Emmanuel Goldstein

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Everything posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

  1. Sarcasm aside, you will notice I said, "Remote Broadcast?" They did the same thing in April 1980 from New York. It would broadcast to the Conference Center, probably Sunday AM, if it is done at all.
  2. I am hoping for a remote broadcast from the Sacred Grove. That would feel so appropriate.
  3. For those who do not believe there are Secret Combinations in the Deep State of the United States Government.
  4. Can I just say the most annoying thing about the new films are the depiction of Nephi as a 24 year old football player sized man. Also, why must Rick Macy play. . .Every. . .Single. . .Father. . . in church films? He is not that good and there are many good actors that could play this role better than he does.
  5. I would guess that he was about 50 and his wife was about 40. Based on the fact that marriages were arranged back then and she would have been around 15 or 16 when she was married and he was probably in his early to mid 20's. I would love to see a drama about Jerusalem at this time. Perhaps a film about Jeremiah that includes, eventually the story of Lehi. Kind of a bridge between the two stories. I like the idea of Lehi having servants that protect his caravan's. I could see Laman and Lemual being irritated when their father asks them to leave their comfort, wealth and these servants, in order to travel into the desert alone.
  6. I only traveled one day into the future yesterday. Now it is Tuesday for me.
  7. Fake news does not change the fact that I am currently one day in the future.
  8. Farewell to all of you in the past.
  9. You mean that he would have committed suicide and then dragged himself across the street to the park?
  10. I think I will try humor tonight when we read. If my son reads sarcastically again I will do the same. And when he looks over in surprise I will say, "What? I thought that was how we are reading now?"
  11. I need some advice. I have a daughter that is grown and married that has left church activity. I have a second daughter who goes to church still but seems ambivalent to it. She has done a few semesters of college, but now she just seems to want to play her instead of finding a job. I have told her that my patience is beginning to run pretty thin and she needs to get a job. I have two sons who are always fighting and seem to hate each other. They both are active but they seem pretty resentful towards my wife and I. We have tried to have scripture study as often as we can, but the boys tend to be really sarcastic readers and it causes quite a lot of contention during scripture time and makes us feel like not doing it. I am kind of at the end of my rope with the whole situation. How do I repair the breach?
  12. The film should have ended with Rey, coming back to the scene in Episode 7 where she just places the lighsaber back in the box and have her run off into the forest. The end. Yes, the rest of it after Maz's castle is a vision and she runs away.
  13. That is true. They should consider an animated series of films about the legends material. An Heir to the empire series would be awesome.
  14. first, I did not say it was not canon, they will not risk another Rise of Skywalker fiasco with the fans by screwing up a Revan film. Here is a link to the rumors of a High Republic film: https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/a30417025/next-star-wars-trilogy-after-the-rise-of-skywalker/ They might just be rumors, but we should here the truth soon.
  15. They will not be making a KOTOR film. They will have it during the High Republic about 500 years before these films. Also, all the dreams of a Darth Revan are just that, dreams. They will do new stuff and just steal plot lines, unofficially, from the old canon.
  16. My response to your items: 1. Yes, I looked at my watch and sighed because there was still an hour to go. 2. Indeed, the force slip of an items was actually kind of cool. And the Solo shrug right after it happened, delightful. 3. Agreed. 4. Made me laugh like Han Solo in Episode 4. 5. The acting was stiff and lazy, they all phoned it in, except Adam, he was fantastic. 6. The whole reason they were wearing a helmet is because the actor can barely walk without a cane. 7. All the crew of the destroyer had to do was roll the ship about 60 degrees to starboard. 8. indeed. She and the other new girl were there to un-gay the two men. One other item, a certain character was obviously feeling the force and they went no where with it. dumb.
  17. I am not really planning to ever watch any of these new three films again. I do like the Rogue one film and I like a little of the Solo film. I do like the TV shows except Resistance, dumb show.
  18. It appears that the next group of movies will be during the High Republic about half a Millenia before Yavin.
  19. A friend of mine and I are watching for evidence of Maz's hand in the series. We found a statue of her in the Skywalker home in Episode 1.
  20. So, it is Obama administration fault that all of this has happened? I don't think I will go down that road. lol