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Posts posted by Tyme

  1. 12 minutes ago, Just_A_Guy said:

    In the absence of further evidence, the Russian collusion thing seems likely to turn out to be a nothingburger.  Evan McMullin has steered himself into irrelevance by insisting on dwelling in that quagmire, and other Trump challengers would be wise to learn from that example.  


    I admit it is nowhere near as bad as liberal media makes it out to be. That doesn’t mean it’s necessarily a nothingburger. After all the FBI did open an investigation. They don’t just do that on a whim.

  2. I think the only way romney stands a chance is if he starts differentiating himself from Trump right away. He would have to start hammering Trump on Russia collusion. Romney would need to be the anti- trump. The problem is he had to go to Trump’s side in order to win in Utah. A complete 360 will look bad. That’s his only hope though.

    The only other option is Flake. I just don’t think Flake has as good of a chance as Romney. Senator Romney has name recognition and I’m sure he could raise a ton of money again. The Republicans really need to look themselves in the mirror. They’ll realize if Trump is their candidate in 2020 they’ll lose. Romney could use that as a rallying cry to get more support.

    i think he stands a chance if he plays his cards right.

  3. 25 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

    Not all Mormons are honest politicians.  Reid, is one of the corrupt ones.  Romney, Flake... their actions the past 3 years has shown their true colors.  Orin Hatch was an establishment guy much like Romney.  The past 3 years has shown him to be an upstanding character even as he opposed Trump.

    Trump does not attack churches unless the church attacks him.  I doubt President Nelson would attack Trump.

    I am upset that Utah chose Romney for Senate.  Romney has some skeletons in his closet with the intelligence agencies (I suspect it has something to do with McCain and spygate) that he wants buried.  He tried to puppy-dog his way into the State Department.  That failed.  So now he's trying it in the Senate.

    Saying there is an honest politician is an oxymoron. Trump definitely isn’t honest. The question is are the Mormon politicians better than the alternatives. Just the fact that they share our faith I say yes. It would also elevate the church into the spotlight again.

    What did Harry Reid do that is so bad besides being a Democrat?

  4. He’s running for President. What do you guys think about him? He was actually in the same unit as me — 20th engineer brigade 37 eng battalion combat Airborne. The guy seems as sincere as they come. When he was running for state senate some guy beat him with a pipe. He blames it on establishment dems.

  5. I’m in a pit of despair. I lasted a whopping twenty hours without cigs. The blessings are too great not to quit. I have a pretty good understanding of the blessings. That really begs the question why I can’t quit. I hope one day I can quit so I can get baptized.

  6. 1 hour ago, Still_Small_Voice said:

    Taxation of earnings from labor is on a par with forced labor.  Some persons find this claim obviously true:  taking the earnings of so many hours of labor is like taking hours from one person; and forcing the other person to work hours for another’s purpose.

    Why should we take agency from others in forced taxation and make them pay for others health care costs?  I find it ironic that so many other people wish to be generous with other peoples' goods and wealth and give little or nothing of their own substance to others in need. 

    We know the plan of salvation was to allow the freedom to choose while someone else wanted to take agency away and force us to do his will.  This is how I look at forced charity through taxation.

    Edit:  There is something else I wish to add.  When you take goods or money from another through force and give it to another you rob that person of the blessing of giving and rob the receiver of gratitude of a gift that was freely given.

    Are you a libertarian?

  7. 1 hour ago, estradling75 said:

    These arguments always come back to a bait and switch...  They flow like this... Pick a topic most people will agree with (Say like helping the Poor and Needy)... then once you know everyone agrees then you pick a method (in this case Universal Healthcare) as an answer to that topic.  Then when any one disagrees or points out problem with the method ignore the points made and instead attack them for be an heartless monster who does not care about the topic.

