma, for instance, was never heard from again after he was taken. So, his place of habitation was not to tarry -- at least not in those days. So, where did he go? Alma, as other translated beings such as Elijah and Moses, resurrected after the resurrection of Christ. Where was he while he was a translated being? Probably performing some important task like Elijah and Moses and, as his companions of ministry, he had a place to call home, at least temporally. When the 3 Nephites were removed from the presence of the people because of their wickedness, where were they taken? We have no idea. They were taken from among the nephrites, but it doesn’t say they were taken from Earth. Other translated beings (Enoch and his city, Melchizedek and the city of Salem) were not to tarry. They were taken up by the Lord. Where? We have no idea. All we know is that they were raised to a terrestrial level of existence. But a "place"? We have no idea. Well, Enoch and his city, Melchizedek and his city are surely not wandering in outer space. They got to be somewhere physically. A planet? A realm? You’re right to say ‘we have no idea’, but the Lord Jesus Christ Himself said to the apostles of old: “In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2).So they got to be dwelling somewhere. So, if you have some quotes that state that ALL translated beings are here on earth, I'd like to see them. I just gave a quote from the Encyclopedia of Mormonism with a Joseph Smith’s quote in it. Let’s get some more: D&C 130:5. “There are no angels who minister to this earth but those who do belong or have belonged to it.” Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pg. 191. “Translated bodies are designed for future missions.” Joseph Fielding Smith, Seek Ye Earnestly, pg. 419-420. “The Lord has never surrendered this world to Satan. He tells us that. And there has never been a time when he did not have somebody on the earth to contend for righteousness. You do not know what I am referring to, but I am going to tell you. John the Revelator was given the promise that he should remain until the second coming of Christ. He is here on the face of the earth. There were a number of men among the Nephites, whom he chose to be among his Twelve for those people, who also wished to have the privilege given to them to remain here until the second coming of Christ. They have been here on the face of the earth from that day until now and will be until Christ comes. I am not acquainted with them. Neither are you. Maybe there will never be an occasion when any of them will come to me and tell me who they are—or you—but they are here, nevertheless, and will be until the time of Christ. “The Lord has never withdrawn or permitted his authority to be withdrawn absolutely from this earth; and so down through years and through the great apostasy, which developed until the so-called Christian era, there have been individuals on the face of the earth holding divine authority. But it has not been their privilege to go forth among the people proselyting or baptizing. They have been here on the face of the earth to content against Satan and his followers, adversaries of righteousness, and to hold them in check. “We understand that John the Revelator asked for the privilege of remaining on earth until the coming of Christ, and that was granted to him. Three Nephites asked for the same privilege an dit was granted. They have been here on the face of the earth—advocates of righteousness and contending against Satan and his adversaries. “I think we have largely—that is members of the Church—almost universally believed the Lord fully surrendered this world to Satan, and there were hundreds of years when there was no representative on the face of the earth with authority to contend against Satan and his adversaries. The Lord has never permitted Satan to have absolute control,, so there were individuals who were granted the privilege of continued life or the privilege of living until Christ should come the second time. They might come to you door and you would not know them. But they have been here through all these years. They were not authorized to organize the Church. They were authorized to contend against Satan and hold him in check; but they do not have the privilege to organize wards and stakes and set up upon the face of the earth these organizations.—(Remarks at Ensign Stake Conference, January 30, 1966.)” John W. Taylor, Conference Report, October 1902, pg. 75. “You will find that many districts where the Elders of Israel cannot reach will be penetrated by these men who have power over death; … My testimony is that these men are going abroad in the nations of the earth before the face of your sons, and they are preparing the hearts of the children of men to receive the Gospel. They are administering to those who are heirs of salvation, and preparing their hearts to receive the truth, just as the farmer preparers the soil to receive the seed. The Lord has promised that He would send His angels before the face of His servants, and He does so.” Bruce R. McConkie, The Millennial Messiah, pg. 285. “But thereafter [after the city of Enoch] except in a few isolated instances—those of Moses, Elijah, Alma the son of Alma, John the Beloved, and the Three Nephites are the only ones of which we know—except in these cases, each involving a special purpose, the Lord ceased translating faithful people. Rather, they were permitted to die and go into the spirit world, there to perform the ever-increasing work needed in that sphere.” Harold B. Lee, “Priesthood,” address to Seminary and Institute personnel, BYU, 17 July 1958. “I would ask you if Jehovah has not in all ages tried His people by the power of Lucifer and his associates; and on the other hand, has He not tried them and proved them by His prophets? … The grand object in view was to try the people of God, to see what was in them.