Lost Boy

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Everything posted by Lost Boy

  1. Do you believe the universe was created in 6 days?
  2. Honestly, I don't believe that they lived that long back then. But the fact remains that the ark was not nearly big enough to house 2+from every species, nor was the crew size adequate to care for that number of people, nor would there have been room for enough food and water.. So why build a boat that wasn't sufficient in size and not have enough people to man it?
  3. So Abraham is supposed to wait till he is ancient before he gets a kid? Same thing. Made the Israelites wander the wilderness for 40 years.
  4. Why make Abraham wait till he is an old man before giving him a son? To prove his faithfulness.
  5. I could post a bunch of pictures. But lets don't. If you want to see, google beach speedo. You'll get plenty, I'm sure.
  6. I have always that that immodest implies some sort of sexual attraction. I am thinking that these boys aren't attracting any young ladies. Very poor taste is what it is.
  7. Let's hear your top five countries that you have visited (or want to visit) If you have never gone anywhere and don't plan to, you can just respond that you are a sad sack or something like that. Here are my 5 Italy - great food, cool stuff to see everywhere, castles, Vatican, ancient Rome, etc Japan - great food, cool stuff to see everywhere, castles, shrines temples, lush vegetation. UK - Castles, great country side, lots of history, speak English... sorta Germany - Again castle, good food, more castles, beautiful country side. Spain - Reminds me a lot of Montana at least the drive from Barcelona to Madrid. Laid back, lots to see. However, couldn't find a coin laundry for the life of me.
  8. I liked AD&D, but haven't played it in 30 years.... Dang, I can't believe it has been so long. Maybe some day I will get into it again, but for now, got way too many other things going on.
  9. I can agree with you on the down playing of the role of mother and father. As for divorce.... I think it is on a per case basis. If there is abuse, especially repeat offenses, I am all for divorce. As for infidelity.. that is a harder issue. My wife didn't physically cheat on me, but she certainly did emotionally. I have decided to stay with her. If she had physically cheated, that would be a harder decision, but I could probably give her one chance.
  10. Absolutely I think it is a sin. I also think drinking alcohol is a sin, but I am not in favor of prohibition. Prohibiting gay marriage does not stop homosexuals from sinning. Them getting married is not really condoning sin as they are going to have sex regardless. How does it hurt society? I certainly don't condone same sex temple marriage.
  11. No, it specifically says the 8 people being saved by water, not the earth. They were saved from the evils of the Earth.
  12. In support of allowing gay marriage does not mean one is for it. One can be in support of allowing people to smoke weed, but still be opposed to smoking weed. It is basically leaving the decision up to the individual and not dictating what one can or cannot do. I tend to have mixed feelings about it. but pandoras box is open. It isn't going to be closed.
  13. That is still an estimate. Now assume it is about 450 ft long. That is a big ship, but certainly not large enough to handle multiples of all animals. The largest livestock ship in the world can handle 20k head of cattle. The ark was much smaller.. basically hold 8600 head of cattle. A ship would only hold enough food for 5-6 weeks. The ark would have needed to hold enough for nearly a year. There there is the issue of sanitation, clean water, fresh air, etc. You might be able to deal with about 1000 animals on an ark. Remember, most big animals had 7 pair, not 1. You ever try and shovel crap for that number of animals? Good luck. That is one take on the flood, but it is certainly not clear. It says floods. Not one flood. You are reading into it what you want, but don't want me to deviate from what other scriptures propose..... hmmm. And no you don't have to toss the entire scriptures to believe not all men came from Noah. What do you think about the bible telling slaves to obey their masters?
  14. Sorry, but a cubit is not set in stone. Pulling something off of wikipedia does not make it so. In verse 50, it refers to "the floods" hmmm what does that mean? Could it mean that there were multiple floods and not just one big massive one? Don't have a response for 45. But still don't think all people descended from Noah. Perhaps grafted in such as gentiles joining the house of Abraham.. You pulled a switch a roo here. you at first mentioned the complete immersion. and now you have changed it. Either way this verse likens the saving of these 8 souls by water to that of being saved by baptism. Doesn't say the Earth needs baptism.
  15. You'll have to figure that out yourself
  16. Kindness and patience. Be very slow to anger. It works. Sometimes women just need to vent. You can tell him that and tell him you are there for him..... 😉 Focus on those thing you guys enjoy doing together. Listen to his concerns, but not necessarily try to fix them. No point in arguing about politics. You can tell him you have different take on things, but keep the conversation cool. A heated argument never changes a mind. Try to be understanding. But it is fine to say that you can't support certain things as well. You may still end up growing apart. friendships require input from both parties. The easier you make it for him to give input into the relationship, the more likely it will succeed.
  17. Taking care of those around us.. protecting them from the flood of evil...
  18. I don't think that is it at all. We as men are programmed to find certain things appealing about women. Women find different things appealing about men. Men are more likely to act on physical attraction than women are. Modesty is an attempt to make the female form less attractive so us knuckle heads can think with our heads on our shoulder and not with other body parts. And it is an attempt to help women feel more comfortable around men know that the man can make non-lustful decisions. Women tend more to look for a guy that is dependable, brave, at least fairly fit... clothing has little to do with this. Men on the other hand look for a woman fit to bare children and we instinctively do this based on form. If we don't see the form, we are more likely to put consideration on other more worthy attributes.