    Such a bait and switch is fundamentally dishonest and I see no reason to engage such people


  8. 37 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

    Good luck my friend. The hardest thing for me when I quit smoking was viewing myself as a non smoker. I had smoked cigarettes from age 16-24, and I quit right around that time. I didn't know how to act without smoking a cigarette, going out for a smoke break, smoking while driving, etc It's been over a decade since I've smoked regularly, and life as a non-smoker is so much better than life as a smoker. 

    I chew gum almost 24/7. Basically when I'm not eating or drinking, I'm chewing gum. That might help you. 

    I’m going to be so happy when I quit. The problem is that cigs control you. They’re also gross and embarrassing.

  9. 24 minutes ago, MrShorty said:

    The charitable, "wants to eliminate human suffering" part of me votes yay. The part of me that is suspicious of government and bureaucracies (even the for profit bureaucracies), doesn't know who to put in charge of delivering universal healthcare. Government? non-profits? for profits? I would venture to guess that most of us want everyone to have affordable access to healthcare. I think most of the disagreement is around which bureaucracy to put in charge of delivering health care to all.

    That makes sense.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

    Then by all means, enlighten me.  I think you just made up the word or a recent professor just decided to make up the word in order to explain another pet theory by another SJW professor with no basis in facts.

    But I'm all ears.  Teach me great economist, sir.

    EDIT: Ok, I just read your response to Zil.  Like I said.

    What I thought you meant was "Transmutation in Economics" which completely didn't fit in the context.  So, I was hoping you would correct yourself.  But no.  You don't really know much about economics and aren't willing to admit it. OK.

    That’s a clown question, bro! - Bryce Harper

  11. 3 minutes ago, zil said:

    You won't even find it in an encyclopedia, nor a dictionary.  Logic dictates you either meant transmutation or transformation.  Or maybe something involving Kafka and the pharaohs of Egypt from the 18th dynasty... :mellow:

    Just trying to add some levity to the forums. I thought it was getting a little too heated.


  12. 10 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

    Explain correct, fact based explanations for two things and I'll go along with you on the idea that everyone has the God-given right to free healthcare no matter the cost.

    1) How do you avoid slavery?  i.e. how do you keep from making doctors and other healthcare workers to work for wages that they were unable to negotiate of their own will?
    2) How do you avoid the basis of government run healthcare from being anything other than: I have a right to make YOU pay for my wants and needs? IOW, the stuff that you have actually belongs to me if I need/want it badly enough.


    As soon as you get back to me on my trans economic question I’ll get back to you.

  13. Just now, Vort said:

    There is no such thing. Those who claim there is are either deluded or lying.

    I gues you’re right there is no such thing now. In the future there will be. If you want to explain how universal healthcare wouldn’t cover everybody I’d be willing to read it.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

    I didn't say the medical industry pays for it.  Do you not understand the nature of circulation of funds, supply and demand, and basic economics?


    Chill out homie. My argument is that all people deserve healthcare. That Medicaid expansion does not raise the price of insurance.

  15. 1 minute ago, Carborendum said:

    Yes, it does.  Medicaid is a source of income for the medical industry.  When that money is freely given, the price for the medical industry goes up across the board.  When those prices go up, insurance for paying for those services goes up.

    I believe the government pays for it not the medical industry. They just sell their services at a fairer price to Medicaid.

    We really need universal healthcare to bring down the outrageous prices of medical.

    aorry for jacking your thread Mormongator

  16. 9 minutes ago, zil said:

    Would you think it a disaster if a corresponding number of formerly middle-income people can no longer afford healthcare (or have now become low-income people) because costs skyrocketed to ridiculous amounts at the mere mention of "Obamacare"?  Because that is what happened - for every online person claiming they can suddenly afford healthcare, I can find an in-person human standing face-to-face with me who will tell you that their healthcare expenses are to up 5 times or more compared to before "Obamacare" became a word - and I'm one of them.  I have never encountered an in-person person who says their healthcare costs have decreased or that healthcare is now more affordable - I only ever see / hear of those people online.

    What does that have to do with Medicaid expansion? The truth is Medicaid expansion doesn’t cause higher insurance prices.