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Everything posted by tiancum

  1. mine rocks...jack handey is da BOMB
  2. I would never demonize those who partake of it. If I communicated that, i apologize. If i stated anything that was untrue, please, correct me. Honestly though, you will be hard pressed to find a proof that it has improved the quality of life of those who indulge in it. What do the prophets have to say about it? They speak out...demonize it, if you will too. OaksNice try tho
  3. Does adding alcohol to your life made it's quality better? Can anyone show me one case where consuming alcohol saved a life, kept someone from abusing their spouse, saved a liver ...etc? Sorry to tell ya, but Alcohol destroys. it is, by definition, a toxin....that is why ya become inTOXICated. I have seen many lives destroyed by it. Some close to me. I have seen good mothers sacrifice their child, lose their livers, and their marriages. It is not healthy to ingest, not even sparingly. A few doctors said that a glass of wine at dinner is healthy, sorry that is crap, water is healthier. There are more that say it is not healthy.
  4. Yea, I am ready...Whether I go to heaven or Hell, I am ready. Stick a fork in me, I am done... ; )
  5. I totally agree.I KNOW that most religions teach many "right" things. To believe otherwise is foolish. being LDS, it has always bugged me that we think we have cornered the market on "right". Or on truth. The pharisees were the "right" religion...and very self righteous about it. If we cared less about being right, and more about doing God's will, and learning more of what God wants to teach us but can't, because we think we know everything already, then maybe there would be much more growth. We do not know all the truth. NO ONE. Just go to gospel doctrine, or Elders quorum. WE are so mixed up, confused and petty that it's a miracle the church hasn't fallen. We are given as much truth as we can handle. It beleive it is the same with "good" people in all religions. That being said. ....I know that Christ did restore the church on the earth, and called his prophets. The first "official prophet in this time was Joseph. Me knowing that doesn't make me any better, smarter wiser than a non member. All it makes me is accountable for what I know. PC said it well, we are on the same side. I just see us as in different sections of the front lines. If we are honest of heart, he will put us where he needs us.
  6. A great many people in the world see things that will transpire before they happen through revelation from God. They do NOT reveal it to the masses because it is not within their stewardship. They understand that the rev. was for them, not their neighbor. If the general population of the church or world needs to know, then it will come through priesthood channels. The reason the Lord lets them see the "hidden things/mysteries" is because He knows they will not set themselves up as a light to the world and desire honors/power for what they see. They will not give what is holy unto the dogs.
  7. I am not sure that Brooke is LDS or not... If she is, she hasn't been to the temple. Unless she takes off her "g's" to 'dress up' for the show. I dunno. ( i don't wanna turn this into whether it's wrong or right to wear your "g's" for American Idol..that's none of my business) I know she doesn't watch R movies, smoke or drink...Could it be possible that other Christian religions promote such things too? Either way, she is my fav. LDS or not.
  8. well, i would call that either the gift of prophecy or the gift of revelation. to me they are pretty hand in hand. Yes whatever you do, don't tell others you know about this gift. It will cause LOTS of problems...Someone close to me has a very strong ability to see into peoples hearts... He accidentally let people know about the gift and he has been attacked mercilessly ever since. Satan does not want us to use our gifts, he does not even want us to have them. He will attack when someone exhibits one, especially publicly. he will use others jealousy, pride/ego to backbite, evil speak, gossip, etc. I would keep your premonitions private for the most part too. just share them with family members and close friends, and no matter how hard people try, do not let them come to you for answers....revelation from God comes when one is under your stewardship.
  9. To address the OP... There is a difference between acting perfect and trying to be perfect. Acting perfect is putting up a facade of perfection, and doing everything in our power to maintain the lie. It is, in essence, pretending to be in a place where we are not. That is why the phrase..."fake it 'till you make it" really bugs me...There is no faking in the gospel of Jesus Christ. (one of the signs that this is happening is that we are critical of others, unforgiving, vengeful, needing to be right) Trying to be perfect, on the other hand is honestly looking inward, and seeing our shortcomings, many times, seeing them comes by revelation. Then being forthright and upfront about our faults. The promise that the Lord gives us is that if we truly come unto Him, he will show us our weakness. It is a sure bet. If we refuse to see them, then we are refusing to make the atonement meaningful in our lives. When we undertake to cover our sins, or to try to be something we are not, we are choosing not to grow. We are choosing NOT to follow Christ. WE are choosing the honors of men, or "looking good". When a person desires to "look good" we are unable to admit that we need to change....and we forget how to repent. I believe that the dividing line between a true follower of Christ and a non-follower is the ability to truly repent. I believe that is the only way to become pure hearted and eventually "see god" in this life. Being obedient must include repentance because that is the most repeated command. The battle I face most often in life is the battle between looking good, and being good. Many times my pride takes over, and I do foolish things.... I love how upfront Joseph was with his weakness. He never tried to hide, and even published some of his reprimands from the lord.
  10. Well, for sure there was Coriantumr. He was cursed to be the LAST Jaredite. As for others...who knows
  11. I have found that with most prophecies, actually in all the language of the Lord, there is more than one meaning...There are always hidden things that take the spirit to understand, and most times, it happens little by little.