… “My prayer is that the Saints may understand that they are safe as long as they listen to the Priesthood authorized of heaven, are united in one, and not divided into clans, but become one great clan, under one head.… (Jedediah M. Grant, Journal of Discourses, 2:11-16.) “I have always wondered what the purpose was for translated beings on earth. You remember it is recorded that in the days of Enoch the promise was given to him that there should be a remnant of his seed always to be found among nations while the earth should stand.… [Moses 7:52.] “Now why were these [remnants of the seed of Enoch, John the Revelator, the Three Nephites] permitted to tarry until Jesus comes? I remember a few years ago, one of the brethren in a general conference made a statement that caused quite a flurry among the brethren. He said, ‘That gospel plan he gave, and when he gave it, he said it would never be taken away until the end of the world. It is my faith that the gospel plan has always been here, that his priesthood has always been here on the earth, and that it will continue to be so until the end comes.’ “Now, there were those who doubted that, who thought he made a mistake; and when questioned, in order to clarify it he put this in parentheses: ‘While through the apostasy since the time of Christ the priesthood was lost to the people generally and to the Christian churches, yet there have always been on the earth from the beginning servants of the Lord who had held the priesthood.’ “After that sermon was delivered I walked over to the Church Office Building with President Joseph Fielding Smith, and we were discussing this discourse. He said this: “I believe that God has never for one moment of time since the creation abandoned the earth to Satan without having someone holding the priesthood to check him.” To me that was the answer to why translated beings have always been here on the earth among men and will be until the coming of the Savior.” Bruce R. McConkie, Doctrinal New Testament Commentary 3:202-204. [RE: Hebr 11:8-16]. “Enoch and his people were translated, probably just a few years after Adam’s death. (Moses 7:18 21, 31, 63, 69; D. & C. 38:4; 45:11-14; 84:99-100; 1 Cor. 5:22-24; Heb. 11:5.) It is apparent from the abbreviated account of the Lord’s dealings with Enoch and his people that Zion was a very great and populous city, having perhaps many thousands or even millions of inhabitants. (Moses 7.) Methuselah, the son of Enoch, was not translated, ‘that the covenants of the Lord might be fulfilled, which he made to Enoch; for he truly covenanted with Enoch that Noah should be of the fruit of his loins.’ (Moses 8:2.) But during the nearly 700 years from the translation of Enoch to the flood of Noah, it would appear that nearly all of the faithful members of the Church were translated, for ‘the Holy Ghost fell on many, and they were caught up by the powers of heaven into Zion.’ (Moses 7:27.) “That this process of translating the righteous saints and taking them to heaven was still going on after the flood among the people of Melchizedek is apparent from the account in the Inspired Version of the Bible. Speaking of the faith and righteousness of those holding the Melchizedek Priesthood in that day, the account says: ‘And men having this faith, coming up into this order of God, were translated and taken up into heaven. And now, Melchizedek was a priest of this order, therefore he obtained peace in Salem, and was called the Prince of peace. And his people wrought righteousness, and obtained heaven, and sought for the city of Enoch which God had before taken, separating it from the earth, having reserved it unto the latter days, or the end of the world.’ (Inspired Version, [JST] Gen. 14:32-34.) “As far as we know, instances of translation since the day of Melchizedek and his people have been few and far between. After recording that Enoch was translated, Paul says that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and their seed after them (they obviously knowing what had taken place as pertaining to the people of Melchizedek and others) ‘looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God’ (Heb. 11:5- 10), that is, they ‘sought for the city of Enoch which God had before taken.’ (Inspired Version, [JST] Gen. 14:34.) But as Paul said, and as the Lord confirmed by latter-day revelation, even these ‘holy men … found it not because of wickedness and abominations; And confessed they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth; But obtained a promise that they should find it and see it in their flesh.’ (D. & C. 45:11-14; Heb. 11:11 16.)” (Mormon Doctrine, 2nd ed., pp. 804-505.) This promise that the City of Zion shall return, and that holy men of all ages, in their resurrected state, shall dwell therein, will have millennial fulfilment. Of that glorious day, “the Lord said unto Enoch: Then shalt thou and all thy city meet them there, and we will receive them into our bosom, and they shall see us; and we will fall upon their necks, and they shall fall upon our necks, and we will kiss each other; And there shall be mine abode, and it shall be Zion, which shall come forth out of all the creations which I have made; and for the space of a thousand years the earth shall rest.” (Moses 7:63-64.) In giving revealed direction to Noah, the Lord said: “Remember the everlasting covenant, which I made unto thy father Enoch; that, when men should keep all my commandments, Zion should again come on the earth, the city of Enoch, which I have caught up unto myself. And this is mine everlasting covenant, that when thy posterity shall embrace the truth, and look upward, then shall Zion look downward, and all the heavens shall shake with gladness, and the earth shall tremble with joy; And the general assembly of the church of the first-born shall come down out of heaven, and possess the earth, and shall have place until the end come. And this is mine everlasting covenant, which I made with thy father Enoch.” (Inspired Version, [JST] Gen. 9:21-23.) Regarding resurrection, I'll give a partial point back to you on that. Since the earth is not transformed yet, their "final destination" is not prepared to receive them. So, they could currently be elsewhere for now. But then we're splitting hairs on what their "place of habitation" really means in this case. Right, they are dwelling somewhere prepared for them. My thought on ‘place of habitation’ is both a state (terrestrial glory) and a physical place in Heaven, among the many mansions of the Father’s house. I’m totally open to new thoughts and insights or disagreements.
  2. Hi, @Just_A_Guy a) Is the spirit realm/spirit world the same place (ie, do spirits who are waiting for birth, populate the same realm as spirits who have died and await the Resurrection?) No, they are different places. The “realm” of spirits is where the spirits wait to come to earth and we have no clue where it is. We know that our Heavenly Father has access to it. The spirt world is here and is part of the second estate, meaning that the veil of forgetfulness will still be on us. b) Isn’t there a statement out there from Brigham Young suggesting that the spirit world is here, on this earth? Yes, there is, and I quote: “Where is the spirt world? It is right here” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young [1997], 279)
  3. Thanx for replying, Carb. We are all free to agree or disagree here. This is what makes this forum awesome! Let’s go to your points: Do you have a quote or doctrinal basis for this? I have the scriptures and the words of the living prophets and apostles. I can quote Elder McConkie, President s Joseph F. Smith and Joseph Fielding Smith, Elder Talmage, just to get started. They are available to everyone! All we have to do is feast upon the words of Christ and find the hidden treasures. 1. The translated beings can move about and go to Earth and the spirit world. But I wouldn't say that either is their "place of habitation". You’re right when you say that translated beings can move about here and there. Any being (whether a spirit, a mortal, a translated or a resurrected being) has a place of habitation. They belong somewhere, temporally or permanently. They do not simply wander anywhere. 2. I believe the bolded "spirit" above was supposed to be 'bodies'. Yes, that’s right. Thanx for the correction. 3. With regard to this earth and its inhabitants, a resurrected being has already had his final judgment, so this is a non sequitur (the literary kind, not the logical kind). You’re half right on your point: those who resurrected with Christ in His resurrection have been judged already, but their place of inheritance is this Earth, which hasn’t gone through the proper changes to be celestialized yet.
  4. There are these kinds of beings and their places of habitation: · Spirit beings in their first estate – spirit realm (we don’t know where it is); · Mortal beings with bodies of flesh and bones and spirit (this Earth); · Translated beings (this Earth and the spirit world); · Spirit beings temporally separated from their spirit (spirit world); · Resurrected beings: o Before the Final Judgment (dwell in the presence of God, spirit world, city of Enoch, other realm unknown to us); o After the Final Judgment (one of the three degrees of glory or the outer darkness). So, thinking about the kind of being, it becomes easier to know (or actually think where this being might be) the location or locations of each kind.
  5. Just adding to the awesome reply from @LeSellers, I would also suggest the reading of this article: http://eom.byu.edu/index.php/Joseph_Smith_Translation_of_the_Bible_(JST) In my view, as Joseph opened the seventh and last dispensation of the gospel, he had special gifts and talents unique to his person and role at the time of the restoration. Remember that in the 19th Century there wasn’t so much technology available to help in translation. Nowadays we have a lot of resources that can help us in translation processes. So, the other 13 Church presidents had different roles in their presidency time and certainly translating the Bible was not part of it. We acknowledge these men to be prophets, seers and revelators, meaning that if God so desired, they could have accomplished that task, but somehow they didn’t. Our living prophet, Thomas S. Monson, has the same prerogatives as his former prophet companions. We don’t know what the Lord has been reveling to him and what sort of revelations they might be. The only thing we can do is speculate. It’s my personal opinion that there are lots of things that these 15 prophets have been taught by the Lord that hasn’t been allowed to be told to the general membership of the Church. Why? Simply because we still need to use the resouces already available to us and because the Lord has said so.
