Emmanuel Goldstein

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Everything posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

  1. we have been told that there will be a sifting in the church. Heber C. Kimball warned: Perhaps the test is not what we expected. We will now see what true Latter-day Saints will do regarding this topic.
  2. And Goldilocks Latter-day Saints will think it is just right.
  3. I have heard that argument before, so there are some people suggesting it.
  4. With the number of kids that attend Seminary in Utah and Idaho, release time is really the only option. Also, why should all the kids be forced to take early morning Cemetery? That would just lead to kids not doing it at all.
  5. The nice thing is that he can continue reading where he leaves off in May and keep studying in Sunday School. This is a fantastic change but it will be a small transition to this new system. Also, I am excited to read the same book of scripture with my son's as they move up through High School.
  6. The Tauntaun is not docile enough to use in Alaska, also, it is not cold enough there for the beasts to survive in Alaska. Sheesh, you think he would know this. Also, without a good supply of Wampa, the Tauntaun population would get completely out of control and decimate the environment there. Mike Lee should know these things if he indeed watched the documentary from 1980.
  7. No, just implied or sarcastic trolling. Not sure it is much better.
  8. Hopefully. It is not the job of the Government to force you to buy something. This is like if the feds forced every American to buy a cell phone and allow them to track it without sneaking the tracker in, like they do now.
  9. A new monitor is not very expensive: https://www.amazon.com/AOC-e970swn-18-5-Inch-LED-Lit-Resolution/dp/B00GI2UR6Q/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=lcd+computer+monitor&qid=1553699991&refinements=p_85%3A2470955011%2Cp_n_size_browse-bin%3A2633094011&rnid=2633086011&rps=1&s=pc&sr=8-1
  10. And this is why we have a constitution, with a bill of rights.
  11. I agree, there is a mocking tone in the way he describes a sacred moment described by sister Nelson. CNN is not a good place to go if you are looking for friends of the church. Even the title is inaccurate. I did not like how irritated this article made me feel, because the spirit was not in it. He makes a mockery of the Prophet and our beliefs.
  12. I am THE wet blanket of mankind. lol
  13. Oh yeah, Canada and Mexico both control everything. lol
  14. Wait, what happened to some birds?
  15. For the next time someone says we should eliminate the electoral college:
  16. Number 3 is the most important one. We should all learn from the boy. I like that they had a deacon come down and reapply the ash. Thumbs up to the teacher and district on that one.
  17. My LOL is about the irony of the different situations. You probably should take some breaths because you appear to be getting really worked up. This is not an attack on the constitutional rights of the kid. SHE DID NOT KNOW WHAT THE ASH WAS FOR. Cheers.
  18. To be clear, I am a Latter-day Saint. I consider the term Mormon as degrading. Breath, breath. It is not an attack on Constitution.
  19. To be clear, I am a Latter-day Saint. I consider the term Mormon as degrading.
  20. I am not a Mormon. Thank you very much.
  21. I find this whole thing kind of funny in a way. In some communities they have issues with students bringing weapons to school. In Bountiful they have issues with teachers making sure kids faces are clean. LOL
  22. Not sure that is a very good analogy. Maybe if she had slapped the kid, but she didn't, she gave him a wet wipe. This whole thing is an overblown nothing.
  23. It says a lot about the integrity of the teacher that when the boy explained what it had been that she asked if there was some way to reapply it. That alone is apology enough. The school even had an ordained deacon come down and do just that. So that should have been the end of it. Having her placed on leave was totally unnecessary.