Emmanuel Goldstein

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Everything posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

  1. sport worshipers like to try and predict the outcomes of games using match up brackets.
  2. "Brethren, your first and foremost duty as a bearer of the priesthood is to love and care for your wife. Become one with her, be her partner, make it easy for her to want to be yours. No other interest in life should take priority over building an Eternal relationship with her. Nothing on TV, a mobile device or a computer is more important than her well being. Take an inventory or how you spend your time and where you devote your energy. That will tell you where your heart is. Pray to have your heart attuned to your wife's heart. Seek to bring her joy, seek her counsel and listen. Her input will improve your output. If you have a need to repent because of the way you have treated the women closest to you, begin now. And remember that it is your responsibility to help the women in your life receive the blessings that derive from living the Lord's law of chastity. Never be the reason that a woman is unable to receive her Temple blessings. Brethren we all need to repent, we need to get up off the couch, put down the remote and wake up from our spiritual slumber. Its time to put on the full armor of God so we can engage in the most important work on Earth." -President Russell M. Nelson Brethren, stop with the stupid brackets.
  3. Or he just understood the problems he would create if he intervened.
  4. I dragged back and you might be right. Maybe it just bothered me.
  5. Also, how do we know his memory was erased in the third?
  6. Did anyone notice that President Oaks seemed irritated when he finished the story of the dog killing the squirrel. Also, does it ever bother anyone here when members do this when the story shared was not meant to cause laughter?
  7. I would say both are negatives though.
  8. Sure, sorry about that. https://www.mormonnewsroom.org/article/church-leaders-provide-instruction-leadership-sessions-april-2019
  9. Any addiction is a bad thing. Relying on a chemical to be able to wake up seems like a weakness. Even if this were true, I am never going to drink that poison thank you very much. Now, hand me the chocolate.
  10. Mine so far is the council of Elder Soares' on how we should fill our hearts with compassion, run to our children and fall on their neck and kiss them like the father of the prodigal son did.
  11. You said, "So, you believe we're sealed to our evolutionary predecessors? BLASPHEMY!!!" That is a belief, not a statement. Therefore, Heresy. Blasphemy requires speech.
  12. This is from the Leadership Session the other day: "Members of the First Presidency offered remarks at the end of the Thursday morning instruction. “I am highly gratified with the teaching that has taken place,” said President Russell M. Nelson. “If you folks are not being persecuted on a daily basis, you are not doing your job very well. Fortify our people. The adversary is an incorrigible insomniac. He never sleeps.” The prophet told leaders that it was important for Latter-day Saints “to become stronger in a spiritually darkened world.” He taught that the “Book of Mormon comes to our rescue” (see Moroni 7:14–19). “Our members are standing like a rock in a moving river,” explained President Nelson."
  13. This one almost happens weekly with one of our greeters. I always dodge his handshake and he looks so offended. It is hilarious. It helps to be carrying a laptop and a child at the same time. bwuhuhahahaha!!! https://babylonbee.com/news/church-greeter-sprints-foyer-tackle-man-dodged-handshake
  14. Yes, blasphemy is an act and heresy is just a belief. her·e·sy /ˈherəsē/ noun belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious (especially Christian) doctrine.
  15. wouldn't that technically be heresy?
  16. And the Criminal News Network continues their twisting of the truth. Are you surprised that it is so often called "Fake News?"