  19. I believe parts not to be literal. Why build such a vastly large ship if you are just saving the animals in your neighborhood? Wouldn't it be easier for Got to just have Noah migrate them? First we really don't know how big the ark was. Two, I think gathering the animals was a form of symbolism and that is why I think God had him do it. Similarly to Abraham sacrificing his son. Symbolic... What about God's promise that he would never flood the whole earth again? Mistranslation perhaps.... What about all the races of men descending from Noah? Unlikely, the scripture is vague. It could mean that the decedents of Noah spread across the Earth. Why is the flooding of the earth in scripture likened to baptism by complete immersion? Where is this stated in scripture.
  20. Your statement above is unclear to me what you are asking. But to put it in no uncertain terms... I don't believe the flood covered the entire Earth. I think it covered the part that Noah could see. Do I believe that the bible got things wrong? Yes. I don't believe the 6 day creation story either. I believe through God's power the Earth was created, but in six days? no. And if you dislike talking with me because I believe this way, that is on you, not me.
  21. I didn't answer his questions because I don't think it happened. At least not a global flood anyway. His questions would be to me akin to saying "So we know that 2+4 is 5 so what is 8+14?" If I don't believe the story, how can I reasonably answer the questions?
  22. This year will be my 25 anniversary. Earlier this year I wondered if it would happen. I found out that my wife had an online relationship with a guy from work over the course of 1.5 years. Around a total of 15,000 messages between them. I download and read everyone. It was the hardest thing I ever did. The didn't have any naughty talk, but you could tell she had a strong fondness for him and him for her. It completely wrecked my heart. Couldn't hardly eat, sleep or work for the better part of two months. I bet you know exactly what I went through. In my case they broke off the relationship over a year ago. I still felt completely betrayed. On top of it all, she still thinks the guy is her Twin Flame. It has been difficult but I have been able to forgive her and really start repairing our relationship. The reality of the situation was that both of us had become lax in our relationship with each other. I felt like she was neglecting me and she felt like I was neglecting her. And in fact we had been mutually neglecting each other. We slept in the same bed, but did very little together. My prayers on what to do came back letting me know that I need to love her and forgive her. I have worked very hard this year to transform myself into the person I would want to have as a husband, if I were a woman.... It has meant forgiving her many times, but things are turning around. We talk far more than we have in years. We do things together. It is like we are courting again. There is still this knowledge of her and him and the relationship that they had, but I am moving beyond that. I focus on how I can love her, even when she wasn't loving me in return. I knew when I started trying that she would not immediately react in a positive way. It has now been four months since finding out. During the first two months I got basically nothing from her. She didn't think I was sincere and wanted to see how long my efforts lasted. I told myself that I could go maybe a year without getting love in return. I honestly don't think I would hold out a year and luckily after a couple of months she started to come around. Things are still a little awkward, but going in the right direction. The question is.... do you want her back? Is she willing to take you back. My guess is that you and her probably weren't too far from my wife's and my situation... The love flame was probably burning pretty low. Women don't pursue other men, if they are madly in love with their spouse.. If she is willing to try and you are willing to forgive, getting back together is probably the best way to go. If you want to go that path, it won't be easy. It hasn't been for me. But I truly believe it is worth the effort. I love my wife, but I certainly didn't act like I did.... which means I didn't love her enough. I let other things come first. Why? because it was easier at times. Women can be as frustrating as can be.. (of course I am never frustrating ;-)) Anyway, if you would like to know some of the things I have done to patch things up, let me know. Perhaps you feel like you are just done and want to move on. I can certainly see that as well. I feel for ya.
  23. First... If I believed Noah, I would change my ways and not move away. Next... Did Noah save any fish? I don't think so. Fresh water fish die in salt water. And salt water fish die in fresh water. There are very few that can exist in both. So if Noah didn't have to save fish, why in the heck did he have to save any animals in the first place? How about the millions of different insects, worms, etc? Did he save them? There were mountains before the flood. It rained so much that it covered the mountains. Where did the water come from? Where did it go? If God just "poofed" the water into existence, why make it rain at all? There is no indication in the bible that God changed the lay of the land during the flood. What the tens of thousands of animals eat for the 1+ years they would have been on the ark? What did they eat after they got off the ark? How did 8 people care for tens of thousands of animals? It might have been a big boat, but it was not big enough to store a years worth of food for the worlds animals. and where would Noah have gotten all of the diverse foods the animals eat? Ant eaters, pandas, tigers, etc... You can postulate that God changed the animals so they could eat a uniform food, or that they didn't have to eat, etc... but if he changed the animals, why not just give them gills and let them swim for a year? Why kill all of the animals in the first place?
  24. It isn't about believing in God or science. It is about believing the account in the Bible. Do I believe God has the power? Yes. Do I believe he flooded the entire planet? No. There are far too many holes in the the story.