  12. I see this thread as a bunch of puppies giving each other advice on how to be grown up dogs. With that, here's mine...LOL Gatsby, none of our faith is perfect in all things. Otherwise we would all walk and talk with Heavenly Father and Christ face to face, as one man speaketh to another. THose who pretend that their faith is sufficient are fooling themselves. Faith, hope and charity always go together, they feed off of each other. I find that when one of the areas lacks in my life, the others do too. (they are always lacking...and the lord, if im humbled enough will show me where i need to improve) usually with the charity thing. You cannot fake these three attributes. They come hard won. After many tests. They come slowly, here a little, there a little. The point is, ask the Lord to guide you and direct you. He will show you how to increase your faith. He is your father, and His greatest desire is that we grow in faith. It is part of his plan. He'll show you.
  13. People that do their own laundry are responsible for ALL the settings. Expecting others to help (turn a knob)where it is not asked beforehand is silly. That person B expects person A to switch it back, and is even lightheartedly arguing is silly. These "lighthearted" things have a way of building into bigger things. The need to be right about a washer knob is silly.
  14. the state of opposition only exists in this place. It is a place of testing. For billions of years there was no opposition in the preex. and there will be absolutely no opposition in the celestial kingdom,.
  15. Is there proof that the Marriott hotel chain participates "on the books" in porn, gambling, alcohol etc? Not that I disbelieve.... If so was it a board decision? or was it a decision that came from the MIQ (mormon in question)
  16. I am actually going through a very hard time right now, and have gotten many. Maybe 3 times this week. each time the spirit comes stronger, each time I am blessed. I hope God isn't mad at me.
  17. The US government was set up by divine inspiration according to Joseph Smith. The constitution was brought forth "'...and anything more or less is not of God" Honestly, I believe the government has it's hand in too many pots.... including education. (So that you know, I am a public school teacher... ) You suggest that education would only be for the rich if the government did not step in. That is simply not true. The degree to which the populous is educated does not directly correlate to Governmental control over it, but the righteousness of the populous. The degree to which people adhere to the will of the father. The Lord will have an educated people, and as long as they are humble, he will guide them on how to do it.
  18. socialism Socialism by definition is extreme. The definition above does not totally gel with the definition you are suggesting
  19. Rize, the only problem is, once a committee decides what is best for the people, the people are compelled to give to the collective. The central idea behind socialism/communism is that the right to give of their own free will is taken from the masses and decided by a few, and adherence is mandatory, and is punishable by law. Even in the communist manifesto, (which I have read and did my thesis on) uses words like taken, required, forced, etc. It even calls for the woman to be forced to enter the workplace and the children to be raised by the state. The money used to set up social programs would be taken, not given. It is not the governments money, it is in all reality, all God's, and he gives it to us, even though we will not use it perfectly. Giving it to us empowers us with the choice. Don't get me wrong, giving to the poor and the needy is wonderful. Everyone would receive such blessings from doing it. The choice should lie with the individual though, not a compulsitory governmental system. There was a plan in the preexistence that was the equiv to communism. He promised to get everyone back. he wanted to force all of us to do what was right, but deprive us of choice. He knew that if we were deprived of the chance to choose to do what is right of our own free will, then we would not progress and he would forever rule over us. His goal was to essentially damn us so that he could dominate us. He even said, "give me thine honor, which is they power, ..that not one will be lost. " "...had fallen from heaven; wherefore, he became a devil, having sought that which was evil before God."...and they left and were eternally damned because they chose it...and the heavens wept. Forcing someone to do what is right is Satan's plan, and is evil. Christ proposed that we follow the father's plan, which gave us the most potential for growth. When people make wrong choices, and don't share their substance with those less fortunate, our father does not compel them. He teaches those who will learn, and gives them opportunities to repent. The ability to choose, commit error, or righteousness, is so important to our eternal welfare that he watched his son die. All, so we would come unto him, of our own free will. The law of consecration was not compulsitory There was always a choice. Many chose not to participate. Many did it for a while but opted out. Under this law, there is always a choice, and one cannot be punished by men for not participating.
  20. a similar thing happened in my old ward. my friend;s TR was taken away because she said that if the bishop asked her to do something, calling etc, she would pray about it before she would do it and get confirmation. The bishop accused her of not living the law of consecration and didnt renew her reccomend.
  21. i quoted hugh nibley once. I said, "i like how hugh nibley said that 'we are here to learn to main things, to forgive and repent." I was new to the ward, and i never should have said it. People think I am apostate now because of the gossip that had started. (later i found out from many that my eqp was spreading the rumors. We work together and i found out he didn't like me 'cos of the church rumors) He was telling people that I was a fringe member, and going apostate, was borderline abusive, and that I didn't read the scriptures any more. He counciled me that I should only read books by the apostles, and not quote hugh nibley. I apologized and am more careful now. Honestly, i don't see anything wrong with saying that Jacob is poetic, but maybe i have lots more to learn. The lies he spread did hurt me, I gotta admit. I learned lots though. I am more careful ...the last thing i want is to confuse a new member or weaken someone's testimony by something I have said. Maybe i needed a little trial like that to humble me enough to change.
  22. She described the little girl as having red hair, or got the impression that she had it. Did joseph say that they could only have white hair?
  23. Ok, a new development... She told someone close to me that she saw a little spirit girl around them... hugging them etc. She described them in detail, color of hair etc. The weird/cool thing was someone else in the room saw/felt the same things too. Does this kind of thing happen lots? Is this an anomaly? It sounds legit to me. I really want to beleive there are still things like this is Christ's church. Are there warning signs here that I am not seeing?
  24. I heard once that a sign of true forgiveness is that you turn the debt that the person has accrued with you, over to the Savior. It becomes their debt to Him. They owe us nothing, not even an apology.