  6. Hi, there LDS beliefs aren't discriminatory. God isn't discriminatory. All Church policies, laws and commandments come from God by revelation, thus it can only be understood by revelation from God Himself and are for the welfare of mankind. The purpose of life is happiness (2 Nephi 2:25) and wickedness never was happiness (Alma 41:10). Men are sufficiently taught to choose from good and evil (2 Nephi 2:27). What we need to know is the mind of God, who knows all things and has the power to lift us up to eternal life through His Son, Jesus Christ. Since I’m not a spokesman for the Church, please watch this video with Elder David A. Bednar, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, talking about the issue:
  7. Let me suggest you to read and ponder 2 Nephi 2 and Alma 34, both in the Book of Mormon.
  8. @Jane_Doe, you said wise things about most everything. Let's just not be so quick to judge someone's intentions based only on words.
  9. @Jane_Doe said it right: his family must either do the temple work for this young man or allow someone else to do it. I believe that 110 years was set basically because this person's spouse/children/brother/sister would'nt be alive to prevent temple work to be done. I think you can ask your stake president to communicate with the the area presidency about the issue, and then they might submit your petition to the Council of the Twelve, and maybe it will go to the Frst Presidency.
  10. We hold him as the greatest prophet of our time, the very prophet of the restoration. But as we don't worship other prophets of old, we don't worship Joseph Smith. It's my personal opinion that, as he is so close to us in time (someone who we can actually recognize in history and not only picture in our minds, like Moses and Isaiah), it's easy to understand why we value him and prase him so much, as to sing about him and to have paintings of him in our chapels and houses, for instance.
  11. 1 - This is a teaching given by Jacob to illustrate what would have happened if there was no atonement. We would come to earth, die and be restored no more. Our spirits and bodies would be separate forever and we would become miserable, like the devil. 2 - No circular argument at all, my friend. Our Savior had all the attributes to perform the atonement because the Father gave Him power over death, so that’s one of the reasons He was so well qualified to perform an infinite atonement. The BOM doesn’t put it in a contradictory way, neither do I. It doesn’t lead us to confusion. The doctrine of the atonement is plainly taught in the BOM for everyone to understand it. 3 and 4 - Please read, ponder and pray about the references I suggested. Ask our Father in Heaven to enlighten your understanding and touch your heart concerning the atonement. I'm sure He will answer your prayers, if they are sincere. Best wishes
  12. You're right, LeSellers. Thanx for the awesome insights! The reason why I used the term gave referring to the power Jesus got from His Father is because of the scripture in John 5:25: "For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in hilmself".
  13. Great question! D&C 132:18 says the following: And again, verily I say unto you, if a man marry a wife, and make a covenant with her for time and for all eternity, if that covenant is not by me or by my word, which is my law, and is not sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise, through him whom I have anointed and appointed unto this power, then it is not valid neither of force when they are out of the world, because they are not joined by me, saith the Lord, neither by my word; when they are out of the world it cannot be received there, because the angels and the gods are appointed there, by whom they cannot pass; they cannot, therefore, inherit my glory; for my house is a house of order, saith the Lord God. 2 Nephi 9:41 says this: O then, my beloved brethren, come unto the Lord, the Holy One. Remember that his paths are righteous. Behold, the way for man is narrow, but it lieth in a straight course before him, and the keeper of the gate is the Holy One of Israel; and he employeth no servant there; and there is none other way save it be by the gate; for he cannot be deceived, for the Lord God is his name. I think these verses somehow give us an insightful clue about the ‘why’ of the signs and tokens we receive in the temple and the afterlife.
