Emmanuel Goldstein

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Everything posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

  1. https://www.thechurchnews.com/members/2019-08-12/mormon-history-association-president-vietnam-mexico-155687
  2. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/this-smells-very-fishy-skepticism-ensues-after-shocking-epstein-suicide-death Heleman 6:17 For behold, the Lord had blessed them so long with the riches of the world that they had not been stirred up to anger, to wars, nor to bloodshed; therefore they began to set their hearts upon their riches; yea, they began to seek to get gain that they might be lifted up one above another; therefore they began to commit secret murders, and to rob and to plunder, that they might get gain.
  3. Media mind-set: "Only scary looking guns are used in mass shootings." I want a protection gun, not a murder gun. LOL
  4. Yes, these miraculous stories do happen, all the time. My mother, brother and I have all had experiences like Paul and others. People just don’t publish them for the world to make fun of because they are sacred.
  5. Yeah, I especially like how the Spirit is brought in by the possible possession at the 15:42 mark. Disturbing beyond belief. 8-0
  6. Yes, it was to protect us from that. Having an actual cult leader as our President could be very problematic.
  7. She reminds me a lot of Elizabeth Clare Prophet from the Church Universal and Triumphant from the 1980s. As someone from Montana I find her very disturbing. I get nervous whenever someone begins teaching their religion from the Congressional pulpit. There is one of the reasons Jefferson thought there should be a wall of separation.
  8. Yes, that is what we are always telling them, but they often feel isolated even when they have a loving family.
  9. Perhaps, but when you read her book it becomes objectionable because she is basically acting like a cult leader with the people who follow her. It is concerning.
  10. We are actually considering online school instead of public. The teachers and staff are good, but overloaded and it is like Lord of the Flies otherwise.
  11. That is very true and very sad. My two sons really struggle.
  12. Imagine the work that will need to be done from about 1000 AD and back when we finally have access to the spirits telling us their information during the Millennium. It is kind of exciting.
  13. https://mashable.com/article/stop-and-shop-marty-robots/
  14. The Hebrews did not have the temple covenants. They lost out on that when Moses smashed the tablets after he came down from Mount Horeb. We do know that the eternal marriage covenants were in effect at the time of Abraham, but not on the scale they are today. Also, we do not know enough about the civilizations before the flood, but Adam and Ever were definitely sealed together in Eden.
  15. All of these things would not necessarily prevent China from trying something. Also, they have become alarmingly chummy with Russia lately. Do you think we would do anything other than bluster if China takes Taiwan and Japan while Russia takes Ukraine and Poland at the same time? Throw in the problems we are having with Turkey and you have a World War that does not involve attacking the United States Directly. We also have issues springing up with Venezuela, Mexico and Cuba in recent years as well. It is all very complicated, especially if they all move at the same time. Are we willing to risk a nuclear war over countries that are not us? We may have a lot of problems to deal with very soon.
  16. It appears the Chinese Military is about to invade Hong Kong. Sadly, the world will do nothing but watch and wring their hands. https://www.news.com.au/world/asia/chinese-forces-gathering-at-hong-kong-border-white-house-officials-monitoring-escalation/news-story/82621253f4c093c69834e041713ab34d
  17. I suppose so, although yellow snow is not as dangerous as Progressives.
  18. Is that for the discussions or the mexican food?
  19. I completely agree with your point. I didn't think you were saying it was good. Sadly, some would see it that way though. I have a daughter that is on the other side of the issue from me and it breaks my heart.