  14. 1 - This is a teaching given by Jacob to illustrate what would have happened if there was no atonement. We would come to earth, die and be restored no more. Our spirits and bodies would be separate forever and we would become miserable, like the devil. 2 - No circular argument at all, my friend. Our Savior had all the attributes to perform the atonement because the Father gave Him power over death, so that’s one of the reasons He was so well qualified to perform an infinite atonement. The BOM doesn’t put it in a contradictory way, neither do I. It doesn’t lead us to confusion. The doctrine of the atonement is plainly taught in the BOM for everyone to understand it. 3 and 4 - Please read, ponder and pray about the references I suggested. Ask our Father in Heaven to enlighten your understanding and touch your heart concerning the atonement. I'm sure He will answer your prayers, if they are sincere. Best wishes
  15. I understand your concern. Don’t feel guilty for not understanding the atonement. Please read the following: The Book of Mormon. It is the best source to understand the atonement of Jesus Christ. I recommend the whole book, but paying particular attention to 2 Nephi chapters 2, 9 though 11, Mosiah chapters 2 through 5, 12 through 15, Alma chapters 5, 7, 11 though 13, 34, 18, 21 through 22, 36, 39 through 42. Please note, in these chapters, the why of the atonement. “The purifying power of Gethsemani”, by Elder Bruce R. McConkie; “The atonement”, by Elder Russell M. Nelson; “The Mediator”, by Elder Boyd K. Packer. You might also want to read Cleon Skounsen’s“ intelligence theory”. It might help to get, at least, and idea of the importance of the atonement. Here go some insights: Elder Bruce R. McConkie said: “Now, the atonement of Christ is the most basic and fundamental doctrine of the gospel, and it is the least understood of all our revealed truths”. As I said, no one really understands the atonement in its fullness. President Boyd K Packer once said that although we fail to understand the atonement due to our minds’ finite capacity, we can feel it every day of our lives and, thus, accept and desire its power upon us. Presidente Ezra Taft Benso once said that, as well as we don’t appreciate food until we are hungry, we don’t appreciate the atonement until we need Christ. Now this might take you a time to read: To understand the atonement we need to understand our Heavenly Father’s plan: His work and glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man (Moses 1:39). He begot us as His spirt children, among all intelligences. He saw we could progress like Him and therefore He instituted laws through which we could advance in knowledge. As spirits we were given agency and knowledge. In the pre-mortal world, we progressed enough to go to the next step: receive a body. Without it we couldn’t become like our Father. But there would be a problem. We were immortal beings. Nothing God creates is finite, mortal. He Himself is eternal, infinite and immortal. But we needed a time to learn and acquire more light in the second estate. So death should be introduced in our second estate so we all would have a time to prepare to meet God (Alma 34:32). But after the separation of our spirts from our bodies (gifts from our Heavenly Father for our second estate), we couldn’t go back to His presence and, as Jacob said, we would become devils, angels to a devil (2 Nephi 9:7-8. Please read the whole chapter). Then we needed to be restored. But what power could do that? There should be a power greater than death to bring back the spirit to its body to separate no more. There was only One capable of such a thing and it was Jesus Christ. It was so due to the facts that He was our Father’s Firstborn, He received commandment, knowledge, authority and power from the Father that enabled Him to volunteer Himself for the position of Savior. He knew the mind of the Father perfectly and, thus, was chosen in the Grand Council. So, the atonement of Christ gives us the chance not only to overcome death, but also ascend to a higher glory. Salvation is universal for all those who came, are or will ever come to this earth and possess a mortal body (except the sons of perdition). But what is our role in the plan? Have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and in His the perfect power of redemption, repent of our sins and desire to be cleansed, make and keep covenants, obey the commandments and endure to the end. If we do so, we will inherit the Celestial Glory in the highest degree and then we will be able not only to comprehend the atonement, but we ourselves will be able to exalt our spirit children through the same redeeming power. We, for ourselves, can do nothing. Everything happens by and through the power of God Almighty, by and through the power of the atonement. Can our works make us go to Heaven? No, but there’s plenty to do on our own. Basically we have to align our will with the will of the Father, Who knows all. We have to have a perfect faith in Christ, which is trust wholly, completely in His merits, mercy and grace (2 Nephi 2:8). Why do we need an atonement? Because we can’t resurrect ourselves from the grave; because we can’t pay the debt to justice. We have physical and spiritual limitations and could not atone for our own sins and give our lives and take them up again (Please read Alma 34 for further understanding). But Christ could. The Father gave Him the power to do so (John 5:19, 10:18). We need to desire redemption and advancement. We need to exercise our agency and rely on the merits of Christ and desire to take upon us His name, remember Him always and keep His commandments. One last thought: God is love (1 John 4:8,16). Everything He does for His children is based on love. Do we deserve it by our own merits? No. But His love is perfect and wants us to live with Him eternally and share eternal life and exaltation.
  16. I`d like to add some personal insights to the comments of LeSellers and Zil about being happy in a kingdom of glory: In 2 Nephi 2:25 we read that “men are that they might have joy”. Happiness is the very core of the reason a plan was design by our Heavenly Father, as His work and glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man (Moses 1:39). That being said, we need to understand that, except the sons of perdition, all children of Heavenly Father will be saved in a degree of glory, as stated before. This means happiness, for no one can have the fullness of joy without a body (D&C 93:33-34). Those who will inherit the Celestial Kingdom will be able to receive the fullness of the blessings of the Father (D&C 93:20,27;132:19 ). Those who will inherit the other kingdoms (terrestrial and telestial) will receive the fullness of those kingdoms (D&C 88:30-31). So, happiness will be in all kingdoms, but only in the Celestial Glory the fullness of joy will be found. Now, concerning the power to decide to live on or not after the resurrection: 1) Our bodies are gifts from our Heavenly Father and constitute part of our obedience in the pre-mortal world. Though we can’t recall, we all decided to come down to earth and were happy with the idea of having a body like Heavenly Father. Without a body, our spirt could not progress. Regardless of the importance of our bodies for our eternal progression, it is known to us that diseases and all kinds of mental and physical challenges would afflict us because of the flesh. Depression and the desire to die are bound to the body, not to the spirt. 2) Death, though part of the plan, is not meant to linger. Because of the Fall, death was introduced into the world, but because of the perfect atonement of Jesus Christ, all children of Heavenly Father that had, has or will have a body will be able to come forth from the grave and reunite with his/her spirit to separate no more; 3) Amulek teaches us that the same spirt that possessed out bodies will have power to possess them after the resurrection (Alma 34:34). What will give and maintain life after the resurrection will be the spirt, not blood. It indicates that our spirits will have power over death (for they are eternal). It also indicates that through pre-mortal, mortal and post-mortal experiences our spirits were added knowledge, light, glory. Jacob tells us that our knowledge in the resurrection will be perfect (2 Nephi 9:13-14). It means that there won’t be veil of forgetfulness anymore. All knowledge we once possessed in all stages of progress will be restored to us and will qualify us for the kingdoms of glory, whatever they may be. Plus, our bodies won’t experiment corruption anymore (Alma 11:45; 12:18). So I believe that there won’t be a desire to quit life. Our understanding of God’s plan will be perfect and we will surely be glad with our inheritance. Those who will inherit any kingdom of glory will still be God’s children and will enjoy their inheritance. People will enjoy working, learning and serving in the kingdoms of glory. There won’t be ‘nothing to do’ in Heaven. Now, as we won’t be told the details of the Outer Darkness, it is hard to know how life will be like there, except that it will be like a lake of fire and brimstone (see D&C 76:31-38). Still it will be life.
  17. Giving a talk is a great chance to learn! I will tell you what has been making the difference for me on the matter: 1) Understand the pattern God has always used with mankind: He calls prophets, give them revelation and authority to preach His words and perform the saving ordinances of the Gospel; 2) Understand the importance of such pattern in our days; 3) Have a personal testimony of the restoration, especially a testimony of the divine calling of the Prophet Joseph Smith and of the Book of Mormon. With this information, I’d suggest the following: 1) tell the importance of relying on information from accurate and reliable sources. As you said, it is so common to find on the internet misleading information about the Church. lds.org, for instance, has accurate information about all Church doctrines and teachings; 2) tell about how we can support the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. It may include reading or watching their talks, pondering on their teachings and following their council; 3) tell that modern prophets and apostles are, like use, subjected to error. It doesn’t mean that they will say or write something against Church doctrine of policy, but that they face the same vicissitudes of life as us. So we need to pray for them so that the Lord will give His Spirit and strength to these men; 4) tell that our lives should be harmonized with the teachings of the Savior so that we can understand His servants’ words and teachings. Without the Spirit we will be left to our own understanding of things, and we will fail; 5) tell that if anyone fails to accept that God has once again called prophets in these latter-days, he should seek council with “Him who knoweth all things” (2 Nephi 2:24), just like young Joseph Smith did. Tell them to trust the advices given in James 1:5-6, as follows: “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and up braideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed”. You may want to emphasize that to seek for the truth is to decide to live it entirely. I hope it was helpful.
  18. It is hard to tell my favorite, since all of them teach us about the character of our Master. But I would surely say that the miracles Jesus made “moved with compassion” (Matthew 14:14, Mark 8:2, Matthew 20:34, Luke 7:13, Mark 1:41, Mark 6:34) are the ones that touched me the most. I also like the Savior bringing Lazarus back to life. This event is unique to me because it mentions Him weeping. In the BOM we also read about Jesus weeping and that account is very important for me, too.
  19. I think this is one of my favorite talks ever! It really changed my life.
  20. The Purifying Power of Gethsemani, buy Elder Bruce R. McConkie Our strengths can become our downfall, by Elder Dallin H. Oaks The Mediator, by President Boyd K. Packer None were with Him and The First Great Commandment, by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland The Inconvenient Messiah, by Jeffrey R. Holland while presiding BYU The Character of Christ, by Elder David A. Bednar
  21. I really appreciate this insight. Thanx, Lehi We are told in the scriptures that “[….] this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God; yea, behold the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors” (Alma 34:32). This is the second estate referred by Abraham and is the time to do and learn things. So how do we do and learn? Earthly life is essential in God’s plan for His children because of our physical bodies. As spirits in the pre-mortal existence we advanced in knowledge. Free agency and opposition were present before us and they were extremely important for our eternal progress. Then we needed more advancement. We needed a physical body through which more knowledge would be acquired through experience. When we die, we go to the spirit world, which is here, according to the modern prophets. This is a continuation of our second estate, but the things we could accomplish with the body can’t be done there, for instance, getting married. So do is part of learning. Learning is doing. Knowledge can only be acquired through experience, whether it is by reading, listening, feeling, acting. Let’s remember that the prophet Lehi taught that there are things in the universe to act and things to be acted upon (2 Nephi 2:14). No knowledge is acquired being acted upon, only through acting. Intelligence can't be attained without experience.
  22. Interesting question! Many have said lots of important things and I'd just like to give a word or two on the subject: I'll quote D&C 50:17-22 17 Verily I say unto you, he that is ordained of me and sent forth to preach the word of truth by the Comforter, in the Spirit of truth, doth he preach it by the Spirit of truth or some other way? 18And if it be by some other way it is not of God. 19And again, he that receiveth the word of truth, doth he receive it by the Spirit of truth or some other way? 20 If it be some other way it is not of God. 21 Therefore, why is it that ye cannot understand and know, that he that receiveth the word by the Spirit of truth receiveth it as it is preached by the Spirit of truth? 22 Wherefore, he that preacheth and he that receiveth, understand one another, and both are edified and rejoice together. That's a key point for us to understand the situation you mentioned: HOW DO WE PREACH IT? HOW DO THEY RECEIVE IT? So, if the missionaries taught by the Spirt of truth, that isn't enough, for Nephi said that “for when a man speaketh by the power of the Holy Ghost the power of the Holy Ghost carrieth it unto the hearts of the children of men” (2 Nephi 33:1) “Unto” is different than “Into”. “Into” refers to agancy and level of understanding. Agency is when a person knows by the Spirit that a gospel truth is true and denies it. Level of understanding is when an individual, due mostly to the traditions of the fathers, has barriers in his mind and heart. Besides, The Lord (fortunately) is the One who holds judgment, because He is just and knows the hearts of man. Do what you can to support your father in every good thing and be an example of faith and devotion to him.
  23. Last year I had my car burt in a accident. I had a very hard time going to work and to church with my little kids without a vehicle. When I got my car repaired, I dedicated it to the LORD, in the sense that whenever HE needed it, whether for church affairs or to assist others, it would be ready for service. I'ts been so and I'm pretty sure that the LORD accepted the offering, not because of the object itself, but because of the offerer (me).
  24. Oh, gush, I’m sorry you're being threatened LOL By the way, I love to give talks! I’d like to quote Professor Andrew C. Skinner, from Neal A. Maxuell Institute, who said the following about reward and punishment in this life: “Righteousness and wickedness are not and cannot be immediately and constantly rewarded or punished. Such constant interference in the lives of men and women would [frustrate] the plan of salvation and the purposes for which earthly life was design: to allow individuals to exercise patience, to walk by faith and to be tested” (The Nature and Character of God. BYU Campus Education Week, April 11 2006).